July 2013




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Oct. 16th, 2012


i had no idea so many people here were actually dating. that's really fucking stupid.

Oct. 15th, 2012


people have been and always will be massive fucking cunts who look for ways to be even bigger cunts. why is this surprising? makes you really wonder what is the fucking point guess you can only ignore it for so long. think it's time to jump off the roof again

Oct. 11th, 2012


sorry it'll be good for you us

don't worry, i can personally guarantee no one is getting through the force field here, trust me.

Oct. 10th, 2012


guess someone thinks enough of us don't feel shitty enough already so thanks probably karim arsehole, really. good job. i'd give all the peacocks i know... well, the girls at least, a 30.

want to come hit things with me? it helps.

Oct. 8th, 2012


i refuse to acknowledge the legitimacy and authority of this so called student council thing people all just wasted their time on. i'll be petitioning the school to get rid of it. for one, it doesn't accurately represent us. second it is just going to cause problems by giving some of us a bit of fake power. it's not fair to the rest of us and creates and uneven playing field. they're not doing anything you can't do yourself. honestly i'm offended by how fucking stupid all this shite is. this place continues to get fucking worse and no one else even realises it. fucks sake.

Oct. 4th, 2012


i'm surprised no one has actually asked the administration of this fine fucking school what their take is. what are they actually going to let this so called council do? i think we should get this shit in writing or something. and if it's not any different than we've already been able to do then why are we fucking bothering? and if we want a popularity contest, why doesn't anyone just say so?

also why don't we have a golf course?

Oct. 2nd, 2012


should i shave my head again or let it keep growing out?

Sep. 30th, 2012


decided not run for this student council shite because that's all it really is. how many people even got asked if they WANT one in the first place? i sure as fuck don't. they're not going to do shit anyway. just another pointless thing that doesn't mean anything to them to keep you guys complacent. fuck it. going to jump off the roof in protest.

[ooc: Mal will jump off the roof (of the boy's dorms?) a few minutes after posting this, but he'll liquefy himself in mid-air. He'll be fine; it's all just for kicks.]

Sep. 28th, 2012


well that was a fucking colossal mistake. i take back everything i said yesterday.

Sep. 27th, 2012


i went to confession earlier and feel much better. but i need to everyone forgiveness for being an arse all the cursing and not being very nice to some of you and that sort of thing. it's really not as bad here as i used to think and there's no excuse for my behaviour.


yes i'm out. no i don't care what i missed. yes i do know i'm a fucking idiot and no i don't care about that either. but sorry about your face anyway kody.

just out of curiosity does anyone have powers to just like i don't know make someone not care about something or to think something else or i don't fucking know.

and who the fuck took my fucking laptop last night?

Sep. 16th, 2012


i need a cure.

if anyone thinks i have any stupid fucking eggs and comes after me, i'll kill you kick your arse into next tuesday. i don't fucking have it. if i had it, i'd just break it so i don't have to deal with it. so fuck off.

left your clothes outside your door. can we not mention

i don't know how to do soduko or whatever but thanks. i left it outside your door

Sep. 15th, 2012


finally get to go to pub night tonight. going to celebrate the fact that i'm the mother fucking champion of dares. who's with me?

Sep. 14th, 2012


fuck this stupid fucking administration taunting us with a trip to the beach. too bad you're all sheep and will go along with their stupid fucking games.


the answer is no. sorry you can't touch it

Sep. 11th, 2012


so fucking bored i'm either going to go mad or die or all three

Sep. 4th, 2012


i feel like beating the shit out of hitting someone. any volunteers?

Aug. 29th, 2012


condors you can tell rathborne i'm not going to training again. ever.

Aug. 24th, 2012


right, i'm also out of money and would like some so i came up with a brilliant idea. i'm also bored. so name your price and i'll do whatever you want. maybe. within reason. i might still say no, but who knows for the right offer...

Aug. 23rd, 2012


honestly i'm just waiting for them to tell us we can't leave in december now.

which would be complete rubbish since we should choose how we want to keep ourselves safe. if those vol killing cunts want to go after me, fine, they can bring it and yeah if they could kill an invincible girl they might kill me too but at least then i wouldn't have to deal with their fucked up shit. besides i don't think a life locked up is much of a life worth keeping safe in the first place.

but maybe i just value my freedom too much.

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