July 2013




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May. 27th, 2013


[ Roosters MINUS JACK, Fin, Ethan, Alex, Brad, Nolan, Daisy, Kier, Damien, Savannah, Miyu, Jack has like a lot of friends so if I missed someone who should probably be included, lmk and I'll add them! ]
so jack's birthday is tomorrow. and i already bought him a gift and stuff but i was wondering if anyone had actually planned a party? i'm sure that he would appreciate whatever, he's pretty low maintenance, but yeah. i'm not sure when/what would be a good time for this. i would say this weekend but my birthday is sunday and i don't know if i mean, i can bake something definitely, i'm already making something. thoughts? i'm not good at planning and

May. 25th, 2013


this week on 'being in australia sucks...'

the new season of arrested development is being released tomorrow and it's only on netflix and we don't get netflix here, and what with the shit internet i can't even use a proxy because lol streaming anything.

however, does anyone want to watch some with me tonight or tomorrow? i made banana flavored cupcakes to cry into.

May. 17th, 2013


my sister is graduating from college tomorrow. it's weird that i'm not going to be there because i can remember dropping her off four years ago.

additionally, what is the point in being in australia where the new daft punk album is being released early if i can't get the internet to work long enough to download it?

Apr. 17th, 2013


is anyone compiling a list of people in solitary? we can start with daisy. of fucking course

list )

[ Ethan ]
you hypnotized me.
[ Savannah ]
can i talk to you about something? it's ethan-related, and i think you get him more than most people.

Apr. 14th, 2013


at least they had the decency not to use terrible music in their video.

Jan. 25th, 2013


posted this morning during class.

[ Daisy ]
1. how did things go last night with carter? DID HE APOLOGIZE?
2. yes my life is comedy of errors. laugh all you want.
[ Ethan ]
if i die collapse under jello legs today during training, remind yourself it was my idea.
[ Juli and Aisha ]
i have an official answer to that question you asked me.
class and training sucks. however, looking on the bright side of things, it's not so hot any more, and my dad FINALLY got my stuff shipped to me, and sent my accordion and some new books. hurray.

Jan. 5th, 2013


petty question, but. when we get back to ivi, does anyone have a guitar i can use [...] occasionally until mine gets shipped from home?

[ Savannah ]
status update. how are you dealing with all of this?

Jan. 1st, 2013


[ Jimmy, Brad, Filipe, Max, if I forgot anyone else anyone in America with REALLY SUPER USELESS POWERS and I will include them ]
scale of 1-10 how useless you're feeling right now, 1 being super useful, 10 being as useless as a chicken wire canoe.
[ Alex ]
hey. hi. i'm thinking of you. if i can do anything for you from america, let me know.
[ Carter ]
i know we aren't like super tight or anything but if you want to talk let me know. daisy lov she's going to be okay because everything is going to be
[ Clement ]
your best music for relaxing, go. no ambient noise need apply.

Dec. 25th, 2012


merry christmas/happy day off.

for christmas, my parents conspired to buy me an accordion. i'm so excited!

[ A picture of Jodi, wearing the most hipstery pair of pajama pants ever and a sweater very obviously stolen from Ethan. The background decor is very Late 70s Paneling and Shag Carpet. Her grandparents have not remodeled in a long time. She's holding a brand new accordion and looking far happier about this than any sane person ought to. ]

[ Daisy ]
merry christmas. i hope you and carter find someplace nice to have christmas dinner.
[ Ethan ]

merry christmas.

i l miss you.

Dec. 24th, 2012


it's christmas eve and i am sitting in a truck stop in wyoming. there's an old lady who brought me free pie because it's christmas eve and i am alone in wyoming. it's snowing. and they're playing that insipid 'jingle bell rock' song.

but at least i have proper cell reception here.

Dec. 9th, 2012


so this is what it feels like to be kesha.

great party guys.

Dec. 2nd, 2012



[ Kier ]
excuse my belatedness in doing this but: has anyone ever told you you're an interfering little shit?

Nov. 26th, 2012


i come back from camping (it was in tents) to a sex ed lecture. what on earth were you guys getting up to at that beach?

Nov. 21st, 2012


[ Daisy, Ethan, Marine ]
allegra wants rooster to kick ass at laser tag. after thanksgiving dinner. she is turning into sam.

i am going to die. why am i on this team?

Nov. 18th, 2012


[ Kier ]
can you walk again or should i be visiting you and hoping you don't die of alcohol poisoning?
[ Allegra ]
so... that happened. are you okay ice president?
clearly i was not at all drunk enough last night. i'd say that i missed the memo that it was get super wasted night but everyone was demanding drink tickets so i guess i wasn't paying attention.

Nov. 14th, 2012


it's good to know some things don't change. one of the creepiest things about dreamworld was how silent the damned network was.

[ Rooster ]
so just typing this makes me feel like i'm going to barf, but, rooster reunion this week without training? y/n?
[ Ethan ]
marine and alex broke up.


i don't know why i'm typing this to you when you're sitting right next to me.

Oct. 23rd, 2012


i don't know why i bother read the news. it always just makes me feel sick.

Oct. 21st, 2012


if ivi cares so much about vol kidnapping terrorists, they do have all of us at their disposal. we could track them down and get rid of them, probably. some of us. not me obviously, my powers are worthless.

Oct. 13th, 2012


words to the wise: when doing laundry, do not unplug the washer and move it halfway across the room during the spin cycle.

Sep. 28th, 2012


oh my god can't i even walk to the library in peace? i had to go back to my dorm because SOMEONE threw cold water balloons at me and now my books are all wet as well as my clothes. :|

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