July 2013




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Jun. 18th, 2013


Davi is one of the nicest people here and he would not hurt anyone. It is not righ wron BULLSHIT that he is in Solitary! They cannot do this to us!

Apr. 24th, 2013


It makes me sad sometimes that we all spend so much time arguing and being angry at each other. I am not trying to single anyone out, but I do not think it would be that hard for all of us to be a little nicer to each other. And maybe just try more often to share happy things with each other.

For instance, I am happy that finales are coming up for a lot of my favourite TV shows. It means everything is getting exciting. ...except for Glee, which is actually getting really stupid.

Filtered to Davi;

Sorry, but I think I am going to Mason's thing tonight.

Mar. 3rd, 2013


[re; this.]


Feb. 26th, 2013


[Attached is a self-shot video. It's one and a half minutes of Enver set up on one of the Benches in the gym, easily pressing what seems to be an insane amount of weight. Once he's done a few reps, he sets the bar back in position and sits up, grinning at the camera.]

I liked Sunday, it was fun! I beat my record. I did not like Saturday, though, I think.


You were very mean.

Feb. 11th, 2013


I have been thinking about what I should give up for Lent this year. It is starting on Wednesday and I always think it is good to at least try to give something up, Mama usually helps me decide what, though.

So I am going to give up chocolate until March 30th.

I also think it is a good thing to try and do something positive for the period, as well as giving something up. So I want to try to be more honest with everyone for Lent.

I like boys. I am gay. Dealing with it has been odd. hard. painful.not been easy, so I am sorry if I have been rude to anyone because of it, especially my team.

Feb. 5th, 2013


Is it alright to go to the dance without a date? Everyone seems to be getting upset about finding someone to go with and I'm just wondering if you can't go on your own?

I've never been to a dance before and it might be fun to go. But I do not think I will find a date.

Dec. 19th, 2012


I think I should be careful what I wish for.
Mama won't stop cooking, she thinks I have gotten skinny whilst I was at IVI and she gets sad if I do not clear my plate everytime. It is delicious and it is awful.
I would take pictures like everyone else, but I cannot lift my hands.

At least Papa says he is going to take me to the pub if I can walk again later.

How is everyone else?

Dec. 3rd, 2012


Glee is a stupid TV show, I don't know why I didn't realise this before now.

Also, I set a new personal best today and benched 330lbs. Now I want cake.

Nov. 17th, 2012


I know a lot of people have asked already, but if anyone else has drink tickets they could spare, I would be very grateful.

Thank you.

Oct. 28th, 2012


I am sorry everyone. I did not mean to do it.

Oct. 16th, 2012


Fifteen is good, yes?

I mean, I beat Sam and Jack.

And I am a manly teddy bear. With claws.

Oct. 10th, 2012


When this happened on Glee, the girl with the highest rating was the one who made the list.

Also, stealing from people's plates is not nice! I am a growing boy and I need my food, next time I might actually fight back! And that would not be nice either.

Sep. 28th, 2012


I like a lot of things here, but the internet can be annoyinga bit of a pain.
I can only listen to new music for three hours a day! I suppose I just have to make the most of youtube whilst I have it?

And congratulations to Team Swan, I hope you all have a good time!

Sep. 18th, 2012


I have really great news, everyone!

I found a download of the new Glee! It's a new season, and I didn't even know it had started! I think I am going to go buy some snacks to eat whilst I watch it.

Aug. 24th, 2012


We have had a lot of awful news these last few days and whilst I have been praying for that poor girl's soul, I think it would also be nice to share good news.

My Mama sent me a care package and it managed to make it through processing!
She's sent me a blanket she made herself and it's amazing and so soft, she also sent me some of her homemade jam. Her jam is wonderful.

She says her cookies wouldn't have survived the trip, but she sent me her recipe! But I cannot bake. Does anyone want to try and help me with them? It won't be the same as when she makes them, but maybe they will still be good.