July 2013




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Sep. 7th, 2012



Thank fuck its Friday. at least this week's almost over. now for some non school related distraction. Han, we on tonight still?

[Beth, Chris, Han, Jimmy, Marek, Mira, Mo, Rose, Tess***]
**and anyone else who commented on Aksel's being in a bad mood this week/tried to cheer him or/something to that effect
Thanks. i'm in a better mood than i was two days ago, so yeah, thanks.

You seemed in a pretty bad mood yourself. you ok?

Sep. 5th, 2012



Well yesterday can go die in a fire.

I should have fucking known better than to even get a little bit involved. This is what happens. Fuck this shit, I'm done.

If Teagan's smart she won't sit with us at lunch today. But if she does, I'm sorry if it gets awkward, I guess. Although awkward's probably not the best word.

Aug. 29th, 2012



I feel like every week I'm waiting for the week to just end already. On the plus side I actually had a pretty decent day today. Training didn't suck and had some pretty decent entertainment.

God forbid I actually sound like I'm enjoying myself here, huh? Here's hoping thsi week stays pretty decent.

Lessons learned for today: 1. I can't actually keep you at arms length and 2. Despite how often you call me giant, you still underestimate the length of my legs.

fuck out of context that sounds really bad

Hey how you doing today? How was your 'Sup?

Aug. 25th, 2012



Ok so I was looking shit up for reasons and I saw this show called Grimm. People who normally do this kind of thing need to tell me how best to get this show here so I can watch it. It's already in the second season and I still need to see the first.

[OOC: trigger warning for rape in the comments below, please be forewarned]

Aug. 23rd, 2012


18. Blackbirds except Yoo Joo

sent before breakfast

So today's Yoo Joo's birthday and I was thinking I'd bring some snacks to training. Probably not the best time to eat them but it'd be nice to wish her happy birthday as a team, I guess. I can't bake a cake or anything fancy, but I think it'd be nice to just focus on something nice like a birthday rather than what happened yesterday.

Just letting you know.

Aug. 16th, 2012



Anybody here know how to cook authentic German cuisine? Kinda wishing I knew how to do more than boil water.

Also these shower pranks are getting ridiculous.

Aug. 9th, 2012



Well that was different. not bad but

How you doing today? Get enough sleep there?

You okay with no pub night this week? Maybe we can spend some time with EJ on a Saturday night for once.

EJ, how you doing?

I'll be at practice today, Blackbird. Sorry about yesterday. We shouldn't have had to-

This week fucking needs to be over already.

Aug. 8th, 2012



This is fucking bullshit. You can't fucking bomb people because you're scared that they're fucking different from you. What the hell does that do besides kill a bunch of innocent people? The one known Vol there survived anyway so what does any of this stupidness prove?

Look I don't care if I like you or not, if I know you or not. If you need minutes to call friends and family hit me up. I have plenty to spare.

I don't want anything in exchange.

Aug. 7th, 2012



[private - in German]
I was thinking about things and I fucking figured something out. I'm so pissed off at Karim because of Teagan. She was really fucking upset and I know if he knew he'd just be laughing his annoying little head off. Meanwhile she was crying. I get that it's not like we were caught having sex or anything - honestly if it was someone else, I probably wouldn't have cared so much. But Teagan doesn't like that kind of expose. I should never have suggested the library to start with. She's not gonna want to do shit out in public now that's for sure - except this picnic which I know is a date. Probably means she's thinking relationship things not what I wa

Han's been kind of a lifesaver though. I'd probably looking at fines and community service or worse if I'd gone with my gut instincts. This is going to be much better.


You quit paying attention to people bitching on their journals for a day and suddenly there's a fucking protest on the quad. Wonder what happens if I ignore it for a second day. Maybe one of the warehouses will explode.

Aug. 5th, 2012



[filtered to Teagan]
are you okay? I'm sorry.

[filtered to Han]
I'm going to make Karim wish he'd never been born. You in?

