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June 5th, 2011

[info]devils_son in [info]makebelievenet

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Filtered away from Draco )

[info]heroictraitor in [info]makebelievenet

My new schedule with my job is a bit demanding. But I'm enjoying it immensely. I work most nights, but have mornings off, so I like brunch. And I'm working all weekend, too, since that's when people go out to eat in fancy restaurants.

I've got a few hours of this morning, speaking of brunch. Is anyone else free?

[info]lookingfordinah in [info]makebelievenet

I have pills no wthat maek mes ane.

thanky ou, Dr. Tam.

[info]didsomeonesay in [info]makebelievenet

Thirty does not feel any different than twenty-nine. Then again I'm only on the first day of thirty. I miss Astoria.

[info]stolenbybandits in [info]makebelievenet

Filtered away from Frank and Alice Longbottom

Far be it for me to interfere with team rivalry or whatever has caused the abundance of green and silver tapestry, but I have patients in the South wing for whom the tapestries cause triggers to extremely unpleasant memories. I would appreciate them being removed from the third floor of this wing; if this is unacceptable to any of you, then I'm perfectly willing to take it up with the Head of Staff.

[info]malcolmreynolds in [info]makebelievenet

This ain't my ship.

Tah mah duh hwoon dahn, where am I?!

[info]hasaname in [info]makebelievenet

what is this

where is blackbeard

[info]sonof_ in [info]makebelievenet

I finally got a job. I'm gonna be a lifeguard at the public pool in the suburbs right outside the castle. I think I stunned them by how long I could stay under water for. It was pretty cool actually. I never really thought about it before, but I guess it makes sense considering who my father is. I start on Monday.