July 2013



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July 17th, 2012

[info]quickfix in [info]invol_journals


Things to ask Mum for:
  • jaffa cakes
  • linens
  • photos (box from under bed)
  • DVDs
  • candles? check rules.

    I thought I was over being homesick, just from being away at uni.


    So, I'm making a list of things to request from home. I have a feeling my parents will be fairly generous with things like foods, and I know not everyone has someone to ask my mum will feel better if any package she sends weighs more than she does. So any requests that are reasonable to London?

  • [info]lockjaw in [info]invol_journals

    this tl;dr with my apologies to foucault.

    Greetings, fellow "Vols." I am Ted Hackett, of Northern Ireland, possessor of what I believe the institution terms an "enhanced bite," which is to say it's of certain crocodilian properties. I do regret to be meeting all of you under such conditions; I am sure many of you regret having come to meet me at all — which, to forestall your stammers of protest (well-intentioned though they must be), I understand, so I do. Let me explain. You — most of you, that is — do not see yourselves as criminals. You also, most of you, may know that I have severed a person's limb through the exploit of my aforementioned jaw of unusual prowess. (Not unprovoked, I must detail, but perhaps an act of disproportionate retribution, to be sure.) Such a deed could be reasonably be conceived as criminal, you follow. So, we are not the same. You are decent, and thus "normal," and I am a delinquent, and as such plagued by any number of the pathologies of the mind.

    Yet, troublingly, you are not normal, or so it would seem. We are not (if I may insert myself back into this collective unit, as an outlier once more) what any number of institutions of power (government, medicine, military) consider "normal" or even decent; cast beneath the shadow of fear of the unknown and the crimes of our fellow Vols, we've been homogenized under a single definition, bringing all of society's collective anxiety to rest on our shoulders. We, Vols, the unstable, the potential and actual criminals, the diseased. Which is to say, I suppose: welcome to the machine.

    [info]seesthrough in [info]invol_journals

    so apparently the meetings with the big boss-man are mandatory??? i thought it was just a joke! we get to a school in the middle of australia and we turn out like the x-men, right?? but some of them smoke so i thought that was a joke too. damn, good thing i'm not addicted or whatever.

    these guys just don't have a sense of humour.

    anyway. i finally tried out this thing and now i see why everyone's glued to them. they're so tiny but full of surprises! so here is my GOOD MORNING IVI post.

    my name is damien. you may call me damien. i am 22, i am from canada. i play guitar and i am way better at it than people say. my power is x-ray vision. i can see you naked. don't worry, i'm joking. or am i????

    [info]beaconing in [info]invol_journals


    Benjie, Philippines, 18.

    Is anyone actually signing up for this talent show?

    [info]marine in [info]invol_journals

    if we get to leave for the holidays, as advertised, what is the first thing you're going to do when home? i will be guzzling a bottle of bordeaux, smoking a pack, and have already requested my boyfriend tell the airport staff in brussels that my cat is a required seeing-eye cat, so i can hold him to me from the moment i'm out of customs until the moment i have to come back.

    if you have time after dinner, i have lotion.

    is it true you make wine? a rumour was said. let's discuss.

    tonight. we'll dream.

    i think i did something bad, i don't know who else to talk to. you seem suitably full of schadenfreude.

    [info]maskelyne in [info]invol_journals

    Fine. I caved.

    My name is Seth Wasserman. I'm a mole. I have no powers. I've been hired by the United States government to keep an eye on our most valuable weapons of mass destruction. Happy Tuesday.

    [info]strengt in [info]invol_journals

    003: tuesday morning, 7/17.

    [Regarding the earlier scuffle.]

    I don't suppose they're going to make me limp through my physical exam today, are they? Though given their track record, I probably shouldn't put it past our hosts.

    [info]mimicries in [info]invol_journals

    I hate to ask, but does anyone have a capo I can borrow? For a guitar.

    [...] Yeah, I guess that's it.

    [info]convoquer in [info]invol_journals

    locked to richard ducharme;

    [Locked to Richard Ducharme]

    I had to do PUSH UPS!!

    I need comforting. Get me ice cream??

    [info]mitzi in [info]invol_journals


    Hat jeder sich gut eingelebt?

    [info]readyornot in [info]invol_journals

    4// Tuesday morning, before breakfast

    Not too crazy about those placement tests, but at least today it's just medical and fitness. Easy stuff.

    In case anyone missed it, we now have enough donors to get two very nice rice cookers! Contact me about transferring funds and I'll order them as soon as possible! And if you're worried about me taking your money for myself, I really not stupid enough to piss off a bunch of people with superpowers who know where I live.

    Is anyone sure this rumor about being allowed to leave for Christmas true? And if it is, is it only for people who have family to go visit? Do you think people who leave will be watched while on holiday? What if they decide not to come back?

    [info]moquist in [info]invol_journals

    Right after Eun Joo's baby hulk moment

    HOLY SHIT, WHAT WAS THAT? Did anyone else hear it? Is everyone okay? It sounds like the ceiling is caving in except my ceiling is someone else's floor and -


    Eun Joo, is that YOU?