Aug. 3rd, 2012



I put in a request for some Bärenfang at pub night and I think there may be some tomorrow. I miss that shit. We're probably better known for Jägermeister but Bärenfang's better in my opinion. It's basically like vodka, flavored with nectar-honey. It's not very sweet at all, just a little. A good sweet liquor would be Apfelkorn. Tastes like sweet apples.

I think thinking about brewing club had me remembering all these German liquors.

Late to the party but this HPS shit has got to go. this may be funny coming from a German dude Getting real fucking sick and tired of people banding together against people who are different.

Aug. 1st, 2012



This place would be better if there was an X-men style danger room or at least one of those Star Trekky holo-things that you can design to look like whatever you want.

Or you know, if we had the ability to leave. That would be great.

Jul. 28th, 2012



Out of curiosity anyone else taking Korean or like a physiology/anatomy class? If you already know Korean, no help needed; I got plenty of fluent speakers. I'm looking for anyone just learning. Physio though I don't care what level you're at. You majored in it at uni? Good. Hit me up. Just really good at biology? I'll take that too.

Pub night tonight! Anyone not planning to use all their tickets?

[Team Blackbird]
Hey team! Who all will be at pub night tonight?

Can't believe I just made this post, like I'm fucking settling in here or some shit. Between actually making friends and enjoying powers training, this place isn't as awful as I expected. But I can't help thinking that there's an ulterior motive. I also can't help remembering that we had no choice in coming here. They're being so acomm accommo helpful and shit, like they want us to just accept things.

I won't just roll over for these assholes.

Jul. 27th, 2012



I'm making friends. I've never really done that before and it's messing with my head. Wanting to protect people instead of being a bully and enforcer like home. It's fucking weird and I don't feel in control.

I'm still pissed at Han. I told him to forget it, but I can't yet. He took away my control and fuck him, I'm going to get it back. It's not just about that though. There's I liked I want him to I think I actually like


Also, found out Hailey's rooming with Mitzi, of all fucking people. I hope it pisses Mitzi off that we've been hanging out.

Last day of classes this week. Tomorrow's pub night. At least that's something to look forward to weekly. I got plans for the day tomorrow, but I need something to do Sunday. I'm feeling restless.

You up for some more powers practice maybe?

They're trying to start up some hockey teams; thought you'd like to know. So now I have to see you play.

Jul. 23rd, 2012


08. posted around midnight Sunday night

Was das Bumsen war denn das? Warum zum Bumsen hat er-

Fuck this shit.

All the funtime distractions are over now huh? Time for classes. Hope these ones are better than school back home because there's a fucking reason I stopped going. I'll admit some of my classes I'm actually kind of looking forward to though.

Assuming I get to sleep soon and don't snore my way through tomorrow.

Jul. 22nd, 2012



Well last night turned out even better than I fucking expected. Best night here so far, hands down.

Was that Mocha I saw you leaving with? She's cute. She mangles my name worse than you do.

Sorry I didn't see you go. I hope you got in okay?

Jul. 21st, 2012



There is apparently a whole lot more stupid going on here at this school than I first thought.

Jul. 20th, 2012


05. (posted before dinner)

So what did you all think about today? Didn't really seem like training so much as team-building to me.

So look like the cafeteria was sick of our complaints. The bread today was almost as good as home. Food's getting better in general. Thank fucking God. At least the food can be something to look forward to.

Speaking of looking forward, I'll actually go to the shit happened this weekend. Pub night, pool stuff. Sounds all right to me.

But no fucking bush dance whatever the hell that even is.

Jul. 17th, 2012



So Han's rice cooker idea really took off so I'm stealing it sort of but I got questions. First anyone know how to use a breadmaker? Second if we find someone who can use it, anyone else miss fresh bread enough to pitch in for one and have some variety up in here? I can only suffer what this country school calls bread for so long.

Jul. 15th, 2012


03. Calling all non-singers and wii tennis players:

If you're looking for something else to do tonight we're gonna gather some people and take over one of the big lounges tonight. Movies, foosball, group walkabout/investigation of the compound especially if you haven't gotten a chance to go around yet. More suggestions welcome.

So far it's me, Han, Teagan, Providence, JP, and maybe Paeng (you coming, man?)

Anyone else wanna come feel free to tell me here or just come on by.

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