July 2013



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July 16th, 2012

[info]fanimal in [info]invol_journals


so tonight i was at that karaoke thing and my powers just STOPPED WORKING. what the fuck? i mean, one second i'm standing there and my powers are working full force and then they just STOPPED. does this place have some sort of power stripping voodoo? they came back, but STILL.

also, speaking of my powers, if anyone wants a cool experience at this concert thing with a "surprise guest" on tuesday, come find me and i'll do a power demonstration. but not too many no promises, though, because if it's someone who sucks i'm out of there. i'm betting gotye, though. he's australian, really big right now, and not touring at the moment.

[info]vintagevision in [info]invol_journals

it's possible that i really missed the boat on this one (and by possible, read: a certainty), but hey, welcome to australia.

and even though you're already here, and hence don't need the marvellous incentive (yeah, because everyone had a choice), you should totally watch this delightful video. this is why you want to be here.

[info]gravitar in [info]invol_journals

my my. three days and I already got a secret admierer.

hes not really my type (missing a few essential parts if you know what i mean) but its still flatering. he spent last night following me around like a stalker. hes really creepy tho. wouldnt even tell me his name when I caugt him following me. but hes American, brown hair, over six feet tall. clean cut guy.

so watch out incase he stalks you too.

Added later: his names sam

[info]notherelement in [info]invol_journals

jordana is apparently the organising type

So, I know there's already been a post or two about this, but I was talking to someone about sporting leagues and competitions for Vols, and I figured if anything like that was going to happen, it'd be started here.

Facility-wise, we have a soccer field, American football field, an outdoor pool, an indoor pool, a racketball court, two basketball courts and a gym.

I know there's already been a request for a hockey team, what other sports would people like to play while we're here? Just for fun, at least to start off with. We could start organising teams and training and matches, give us something fun to do.

[info]readyornot in [info]invol_journals

3// Monday morning, before breakfast

Paeng made a good point about the lack of rice around here, and I was thinking that if anyone is interested, we can buy two rice cookers for the dorms, one for the girls and one for the boys.

The more people interested, the better rice cookers we can gets. So, if you want, just leave your name here and the most you're willing to give. It will help figure out how much we can afford to spend.

Donors )

Update: We now have enough donors to get two very nice rice cookers! Contact me about transferring funds and I'll order them as soon as possible! And if you're worried about me taking your money, I don't really plan to piss off thirteen people with superpowers who know where I live.

[info]mermayd in [info]invol_journals

I'm sorry to everyone I haven't replied to. My computer thingy made some weird screen on Friday and I was convinced I broke it and so I sort of just threw it and left it until this morning. It seems to be working now? I'll try and reply, but there's a lot of things and stuff... in the meantime, um, maybe would anyone be willing to give me a rundown on how to work this? And the phone. It's locked and I don't know how to unlock it - I wasn't given a key?

For those of you I haven't spoken to - I'm Hailey Hamilton from Canada. About 5 hours outside of Toronto in the middle of the country, which might explain why I'm so awful with technology. Already missing maple flavoured everything.

I think I failed that math test. I can tell you how to calculate for wind and read a nautical chart, but I don't know fuck all about slopes or probability.

[info]ex_gilds672 in [info]invol_journals

guess i missed everybody doing introductions, so i'll keep this brief. my name's erin, i'll be nineteen in december, i'm from ireland, and i draw. my power is not really any of y turning into gold. i've heard all the jokes, so don't worry about that.

i'm not sure how i feel about this place yet.

[info]gotluck in [info]invol_journals

Carter Gray is scholastically out of touch.

if i'm keeping track correctly, i'm currently down to -$25. anyone have me beat? i'd rather waste money than my time by attending these BS meetings, just saying.

[info]steelsoldier in [info]invol_journals

My computer got stuck to my roommate last night, which apparently fried it. I'm stuck just using my phone thing until they can get me one of those special rubber ones.

I'm Sam, and my sister Sadie and I are here from Maine in the United States. Looking forward to working with all of you to make the IVF's project a success.

[info]mindsuck in [info]invol_journals

meeting with the dean was a barrel of laughs. nearly as fun as the fucking math placement test. and then the language. how did i ever fucking live w/o this place?

[info]fira in [info]invol_journals

two; July 16, 2012; early afternoon

I've been thinking, and I'm probably never going to use any of the 120 minutes I get each week for phone calls, so if anyone wants to work out any kind of trade for them, I'm open for it. Better than them just going to waste, right? After all, most of the rest of you probably have people back home to call besides your parents, and mine are fine with Skype and e-mail. Wow, Jaycee, way to go and sound friendless there.

