July 2013




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Jul. 15th, 2013


So Davi and I are backpacking around Europe together. For a few months, at least. If you have a home base in the area and can stand to put up a couple of actual Loons (we had the most appropriate team name, let's be honest) for a night or so, drop one of us a line. Both of us are decent cooks, you may get fed for a night.

Everyone else has said this much more eloquently than I ever could, but you guys were honestly the best and only good thing about this place. You're the reason why even though I'm glad to get out of here and finally be able to move on to some sort of future, I have a few mixed feelings about leaving this hell hole.

Jul. 12th, 2013



Anthony and Lucy are beginning to sink in

[95/96 + Barn Swallows]

cut for spoilers )

Jun. 21st, 2013


Would anyone mind teaching me how to knit? Or crochet. I don't know.

I can't fucking do this

Jun. 12th, 2013


[Immy, Jade, Pad, Taki, Rashida, Libby, Vanessa, Jace, Davi, Callum, Nate, Marty, Shannon, Eli] basically the non-Vol squad friend filter

Does anyone want me to contact their parents while I'm out? I know it's hardly ideal, but it's the best I can offer. :(

Jun. 10th, 2013



Have you called your family recently? Out of curiosity.

For what it's worth, I don't like that they had the serum either.

[Shannon, Mette, Rashida]

He's at it again.

Apr. 26th, 2013


[Immy, Jade, Pad, Taki, Rashida, Libby, Vanessa, Jace, Davi, Callum, Nate, Marty, Shannon] basically the non-Vol squad friend filter

So we've been told that we're departing immediately. I'll let you guys know details as I can but if I fall off the radar a bit that's why.

[Shannon, Rashida]

Please keep an eye on the idiot while I'm away.

Apr. 25th, 2013


[Australians and New Zealanders, minus Devon because Leona is such an adult]

So tomorrow's Anzac Day. I was just wondering if Student Council's organised something for it or anything? I attended the dawn service every year in boarding school, and while I really don't feel like getting up early and I know that things here have been very strange, I think it's more important to celebrate country traditions when we're away from home, you know? Was just wondering if anyone else would be interested.

[link ooc only]

Apr. 18th, 2013



Just so you know, I requested a meeting with someone higher up to discuss my fears that those of us who were put in solitary (Jodi's list says Daisy, Astrid and Vanessa) could experience PTSD because of it and ask if they would have access to a counsellor or anything. It was turned down.

[Mette, Immy, Sara, Taki, Anthony, Padraig Padraig]

My roommate is in solitary. I think I'm going to ask someone to stay with me. I don't think I could handle sleeping by myself.

Apr. 11th, 2013


[Immy, Jade, Pad, Taki, Rashida, Libby, Vanessa, Jace, Davi, Callum, Nate, Marty]

Got called up to help with that landslide in the Philippines. It feels really weird to say things like "called up!" Jade, enjoy our room while I'm away, and Pad, for the sake of the rest of the school, don't attempt to cook anything. :)


Sitting with me on the flight, okay?

Apr. 5th, 2013


[Squad Loons]

LOL, so I guess that Swan missed the part of dinner where we were supposed to try and mingle beyond our established teams. I kind of wish that Bryn had made it just so zhe could jump up between them and go "surprise!"


Thanks for putting in a good word for me. I'm glad that you made it too. [...] What did you think of it, by the way?


Happy Birthday! I can drop off your present before dinner.

[Jade, Immy, Libby, Rashida, Davi, Pad]

Training on Sundays. Don't be too jealous. ;)

Mar. 30th, 2013


[Scandies - Bryn]

Hi, I'm one of Bryn's teammates, and she's been dropping a few hints it's her birthday on the 4th. Our team isn't really that big on group settings, so I was wondering if the few of us who would be interested could join in/help out in any way if you're planning something? If it's a Scandinavian only thing though, that's all good. I don't want to step on any toes. :)

[Whitney, Jace, Taki, Edwin, Davi, Sunny, Immy, Irish Students - Ted and Liam]

Hi everyone. It's Liam's birthday on the 7th, and in case I'm the first to suggest this, I was wondering if we could do something for him? Other than amongst us Loons, I'm not really sure who his good friends are since he's friendly to everyone, but let me know if I've left someone out.

