July 2013




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Jul. 11th, 2013


(an hour or so after the Tanja/Enely log, panic and denial time)

Please can someone help!! There was a guard and he shot Enely but she might still be alive we have to find her and help her please! Someone has to help because she can't be dead she's not dead she's NOT.

Jun. 17th, 2013


sunday evening

Can anyone else see that light across campus? It's huge, is there a bonfire is something happening?

May. 31st, 2013


Asha this week is the worst and now I tasered Brad on accident and he had to spend most of training in the medical area. He came back at the end but it was AWFUL I am so humiliated. No wonder they don't want me on the Vol Squad And Zelda still hates me even if she is so annoying ughh. If anyone asks I'm not coming out of my bed ever again.

I'm sorry :( Do you hate me? Because Zelda already hates me and I know I was mad that the group wasn't the same and half of them are in stupid Vol Squad now but I promise if you promise not to hate me then I'll stop being mad and I might even try make up with Zelda. UGHH everything sucks.

May. 30th, 2013


Um, I think we would know if Brad was dating one of us each week. We're not all like that!!

Apr. 30th, 2013


FILTER: Asha, Enely, Leigh, Taki
Oh my gosh, have you met the new girl yet? She is so fascinating! She's dated famous people and has been to so many places, I'm so jealous! Did you hear she was arrested in Germany? I've never been to Germany!

FILTER: Asha, Enely, Leigh, Wiki & (grudgingly) Zelda
Hi! I think we should have a slumber party to welcome Wiki! How is this Friday for everyone? We could go to see the movie at the warehouse and then have more movies back in mine and Asha's room! And there will be games and snacks and it'll be so much fun. Please? We haven't had one in ages!

Oh and Wiki you can copy my Maths homework since you were so tired :)

Apr. 8th, 2013


Thank you for everyone who came out for Asha's birthday! Now she can go to pub night which is pretty cool!

I have been re-reading the Vanity Fair issue with Asha and I love how pretty everyone looks! I wish they had kept the bit where I talked about the Eagles in the interview but I expect that it got a little too boring with all the team talk. Either way I am pleased mostly with what they wrote about what I said and I really love the other pieces too!

Hi :) Can I ask your opinion??

Mar. 27th, 2013


Hi! If you don't know me, I'm Tanja and I'm Asha's roommate! I don't know if you know but it's Asha's birthday on Monday! This is really exciting as she'll be 18! I think it would be really nice to have a little party for her, I am going to ask my friend Rose for help with a cake and then we can have a party for her by the lake on Saturday afternoon - that would be the 6th as she can't go to pub night until the 6th!

And if anyone over 18 can spare one maybe a few extra drink tickets would be really nice! If anyone wants present ideas I have plenty!

Let me know if any of you have any further ideas ♥

Mar. 23rd, 2013


Asha and I finally got rid of that awful graffiti that the male versions someone left on our wall. We have a nice clean wall again! We put the fairy lights back up too and it just looks so homey again. I wonder if anyone is going to be making things in the work study programme where we could purchase nice things to personalise our rooms? That would be a really nice idea!

Do you think they will let us paint a mural on the wall? I would love to put some flowers there or something. Should we ask?

Also I am going to keep some food and water in the room because it's always good to prepare and I'm worried they might do another lockdown. I still can't believe you ended up underground!

Feb. 5th, 2013


FILTER: 1995
Hi everyone! I'm sure I know all of you but I'm Tanja the 1994 class rep for the Student Council. Obviously you know that Sadie stepped down from being the '95 rep a few weeks ago and I'm sure recent [...] stresses have meant that we haven't really talked too much about a replacement. I believe that we're hoping to hold a special election for the position so just in case it gets forgotten by the next scandal you all should keep in mind who you want to nominate as it will be happening soon. And if you want to be the rep and have people nominate you, start talking amongst yourselves as to what you want to see IVI do for you!

If anyone has any questions please let me or any of the rest of the Student Council know!

Jan. 25th, 2013


The mural painting was really fun, it was amazing to see what people came up with when they were given the blank canvas. I hope that we can do more projects like that :) Lucy thank you for such a wonderful idea! It was nice to see everyone's work outside of art classes and it looks so bright and I love walking past it.

Does anyone know what the movie showing this week is as I am thinking it would be fun to go :)

Jan. 12th, 2013


posted saturday afternoon

It's my first ever pub night tonight, so if anyone has time please suggest what is good to drink? I tried out things in Prague but I suppose they don't have so much of the same here.