[info]fck in [info]invol_journals

Question, do I need to get my DJ shit shipped over here? Probably. Also more tea. And jaffa cakes.

I think I finally figured out how to write shit on here so that should tell you how fucking well I did on the maths exam. Haven't been in school for about four years, but I guess being a Vol is more important than an adult so this is going to be a fucking party.

Oh anyway, I'm Mal. If you met some Scottish bastard that was swearing at something, it was probably me. My power is a joke and I never use it if I can help it so there you have it.

[info]papierkraft in [info]invol_journals

i meant to make my introductions along with everyone else, but what do you know? apparently lack of cigarettes turns me into an unpleasant bitch. sorry, roomie, for any awkwardness i caused. i'll keep it simple:
- naomi
- tokyo, japan; former art student at joshibi
- my "power" is lame. i shouldn't even be here. i'm not a threat to anyone

[info]creamandcrimson in [info]invol_journals

awww yeah. the get togethers at night are pretty awesome.

hope i did okay on the placement exams, i wasn't really expecting to have to take any tests right away when i got here but it is what

[info]bides in [info]invol_journals

I'm Ashton from Australia.

I'm also here to tell you that vegemite doesn't actually deter [..] drop bears. I think I saw a student walking around with some behind their ears earlier.

[info]teanotcoffee in [info]invol_journals

Tests and Trivia

So I guess today is all about stretching those brains of ours. From placements test to trivia. Kind of glad to get the placement tests over and done with, though the math one was kind of fun.

Filtered Private
So it's tomorrow. The first time I am not home for the anniversary. I hope it doesn't make it feel worse. I just feel like I am farther away from Dylan, which is ridiculous. I just hope I can keep it together tomorrow. Though my counseling session is tomorrow. Maybe it is good timing? At least I have been to freaked about being here and settling in that I have not had the crash dream this year. But hope I have not spoke too soon.

[info]rainha_animalia in [info]invol_journals

Let me help you with tomorrow's psych eval: I'm fucking batshit insane, give me a therapy pet. Obv. before I go scarface.

[info]enpierre in [info]invol_journals

three (monday evening)

Sunny lent me a comic book :) Dsl, graphic novel! It's bigger than a comic book. I never really read about superheroes before, and I don't watch action films much but she told me I had to read Watchmen. (Is it Les Gardiens en fr.? J'ai pas vu le film!) It is really very interesting!

I particularly like the clock (l'horloge de la fin du monde - very ominous!) and the alternative world.

Who here will be learning German? I chose to take it as I have very little knowledge of it so far. I would love people to practice with if possible.

[info]abbreviated in [info]invol_journals

I wonder if it's too early to feel a little bit homesick?

Oh, and I'm Peter, if you haven't met or ran into me already. Or almost stepped on me by mistake.

[info]meowlo in [info]invol_journals

Man, I'm kind of late to the party. Sorry everyone, but don't worry... Milo's here now.

Am I supposed to introduce myself or something? I'm from Québec, and I like long walks on the beach.

[info]yinned in [info]invol_journals

100 minutes to the first person who figures out what my power is.

[info]freezeframes in [info]invol_journals

Uuuuuuuugh I'm completely out of minutes, even though I won/traded for some. Why are we only allowed that much time in a WEEK if I used it up just a few DAYS? And the limiting our internet thing is stupid, too.

Only 152 days until we go home for Christmas.

Edited in later: Oh, right. Hi, I'm Christina from Canada and I can freeze time.

[info]suzee in [info]invol_journals

Can I change my mind on having my bed set up like a loft? That damn early morning door-knocker keeps scaring the crap out of me and I end up slamming my head into the ceiling.

Or maybe they should just think up a more pleasant way to get us up in the morning. Can we do that instead? Because I need that extra space.

[info]ex_rebounds165 in [info]invol_journals

002: monday night.

Let's operate under the assumption that I'm going to pull a Werner in a couple years, sell out, and add narrative fiction to my repertoire. It's pretty inevitable that I'll end up doing a thinly veiled feature about Vols, and of course you guys will provide the inspiration. Something gritty with fallible heroes, like Watchmen and the Nolan Batman movies, but something that will actually translate into a decent film.

So in twenty, thirty years from now, when we've all (hopefully) left this godforsaken place and become Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers or whatever it is IVF is angling for -- what kind of crime are you going to be fighting (or causing)? What's your codename going to be?

[info]cyberblonde in [info]invol_journals

If either of you wants 100 minutes of phone time, the Finlay girl manipulates other people's morality. You're welcome.