July 2013



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July 15th, 2013

[info]rollicking in [info]invol_journals

Okay, here goes nothing. I don't like goodbyes, because I get all weepy and gross, but I will say this: for the last time, there is cupcakes in the lounge.

Can't wait to see what you do with this, Evie.

[eagles + stuco]
    Thank you. I don't really have anything more prolific to say but you guys, okay? Just you guys.

[conner, claudia, immy, rashida, conner, rianne, padraig, lilja, daisy, mette, momo, leigh, sunbird, harlow - it's like 1am, if i missed any of her friendly types, just go ahead & respond]
    You guys are the reason I'm actually a little sad to be leaving.

    Tech ladies, it's been a fucking honour. Claudia, I am re-enrolling in Uni and it's all your fault. Rianne, I stayed out of solitary and have never actually fucked conner because of you, so thank you. Immy, Harlow, you guys and chris both introduced me to new culinary delights. Rashida, if you can manage to boss Pad around from home, teach me your ways. Mette, you were the best roommate a girl could ask for. Momo, you were fucking close second. Ladybug, I know more survivalist shit than ever and it's all down to you. I will visit. Sunbird, no matter what, still one of us. Conner? See you on the flight home.

[info]tigers_andbears in [info]invol_journals

So Davi and I are backpacking around Europe together. For a few months, at least. If you have a home base in the area and can stand to put up a couple of actual Loons (we had the most appropriate team name, let's be honest) for a night or so, drop one of us a line. Both of us are decent cooks, you may get fed for a night.

Everyone else has said this much more eloquently than I ever could, but you guys were honestly the best and only good thing about this place. You're the reason why even though I'm glad to get out of here and finally be able to move on to some sort of future, I have a few mixed feelings about leaving this hell hole.