Hi Mo it's my first ever pub night :) I hope to see you there please, I am not sure if it will be fun but I would like to say hi :)

Dec. 21st, 2012


not an ic cut )

I love Prague so much ♥ I miss all of you but I love Prague! I have taken SO MANY photos and today Mo is coming to join us!

Hello Odd Bjarne! I hope you're finding IVI well! I wish we were there to welcome you! I'm Tanja and I'm an Eagle too. I'm the year ahead of you though but I think if you haven't chosen which language class you want you should do Russian! I am from Latvia :)

I wanted to tell you also not to mind Karim, he thinks he's funny but he only does his jokes because it's his way of trying to make friends I think. He won't do it again, I know that.

Anyway I know some people are around like Santiago and he's really cute and will help you out! I hope you found him already! I look forward to meeting you when we get back in January :)

Dec. 18th, 2012


I love Prague! I wasn't too much of a fan of the bone chapel it felt like they were watching me but I am having so much fun here with Enely and Petr! There is snow and I am in love with this city! I couldn't think of a better place to be, and I get to spend my birthday here ♥

I am not missing the horrible Australian climate at all! Enely and I are going to go shopping too as well as see wonderful things and I hope ice skating too!

And, look, snow! Isn't it beautiful?

Dec. 8th, 2012


(friday evening, after being annoyed at everyone that she sees)

Hello IVI, I'm not going home because my parents are and always have been dicks. Please could you suggest a great place to travel with my friend as I only have a few days to make a plan!

Also it will be my birthday very soon so somewhere that I could have fun would be wonderful! :)

Nov. 26th, 2012


The beach was lots of fun! When do we get to go again?? Everyone looked gorgeous in their beach outfits and the surfing and swimming was so much fun :)

I am curious, is anyone doing something other than go home for the break? Tell me your plans!! I'm so curious! I need to find somewhere to

Nov. 19th, 2012


I really liked my Russian class today ♥ It is so nice to hear a Latvian speaking.

It was also nice to be back with my fellow Eagles and Rene! It's sad that others don't have such good team leaders, perhaps they should all take lessons perhaps?

I heard there were dancing chairs at pub night, maybe they should dance outside for all of us? Though it will finally be my birthday in a month, and I am so excited that I get to spend it at home :)

Nov. 13th, 2012


They should have a memorial for the cook. And the other people, are they going to have a memorial?? I think they should. Can we do something, please??

Nov. 1st, 2012


My first Halloween party was so much fun ♥ It was such a shame that we had to go to classes today after a late night but I suppose that's the problem with it being Halloween on a weekday!!

[FILTER: MEENA, LEIGH, MIYU, BRYN, MARINE (sry marine you're invited even though you're older), DAISY (ditto), AISHA, ELLIE, JULI and whoever else? invite yourself. i know who wouldn't be asked better than who would?]
I was saying to Miyu yesterday that we should have a sleepover again!! Perhaps this weekend?? Who is interested? We can watch The Wizard of Oz because it's a classic and Miyu's never seen it okay!!

Oct. 26th, 2012


Today I recieved a book about names that I bought that my Mum sent me! I have never been so interested in names before but it was really interesting and I know there's lots of people who have interesting names here! Perhaps you were named after someone or a special word!

For example, mine is Tatjana, which is a version of what is often written as Tatiana and here is what it said:
Tatiana is a female name of Sabine and Latin origin, a feminine diminutive of the Sabine-Latin name Tatius. Titus Tatius was the name of a king of the Sabines, an Italic tribe living near Rome, presumably from the 8th to the 3th century B.C. The name then disappeared in Western Europe, but remained in the Hellenic world, and later in the orthodox world, including Russia. It honors Orthodox Saint Tatiana who was tortured and martyred in the persecutions of Emperor Alexander Severus c. 230 in Rome.

My surname is Roze, which is for "Rose" :) And, I think I got this right, in Russian my first name is written Татьяна?

I can do spoken Russian much better than written because of my grandmother :)

If you would like to join in please share your names and perhaps they are in my book if you don't know where they come from so I can tell you!

Oct. 25th, 2012


(posted earlier today)


Hi! First I should say thank you for giving me the opportunity to be your class representative! I hope I won't let you all down!! And congratulations to the others who stood for election and their wonderful campaigns!

We have the first Student Council meeting today and I wanted to know what you would like me to represent you for! I have lots of ideas but I want to hear all of yours please! If there is something you'd like me to speak up about please let me know. I will report back afterwards but please let me know so I can get some things done!

Thank you!!

- Tanja

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