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February 18th, 2012

[info]his_boswell in [info]makebelievenet

I can tell the truth again. I actually can this time. The sky is blue! My name is John Watson, I'm 38 years old, I am most definitely not a government created cyborg, just a doctor invalided from Afghanistan, and I've never had a dog or a cat. I have never in my life been happier to say any of these things.


Erm... anyone with a little version of themselves here have any advice as to how to make one stop yelling about having been kidnapped? Right when things were getting back to normal...


How are you doing on the lying front?

[info]the_apiarist in [info]makebelievenet

John. My son is here.

[info]_tinsoldier in [info]makebelievenet

[Mass voice post made accidentally while attempting to phone his sister]

This isn't funny, Harry! I'm going to tell mum and dad that you sold me to kidnappers and they'll be so cross with you!

[info]broadway_berry in [info]makebelievenet

Uhhh this is not my bedroom. How am I supposed to do my daily routines without my own personal bathroom? Where am I? And how did I get here? This can't be happening, I'm supposed to be at home waiting for my NYADA letter to see if I'm a finalist!

[info]ex_edwardtea188 in [info]makebelievenet

I don't know about this place. Mycroft is going to be upset that I wandered off again.

Do they have pirates here?

[info]swordasashield in [info]makebelievenet

Well, I'm going to be honest. I've woken up in stranger places.

[info]sweet_lancelot in [info]makebelievenet

Posted at 8 am in the morning, on Saturday

It's 8 am! And I can type 'it's 8 am'. It's 8 am, my name is Lance Sweets, I'm twenty-four and tomorrow I'll be twenty-five!

This is amazing! I can tell the truth again.

[info]aprisonofmemory in [info]makebelievenet

Filtered from Phillipa

I haven't had a drink for exactly a week.