July 2013




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Jul. 15th, 2013


Okay, here goes nothing. I don't like goodbyes, because I get all weepy and gross, but I will say this: for the last time, there is cupcakes in the lounge.

Can't wait to see what you do with this, Evie.

[eagles + stuco]
    Thank you. I don't really have anything more prolific to say but you guys, okay? Just you guys.

[conner, claudia, immy, rashida, conner, rianne, padraig, lilja, daisy, mette, momo, leigh, sunbird, harlow - it's like 1am, if i missed any of her friendly types, just go ahead & respond]
    You guys are the reason I'm actually a little sad to be leaving.

    Tech ladies, it's been a fucking honour. Claudia, I am re-enrolling in Uni and it's all your fault. Rianne, I stayed out of solitary and have never actually fucked conner because of you, so thank you. Immy, Harlow, you guys and chris both introduced me to new culinary delights. Rashida, if you can manage to boss Pad around from home, teach me your ways. Mette, you were the best roommate a girl could ask for. Momo, you were fucking close second. Ladybug, I know more survivalist shit than ever and it's all down to you. I will visit. Sunbird, no matter what, still one of us. Conner? See you on the flight home.

May. 9th, 2013



Swoogles (Swan/Rooster/Eagle rejects) + VS Eagles.
the most important thing you need to know about tomorrow: there is like a 50% chance that tomorrow will involve trust falls.

oh and don't throw around the phrase 'i wish'

Mar. 24th, 2013


[Lady Eagles]

So. Shall I put my little Southern friend out of his misery? And email his Mama again?

Of course, he may not have learned enough of his lesson and behave towards us as he was before.

[end filter]

Feb. 3rd, 2013


[Eagles + Friendly Types]

So now I know why my powers were not working sometimes when I was sick. It is because they put the fucking power negator in the room next to mine and Moa's. And eccola, it turns out that I cannot sleep normally without using them. It is a really good move, this whole thing. First put the girl in the team that originally had Myra and who are probably still dealing with this, and then in the room next to the other girl who has hibernation as her power and who therefore can use her power only when she is sleeping.

If this continues, I am skipping classes to sleep while she is out of the room and anyone who has issue with this can go to the inferno.

[Nawal, Edwin, Mo, Mette, Clem]

It is really not the fault of the girl herself. Sometimes I may need to be reminded of this.

Jan. 26th, 2013


[Eagles/Friend Types]

Male Sick. Not going to training tomorrow, will probably hibernate until this is over.

Jan. 18th, 2013


Finally broken out my sewing machine for 2013. New year, new clothes and some new styles. I might actually be getting used to being a lobster in this weather.

In probably more interesting news, there are apparently some silly holidays coming up, if people feel like being a bit silly and cute animal gifs aren't doing it for them. Tomorrow is National Popcorn Day, for instance. Here's a few other random things before we get to the candy hearts filled February:
  • National Penguin Awareness Day (20th)
  • National Hugging Day (21st)
  • National Handwriting Day (23rd)
  • National Compliment Day (24th)
  • National Opposite Day (25th)
  • National Escape Day (30th)
  • The thirty-first has three awesome ones competing for most awesome - backwards day, bubble-wrap appreciation AND inspire your heart with art.
[filter: eagles]

Considering next Saturday is Bald Eagle appreciation day and I'm particularly fond of my hair, do you want to have lunch together then? Or dinner before pub night, if people would prefer.

Jan. 14th, 2013


i am the worst

The Pub Night wake was very nice, thank you Mason. I should not have made a fuss before, so please forgive me.

Because my mother visited, I now have all my belongings from home. This means I also have your Christmas presents. I will give them to you soon!
If you would ever like a Japanese DVD about the BDSM, I am sure I could get one for you.

Jan. 2nd, 2013


This is such fucking bullshit. We can't let them do this. I know talking about it openly is dangerous and I don't want anyone in further danger -- but there has to be something we can do. I mean, we could follow it up with statements but by then, a fuckload of damage will be done already. I just...don't want people to even think about trying justify what they've done because of fucking videos.

    I'm definitely a bad weather day kind of person when it comes to belief, but I want you to know my thoughts and prayers remain with all of you.

Dec. 28th, 2012


[Europe-Based Volunteers]

They want us back to explain how to use more equipment in two minutes, but I have put some fresh coffee on, and I have done it Italian style. It will be very good.


I hope you are all doing as well as can be. I did mean it when I said it should be everyone's own decision, but I am proud of us for volunteering.

Dec. 10th, 2012


I don't know if you have heard at all, but last week there was another earthquake in Japan. It hit the same place the 2011 Tōhoku Earthquake and Tsunami that lead to the Fukushima Nuclear Reactor meltdown. This new earthquake was a 7.3 but it did not do much damage. A few people were injured but no one was killed. They also said there could be tsunami up to 2 meters, but it was only 1 meter. If you did not know, the tsunami from the 2011 earthquake was up to 20 meters, so 1 meter is much better.

325,000 people are still out of their homes from the 2011 earthquake. I hope that while everyone is home over break they think of other people all over the world who either cannot go home much like us or have no home to go to anymore and try to help in some way.

I have decided what you will do for me in order for me to forgive you.

Tomorrow will be our last Team Eagle lunch for the year. Let's make it extra special!

Dec. 9th, 2012


Before the world ends, you should come to Vienna, city of dreams, music, and giant ferris wheels. I promise that we are not all obsessed with psychoanalysis -- or Mozart (!). Plusssss... we are very close to the Alps, which means - skiing!

Doubly so for all of you. Please tell me you can ski.

Oct. 12th, 2012


I do not have anyone's panties but my own. That is a thing for otaku to do, not for me.

I do not think I received any points in sexiness. But Japanese are not sexy, we are cute. So that is okay in Japan. But I am not in Japan.

How do you become more sexy?

Oct. 10th, 2012


[Team Eagle]
Three months ago, I would not have guessed I would feel this way, but now I feel blessed that this team has given me the opportunity to know you.

[Harlow, Logan, and Edwin]
I know I am being dramatic, but I am beginning to think I should appoint Mason my successor as student council president and resign.

Sep. 22nd, 2012


[ eagles ]
That weird Leigh girl has the egg today. AND SHE GREW A POUCH TO KEEP IT IN. It's SO WEIRD, guys.

Someone break it today during pub night. LOGAN, I'M LOOKING AT YOU. I don't know, just punch her in the stomach or something. At this point it's not about winning, it's just about not coming in last.

[ 17 year olds ]
FOR A CHANGE, I'm going to come up with an idea for tonight rather than make everyone else do it. I'm watching a movie in the girl's 1st floor lounge. I'll start, I don't know, 7ish? Someone else should bring snacks, because I'm bringing the movies, okay?

Sep. 14th, 2012


Don't worry, everyone, I'll be sure to send BEAUCOUP de post-cards from the beach. Too bad IVI is so far from the coast, else I'd 'port a few of you losers in. ;* ;* ;*

[Team Eagle]

I am a great and all-powerful goddess.