    [info]teanotcoffee in [info]invol_journals

    For Aksel

    Filtered to Aksel
    I hate to do this, but you're the only one who didn't react negatively to my power right out the bat. And treated me like normal. I just had to talk to someone. Today is date my sister passed away in the Car Crash but it is also the day I made her come back to life in so much pain and I just feel guilty still. And upset, because I miss her. But what is the use of my power if I couldn't save her?

    Sorry. Gosh you don't need to answer.

    [info]modulations in [info]invol_journals

    [ After Party ]

    Ladies, come over, we need you.

    [info]ciaobella in [info]invol_journals

    Buonasera, my friends. I have not yet to do this introducing, but I am Raphael Amante of Rome. I think perhaps my English is not so good as some, but now I shall be learning, si?

    I must say a very good job to my friend Aleksei for his idea of fairy tales. He told us many great stories of Russia, and I hope to keep this wonderful idea going this eve! I will be telling stories from Italy in the first floor lounge before the concert, for those who might wish to listen. I can only hope to do so well as my Russian counterpart, but like his stories mine will also be, how he said, 'illustrated'.

    I hope to see some of you there! It is time for making new friends now, I think.

    [info]rainha_animalia in [info]invol_journals

    i fucking love that man. you were worth the taser kanye. tell it to the world.

    [info]systolic in [info]invol_journals


    My school never had Kayne West preform!

    I forgot to tell people what I can do. I can manipulate blood pressure.

    The concert and all the fun made me tired.

    [info]cockblock in [info]invol_journals

    Clear it up: Do people who get tased wet their pants?

    [info]polarity in [info]invol_journals

    I'm Ellie Wolf, Austrian, mover of giant metal things. Now that I've done the lame introduction... Does anyone have the secret power of meditation?

    [info]ex_rebounds165 in [info]invol_journals

    003: en route to the afterparty.

    Well, that's one off the bucket list -- tased in the call of duty. But at least my camera's okay. This is why we remember to have lens filters, kids. Always use protection.

      [PRIVATE: Marius.]

      You got it?

    [info]prophesee in [info]invol_journals

    001. tuesday afternoon 17/07

    So yeah. Hello. My name's Harry -- well, Henry really but call me Harry anyway. I'm seventeen, they've shipped me here from Cork and it's so hot I think I'm going to fecking melt any time now. Everything's moving so quickly, and I know they say that it's because we've got a lot to get through before it all starts, but we all know that the real reason is to keep us off-balance. If we're struggling to keep up, then we're not rocking the boat yeah?

    I noticed that the cells dorm rooms are hexagonal. That's good. That means that when they start tearing the fabric of the universe (because of course they will, and we're all meat for the grinder) the Hounds of Tindalos won't be able to appear and kill us in our beds. Something else probably will though. I doubt any of us are leaving here.

    The power assessments were pretty intense. I didn't know for sure how they were going to test me, but it was an easy enough guess. Used to do it when we were on the road, it's probably going to give me an aneurysm or something. Like that'd be a bad thing: stuck in this camp without a single fecking pub, a brain bleed's probably the kindest thing.

    So yeah. That's me. Hey. Oh yeah, I didn't say what I'm in for. I see the future in my dreams, sometimes. So there's that.

    If any of you like RPGs then hit me up. Or don't.

    [info]recoils in [info]invol_journals

    Since it's as good a time as any, so I'll introduce myself on here. I'm Lionel Ducharme. I'm from Quebec. Hello to my fellow French-Canadians. I'll be the first to say, I thought the musical guest was going to be some bullshit recording artist. Kanye always did have a flair for the dramatic. Nicely done, IVI, nicely done. If you want to know who I am, I was the guy bouncing off the ground.

    [info]puppeteer in [info]invol_journals


    So Han's rice cooker idea really took off so I'm stealing it sort of but I got questions. First anyone know how to use a breadmaker? Second if we find someone who can use it, anyone else miss fresh bread enough to pitch in for one and have some variety up in here? I can only suffer what this country school calls bread for so long.

    [info]gravitar in [info]invol_journals

    its like this motherfucker has it out for me. sure im a smoker, tried to bring in cigs, but do that make me a bad person? couldnt help being an ass either when your trying to quit, so maybe i said a few things I shuldnt have.

    but I cant figure what else Ive done for this Sam asshole to pointe the guards at me when they dragged off yeezy and had them taser me

    [info]ex_adelia958 in [info]invol_journals

    Thank you to whoever helped me get back into the dormitories this evening. I was not terribly aware of my surroundings and am sorry I was not able to thank you properly at the time.

    It seems, however, that I am out of medication. Does anyone have extra extra strength aspirin? Perhaps better ear plugs? Powers that help to block out all light and sound for the next week? Muchas gracias.

    I believe I am not cut out for Mr. West.

    [info]rumouring in [info]invol_journals

    [posted from Jack's afterparty, while Karim is dancing]


    {Attached is a video clip of Kanye's performance, particularly his inciting tirade. It's difficult to make out given that Karim is jumping up and down and shrieking while he films, but you get the gist}