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August 20th, 2011

[info]ms_hedonist in [info]makebelievenet

Posted Saturday morning, I got antsy!

OMG - James, your eye-sight is so bad, my morning was full of bruised shins, sorry! Also, I think I have your body. We should discuss this!

Sirius - I think it's safe to say sex is postponed until further notice.

And who has my body?! It's rather distinct around here and I'm sure the feedback from everyone around you is giving you a killer headache. We should talk.

[info]royalvenant in [info]makebelievenet

I need to know now - who has my body?

Also, whose body am I in, I have some very pressing questions.

[info]redscarves in [info]makebelievenet

This isn't funny. It isn't a drea

Where am I? Well, no. I know where I am. Where's my body?

I'm tall. Well, taller. This is so weird -

[info]dancingtam in [info]makebelievenet

Seems like a dream, but never had a dream like this before. At least not in - years. It's quiet. I don't understand.

Does anyone know where River Tam would currently be found?

[info]sweet_lancelot in [info]makebelievenet

I think I'm in a teenager's body, but I'm not sure whose. I'm sure who ever actually belongs to this body will want to talk.

I'm also curious who has mine - tall, skinny - I trust who ever had it will take care of it.

[info]benjywenjy in [info]makebelievenet

If this is some bad attempt at a prank, Sirius, I swear -

[info]i_heart_nerds in [info]makebelievenet

Uh, guys, I think I have wings!

Why do I have wings? Or, you know, why am I now a dude?!

[info]t_davis in [info]makebelievenet

Someone pulling the strings around here is twisted.

Dark haired female. Likely wearing a black set of pyjama pants and a matching top. There's a chance of cat hair being on it. Who has it?

[info]kurt_style in [info]makebelievenet


I am dreaming. I am not looking in the mirror.

This is not real. There is no place like home. Click your heals together or something.

I look so wrong. I know I sing girl songs, and some have commented on certain outfits, but this is NOTNOTNOTNOT right.


I think I will be hiding today.

[info]devils_son in [info]makebelievenet

Why am I in our other room, and why the HELL do I have BODY PARTS?

I thought he was gone. When I woke up alone, it just brought it all back. Our art things are in this room. His things are here with mine, so I should relax, but I am stuck in this body. Between Zenner, and this place, fucking Hell.

I don't think I am leaving this room yet. Justin is going to hate this.

[info]_hawthorne in [info]makebelievenet

Care to fill me in here. I am not going to flip out. This seems to be going around. I am not bad off. Pretty good looking. Funny joke. I laughed. CHANGE US BACK!

[info]legerdemainist in [info]makebelievenet

What the fuck?

Arthur? Ariadne? Are your totems working?

[info]cervine_ in [info]makebelievenet

Not my wand, not my body and where is my wife?

[info]tictic_boom in [info]makebelievenet

OH MY GOD guys i am so handsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ugh hell yeah i got a hot bod i am so lucky omg i am still blonde yeah yeah yeah!


well i have one of those omg omg omg

[info]ex_themighty647 in [info]makebelievenet

Listen to me this is very, very important. My name is Dr. Donald Blake, I know I do not look myself but I am the resident doctor for several staff members and I need to find whoever is currently inhabiting my body, it is extremely important.

Whoever has this body I apologize for the inconvenience and I promise to take good care of this body for the time being, I am sure this is not permanent, not when the past wild events have not been.

Again, whoever is currently inhabiting my old body: you'll know by the lame right leg, I'm blonde, blue eyes, and I have a cane. I need to see you at once.

[info]onetwothreeofme in [info]makebelievenet


AT LEAST I'M STILL A BOY I have weird hair now though, it's not so fluffy omg

[info]fireinthesoul in [info]makebelievenet

This is so not cool. I don't even know how...

I know Andy's okay and Cas...isn't.

Dean? Jo? I think dinner will have to wait. Kelios? Are you all right?

[info]morethantricksy in [info]makebelievenet

Right, then.

Games like this are only fun when I'm the one doing it.

