July 2013




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Mar. 23rd, 2013


I'm having a really hard time understanding why 18 and under can't help with this secret mission stuff outside the school, if they're otherwise qualified. A caveat of needing parental consent is one thing, but in many countries kids people have all kinds of rights by 17, and can go to war? And we can be dragged here, so. And IVF for a fact doesn't care if you're even just 16 I really don't see the problem outside of discrimination.

Being here is hard enough, without facing the fact that the people in charge aren't above making rules that simply don't make any sense.

Mar. 11th, 2013


I feel like I should be scared, but I'm not.

I just wish I knew what the threat was, what to be scared of.

Mar. 1st, 2013


Some recent convos on here have me wondering, how many people really hate IVI and think it's deceptive (toward us or the public) or otherwise not operating in our best interest?

I guess people might not feel comfortable talking about that on a public network, but I'm just generally wondering. Also I don't want to inadvertently piss people off.

Damien )

Feb. 24th, 2013


I can't tell if my powers are gone or if I have new ones? Maybe I'm just normal.

95/96 )

Eli )


Pub night cannot really just be 18 and up. CANNOT. Not when I am out. Christ. All you hot boys had better stop by and keep me company before and after. And hell, ladies too, why not. Don't know when I'll have another shot to experiment, and who can wait for Zach to figure his shit out.

Parakeet, help a sister out?

Special Just For My 95/96 Lovelies )

Feb. 20th, 2013


Hi, some of you may already know m I'm Zach.

I just want to say that you may hear some things about m

Look I just want to be straight-up about someth

I'm from Canada, year 96. Rooming with Eli in 4G. I don't really plan to use my powers at all, so don't worry about it?. I just promise it has nothing to do with flies or flus.

Oh right: I'm a Parakeet! I'm informed what we have going for us is gardening and niceness and I think I can roll with that.

Did I forget anything?