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Jan. 5th, 2013


[Europe Rescue Ops]

I'm sure that I'm not the only one who could really, really use a drink right now. Or several. Does anyone here have that as a power


Thanks for not treating me as though I was made of glass or something just because I was kidnapped too, by the way. Or some silly little girl who didn't know what I was getting into. I appreciate it.

[Team Leader Slate]

Thank you for having enough faith in me to let me go. I hope that I didn't let you down.

Jan. 4th, 2013


I would like to express my appreciation and gratitude to every person who worked so hard, at risk to their own lives, to help save our lost brothers and sisters. It was my honour to serve with every one of you. It is my prayer that we shall never have to do it again.

My sincerest condolences to all those who lost a loved one. الله يرحمه


006 →

Well now that I have been shot once, I think I am okay with it never happening again.


[Posted sometime late into the night.]

Thanks to everyone who helped find us. I'm sorry I'm oka I hope you're all doing alright. I don't really know what else to say.

How are you feeling? They said you're stable, I don't know what that means. Do you need anything?
I hope you're okay. I know you're not. But it doesn't seem right to say anything else, or to like, not say anything at all.
I'm so glad y'all are alright. I was sure
I'm so sorry, Lottie. I miss

Jan. 5th, 2013


Everyone else was supposed to be okay. It's not

Do we know when everyone is coming back? Soon?

I'm sorry. And I'm so tired of telling everyone I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do?

Jan. 4th, 2013


hey guys

i'm a power tracker. i'm one of the vols telling ivi where my fellow brethren are so they can do their thing. a thankless job, but whatever, no fucks are given

so hate me or whatever, i'm fucking tired of not talking about that shit

and yes, some of you are here because of me

[Fin, Sadie]

If you girls don't hate me yet, I could use some help.


009 → friday night.

So where the fuck is Elsa, then?


Handwritten, Scanned to IVI email, folded and put into pocket )


American Interrogations Team
I keep on thinking about those things that guy said. Like even now that everyone's rescued, it's not over.

Jan. 5th, 2013


post rescue.

I can't heal Kieran, Jack and Damien.

Jan. 4th, 2013


people here seem to have serious issues with their abilities, don't they? people seem to be ashamed. well, babes, i'm not fucking ashamed.

since lucy's already gone and fucking told i've got the power of Suggestion, same as sweet little anika morgenstern. and i adore my power.


oops! guess we're both terrible at keeping shit secret, aren't we?

*NOTE: anyone working on the european interrogation team would likely know this, because lucy.

Jan. 3rd, 2013


Excuse me please I would like to say a thing.

I know it is a difficult thing to be a Vol some times. There is much persecution and hate in this world and it is a hard thing to deal with. But I think very much we are evolved for an important reason. There have been horrible awful events these recent days and people have been made to doing horrible awful things and it makes me feel very angry to know this I'm sorry. But also very many Vols have also for a first time used their powers to help other peoples in need and to rescue our friends and to fight injustice and it shows that we can do so much good things. The world has made us people who CAN do good and now we are being asked if we will be people who DO do good.

Sorry thank you for to listen also good luck please and be safe.

Jan. 4th, 2013


Stop talking about this "cure". There's no way it has been properly tested and these things take time to be approved and no one should be considering putting themselves through that without knowing what side effects there might be. Shouldn't we be thinking about getting everyone back rather than talking about this thing that isn't even a real possibility?

Jan. 3rd, 2013


I have always wanted a cure, but never for this.


I don't want to read anymore of this cure sh
I am going to scr
They're all going to be o
We'll rescue

I swear, I am going to blow out every last one of these fuckers' kneecaps. We need to move soon or I'll go insane.


hey guys i'm just going to get philosophical with you for a minute

we don't know what would happen if we stopped being vols. like would we be different people? some of our powers might suck but i think we were supposed to have them, for some reason. so you can't just get rid of something that was always a part of you.

now i'm going to leave you with some wise words from kelly clarkson, winner of american idol season 1: what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.


eventually left unposted

there's no way the 'cure' is real

they would have used it on marine

i'd know if marine had lost her powers

because she's still in my dreams

she's still there, so therefore it follows that she must be using her powers

case closed

no need to thank me


They never called it a cure. It's not a cure.

More like an anti-vol weapon, considering who's handling it.


how can you care about the existance of a supposed cure when she looks like that?


After we get everyone back and justice is served, what do you think they'll do with that cure?

I mean, if it can be proven safe...

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