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Dec. 23rd, 2012


kahdeksan: I am nothing without pretend.

Well boys & ladies, having to trot around with a pair of neckless humorless guards AND this kitschy bracelet is not the most chic thing I can think of for Christmas. But at least they will let me out to mingle! There are not so many iron files at cocktail parties, I am thinking is their thinking. For an inmate expecting to melt away in an Aussie hell for the holidays, hitting the party circuit with my jailers is not so bad. Kisses from gay Paris. Sorry I haven't checked in. Don't wait up for me! But leave your message at the beep.

an image she wouldn't have cut. )

Hunter. )

Vic )

Vi. )

Oct. 31st, 2012


seitsemän: the neighbors come on out to their front porches, waving torches.

All of this political will-they-won't-they around our little microchip problem has gotten me all seasick. No thank you, of course.

But then, for all I know, they've already injected me with one. Quelle scandale (!) And but so a moot point, probably.

Anyway: Halloween costumes. Tolerable without alcohol or not? I am not a big drinker, but we must all make exceptions, yes?

ADDED LATER, FILTERED TO GIRLS + FILIPE: Would anyone happen to have a little corset I could borrow? Maybe some kind of...petticoat? Help a girl out, Victoriana nerds.

Oct. 2nd, 2012


kuusi: you're a pendulum, heartbroken and numb.

Masks and scandalous costumes are all well and good, & but so my mind remains on these December holidays, yes?

I wonder, will those of us forced to stay behind have anyone willing to fetch us things from beyond our homey little force field? Surely we will waste away at Christmastime without the sounds of the children laughing and playing, et cetera.

Sep. 6th, 2012


viisi: happy birthday, mr. president.

Speaking of elections (!), your American president Mr. Clinton is still very dashing, yes? Which of you also has a folksy intellectual charm, please.

Aug. 29th, 2012


neljä: don't stand so close to me.

I am feeling compelled to say: it was nice to find my shower free of floppy-haired Italian boys today! If I am having unexpected guests in the shower, they should at least be naked as well. It is only courteous.

That said, did someone take a pair of black suede ankle boots from the bathrooms by what I will assume was mistake? Please return them unharmed! Or I will end you! :)

Aug. 26th, 2012


kolme. we can break the laws, until it gets weird

As precious as I am finding this "pub night" tradition, I wish that after those drinks I could have been trudging home to my own flat, to spreadeagle like a sky-diver across my own bed after hugging everything in my own walk-in closet. Nothing will ever compare!

Ei ole paikkaa kuin koti. )

Still, it is better than ordinary prison! And if one has to share a room, one should count their lucky stars if they are rooming with Providence Segokgo.

And what's all this about some naughty chaps doubling-up on solitary? Fill a girl in.

Aug. 16th, 2012


kaksi. i'm a racehorse.

Wowee, really should have gone to Ecuador.

Oh, and for Team Condor--is it really team Condor? Some other carrion fowl? This really is some kind of Kafka-esque nightm Help a new girl out in her Batshit Zoology 101, I need a primer. Anyway:

Aug. 14th, 2012


yksi: (hello, i love you.)

Wow, was that a plane cabin or a cargo hold on the Trans-Siberian Railway? My dry cleaning looks wrinkled as walnuts, ystäväni.

But so am I the only one that is getting this place over prison or what exactly is the story.