July 2013



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July 13th, 2013

[info]kyungmis in [info]invol_journals

the longest journal entry kyungmi would ever write

Neve is alive. She's at the library and is recovering. Tomorrow you can visit her, but not for a long time. I think it will be good for her.

She'd like to request a collection of short stories, some lipstick and eye liner from Ingrid or anyone else who might still have them at this time.

She thanks whoever that brought her to the warehouse, and those who found her presence.

That would be all.

[info]dustpanned in [info]invol_journals


Where will you two be going?

[info]nawal in [info]invol_journals

Shannon came to me yesterday with an idea. Because we don't have much time left together, I'm not going to waste it by going to StuCo first -- anyone who wants to help memorialize the friends we have lost should be able to help.

We will be having a service and picnic in honor of the departed deceased students tomorrow, at noon, in the Parakeet Garden by the statue of. Teresa has been helpful, as always, in putting together arrangements.

There will be friends, food, drinks if you like them, and, most importantly, memories. It will not be a somber affair, but rather a chance to come together and remember the good times we all shared.

[Student Council]
Half a dozen memorial services, a dance, work study, and a lot of non-answers. It's not exactly what any of us signed up to do, but I'm glad I could do it with you.

I do find it a bit ironic that all of our candles were either looted or destroyed this past week.

[info]vaportrail in [info]invol_journals

back just in time for pub night, it seems... what luck i have, non? also... i doubt anyone will want to return anywhere near this place in the future, but if you do, coober pedy is a fascinating place. houses underground, shops and museums filled with opals...ah, well. perhaps in another life.
[Filtered to Mo's friends — Understanding, Filipe, Max, Ivan, Fréd, Rianne, Sonia — OK, ALL THE FLAMINGOS I GUESS — Kelly, Eli, Elias, Jada, Harlow, Nawal, & I am stopping here because THIS LIST IS INSANE]

i'm sorry. you don't have to forgive me, but i regret what i did in my fear and my selfishness and impulsiveness. i regret if i hurt you. i came back because...i realized if i could leave you, i could leave anyone...i could never trust myself to be a friend again, a person of any significance to anything. in the wake of all this death and destruction i am comfortable in saying i love you all very much.

merci, always, for your friendship,

[info]wontremember in [info]invol_journals

during pub night.

well i suppose this is it ivi. we will be going our own separate ways soon. i will be finally going home to hamburg where i hope to eventually be able to (finally) attend university. if you are ever in my area please give me a note. my email is valprotz@gmail.com

i will miss you all. :*

you must honor your promise to visit me.

hunger strikers.
you will all always be in my thoughts <3

[info]lactokinesis in [info]invol_journals

seven. during pub night.

mesdames messieurs bonsoir

as we are all to depart tomorrow and this is possibly the last time some of us will see each other and almost certainly the last time we will all be here together i am proposing a final soiree at the conclusion of this impromptu "pub night"

i have long wished to throw a sex party and i view this as the perfect opportunity

if you wish to participate it will be held in room 2b

caleb i am sorry to volunteer our space but i am certain you can spend the evening with allegra if the two of you do not wish to participate :) i will make certain none of your things are harmed

merci beaucoup pour votre temps ivi i hope to see you there

(ooc: if you want, you can respond here for who actually showed up. or we can just leave the whole thing vague. in fact it's probably best that way.)