July 2013




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Apr. 29th, 2013


six. sunday night.

salut ivi i just wanted to give you all advance warning that i will be turning 23 this coming saturday and therefore i expect you all to be on your worst behavior during the corresponding pub night i also would like very much if you would donate a drink ticket toward making my night one to not remember my tolerance for alcohol is quite high as i have done a lot of drinking in my day and three drinks does not faze me i will need at least double this amount

also if you could all try to keep from being as dreadfully boring as usual this would be much appreciated as well

merci beaucoup pour votre temps

Apr. 3rd, 2013


salut ivi i am very excited by this outreach program it is very important to me that we vols maintain a positive image with the rest of the world

also more importantly if one of you who leaves could see fit to smuggle some cocaine or perhaps ecstasy or really any sort of illicit substance back with you i would be very appreciative and make it worth your while :) might i suggest using a condom inserted in your anus

merci pour votre temps

Mar. 29th, 2013


four. thursday evening.

i have never lamented being stuck at ivi more than when the weekend is approaching and i am quite bored

Feb. 23rd, 2013


three. mid-morning saturday.

[in French]

This place is fucking bullshit.

Feb. 10th, 2013


two. sunday afternoon.

salut ivi i am very bored right now and i would like to hear a story

tell me: what sorts of drugs have you all done and what sorts of tales do you have about them

for instance i was once on dmt and i carved an entire platter of cheeses into machine elves without realizing what i was doing they were quite crude but it was still some of the most intricate work i have ever done with my ability

merci pour votre temps :)