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November 28th, 2011

[info]bowties_r_cool in [info]makebelievenet

Hello Land of Make Believe!!!

Could you all maybe direct your attention to this little texty thing, and give me your ears? Thank you, and brilliant.

Now before I go on any further, I think it's absolutely brilliant that the heart of the TARDIS has a bed and a room, that's so incredibly cozy. Unfortunately, you see, the TARDIS' exploding heart shouldn't have a bed in it, though I suppose never having been in a heart of a TARDIS before I wouldn't know that, but I in fact do!

Nevermind that though, it seems time's gone all wibbly and there's not much really to understand so I'll just have to ask...

Where. Am. I?

I have a planet to save, and you're making it really hard to do that by putting me in this--what is this? Oh it's a castle. A castle, you've put me in a castle. Well that's... interesting.

Something's off, and I intend to find out why. So you can go ahead and tell me straight to my face, and do this the easy way; or, you can go about hiding behind your little papers and behind your rock walls, and do this the hard way. But no matter which way you choose, I will find out who you are, and why I'm here, because I'm the Doctor. And there's one thing you never, ever put in a prison.


[info]liilybean in [info]makebelievenet

I'm glad the wards are up, I can finally sleep in my own bed (or as close to 'my own bed' as I'm going to get). I've drawn the curtains though...I don't want to see what's outside when I'm trying to sleep.

I can't help but feel a little useless stir-crazy though.

I hear you're running supplies. Do you need assistance?

How are you holding up? I want to see you

[info]smaller_action in [info]makebelievenet

when is the funreal for ariadne?

we have to have won because when grandfather died last yeer father had to sort it all out and its waht you do and she died on thursday and now its monday and she needs one!

[info]scryscryagain in [info]makebelievenet

[Voice Post sounds like the voice is almost whispering and breathless]

a woman and a man of the stars return to the galaxy
a woman and a man of the stars become stardust
a woman and a man of the stars
a woman and a man




a woman of the stars dies
a man of the stars

[info]hybridvamp in [info]makebelievenet

Anybody seen Thrace and Cobb? We were split up on the way back from this evening's run and I haven't heard from them since.

[info]dancingtam in [info]makebelievenet

Flash in the dark.

Lots of pieces. Not going to go down well. Too many pieces, just splatters.