Winchesters, I'm not ashamed to say I need your help tracking down my body, and finding the peon this one belongs to.

[info]shutthefrakup in [info]makebelievenet

Ah hahahahaha I shouldn't find this so frakking hilarious but this is GREAT!

I'm myself, looks like you all are not!

[info]wasatree in [info]makebelievenet


I'm a boy! I can't be a boy! I've taken an oath against boys!

Agh and somebody halp, this...thing keeps getting stuck in my pants it is SO BIG

[info]prim_andproper in [info]makebelievenet

Voice Post

*All you hear is a high pitched shriek, in a 13-year-old-girl-stuck-in-a-man's-body way*

[info]liilybean in [info]makebelievenet

What in Merlin's ruddy trousers is going on here!? This is not my body!

[info]dreamtoofar in [info]makebelievenet

Whoever's got my body (You'll know if it's you. It's the tall green one.) can you let me know so I can speak to you? Before you accidentally kill yourself and I'm stuck as a teenage boy forever?

[info]niblet in [info]makebelievenet

I guess it could be worse and I could be a guy or something, but....why can't I walk?

And Katie doesn't recognize me!

[info]eldest_potter in [info]makebelievenet

Oi! I can't go to work like this! Not only can I not show up with someone else's face, but this bloke's shoulders are far too wide for my shirts. I knew I was gonna bloody jinx us the other night!

Maybe I can tell my boss I had a mishap with Polyjuice potion.

[info]thesixthson in [info]makebelievenet

This is not funny! I want my bloody body back! This is not right! I can't be a girl! I'm not supposed to have....and....this is not right!

[info]itgirl_serena in [info]makebelievenet

Well this is weird. I mean, I'm still a girl so it's not too weird, but it's someone else's body, so it pretty weird. And I'm short! I haven't been this short since seventh grade. I'm a good five inches shorter then normal. Most of my skirts are touching my knees now instead of above them. It's a good thing I have an assortment of heels to atleast make up the height that way.

So, who has my body then?

[info]hooman_from_erp in [info]makebelievenet

oh frell me

NO DON'T oh man

Dear really really hot lady, please don't hurt me because I did not steal your body. Look, it's all over the network.

Harv needs to shut up.

uh hi, I'm Crichton, and last time this happened to me we had badges with who we really are printed on them so I think we should do that because even with six people, it got confusing and this is a whole frelling castle's worth of people in the wrong bodies.

[info]sonof_ in [info]makebelievenet

As if the last week hadn't been embaressing enough. Now I'm a girl!

Annabeth, Thalia, are you guys still you?

[info]heavenslancer in [info]makebelievenet

asam deean

wehre m i

canta mwvera leg

cabt talkk sam nede sam dena sam

[info]malcolmreynolds in [info]makebelievenet


Zoe? Jayne? River? You all alright?

[info]inpotioveritas in [info]makebelievenet

This is unacceptable.

[info]smaller_action in [info]makebelievenet

weres Eames? he's not in his room

[info]army_doctor in [info]makebelievenet

I'm surprised. I was actually spared from this one.

Donald? Are you going to need me to cover any of your patients or are you alright?

[info]lovely_flower in [info]makebelievenet

I hate this. I look hideous and this body is so big and clumsy.

Whoever has my body better not do anything to mess it up!

[info]stop_skynet in [info]makebelievenet

What the hell?? I'm a GIRL! My ears are different than other girls though, how God, this is a bit awkward. Well, more than a bit. A lot! Can I please have my own parts back Nothing in the world or even my own imagination could have prepared me for this. I don't understand why.. oh. Now there's a nice looking sword. Looks badass. Always wanted one, but Mom always said guns and knives were more practical

[info]little_dixon in [info]makebelievenet

this shit ain't funny no more. I AIN'T NO GIRL AND I DON'T WANT TO BE NO GIRL!

that said, whoever's body this is looks like she thinks real high of herself. just so we're real clear on it, i ain't gonna put no hair crap on and i ain't gonna figure out how to put on no bullshit makeup.

someone fix this. now.