Also our teammate Bryn is having a birthday a few days earlier, which would mean a joint birthday in other teams. Not Loon however. :)


Someone else's birthday is on the 5th. ;) What do you want to do?

Mar. 10th, 2013


[Euro Rescue Ops, Jade, Edwin, Davi, Liam, Pad, Mette, Vanessa, Taki, Yael]

Not to be alarmist or anything, but if any point in the future I'm feeling threatened, I'm going to shift instantly into something with better offensive capacities than me. So if you see a lion or something wandering around, chances are it's me. Just in case someone sees me and thinks I'm a real lion or whatever. Only reason why I'm filtering this is that there are some idiots out there who will try to startle me just so I shift.

Feb. 14th, 2013



Well, regardless of what everyone thinks Hume deserves (which I really don't want to get into right now, to be honest) I can't imagine that I'm the only one who just wants closure on all this? Which we don't have, for the time being.

It's frustrating

So I just wanted to offer a blanket invitation for anyone who wanted to come downstairs and bake with me for a bit. If you don't want to bake but would still like whatever I/we end up making afterwards, that's alright too.

Feb. 4th, 2013


[Caleb, Callum, Nate, Edwin, Marty, Jace]

Okay, I've given this some thought and I've decided that I do want to take a date to the Valentine's Day dance just for the fun of it. Is there anyone who you would recommend, or likewise boys who I should avoid? Yes, I am using you as surrogate big brothers right now.


Also I have a friend who's acting a bit like it would be the end of the world if she doesn't get a date and I don't really know what to say to her.

[end filter]

Feb. 2nd, 2013


[Female Friends - sorry, Laurel, that's not you :P]

I don't have to ask someone to be my date or go with a date to this Valentine's Day thing, do I? I mean, it might be kind of fun, but at the same time it's Valentine's Day and that's like so much pressure.

Jan. 23rd, 2013


So my brother just wrote and told me that the Sky Sports magazine gave the Rugby Team of the Year award* to the Feilding High Girls' First XIV. This was in a year where the Waikato Chiefs won the Super Rugby title for the first time ever, and Canterbury won the NPC shield (the national competition) for the fifth year in a row.

Both of those teams are professional and both are men's teams, so while I don't play rugby myself, I think that's pretty cool.

* IC link

Jan. 21st, 2013


[Callum, Caleb, Nate, Edwin, Marty, Jace, Liam, Taki, Sunny, Immy, Jade, Lilja - basically Leona's "wise" friendly types]

What's your stance on accepting things from people who you don't normally always like/agree with?

[after some thought]

[Pad, Mette, Sara, Anthony, Immy, Taki, Lucy]


Jan. 5th, 2013


[Europe Rescue Ops]

I'm sure that I'm not the only one who could really, really use a drink right now. Or several. Does anyone here have that as a power


Thanks for not treating me as though I was made of glass or something just because I was kidnapped too, by the way. Or some silly little girl who didn't know what I was getting into. I appreciate it.

[Team Leader Slate]

Thank you for having enough faith in me to let me go. I hope that I didn't let you down.

Jan. 1st, 2013


[Europe Volunteers]

Just as a warning, tomorrow I'm working on shifting from one animal directly to another, and for obvious reasons I'm focusing on the dangerous ones. I'm not a threat to you guys when I'm like this since I have my own mind still, but some of those animals will be snakes and since I know some people have phobias I just thought I should let you know.


[Valya, Lottie]

So you're probably getting a lot of these but
I'm a pretty good cook
If there's anything you need


[Edwin, Liam, Immy, Taki]


Oh my gosh. We are not going to get there in time, are we.

[end filter]

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