July 2013




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Mar. 4th, 2013


Who here plays an instrument? Anything counts.

Also in search of a good matzo ball soup recipe.

filter: laurel

I've been thinking about what you said [...] regarding Vol supremacy.

Feb. 23rd, 2013


Oh, could anyone honestly be more boring? All these half-written song lyrics make me want to bash my head into a wall. And these books. Does anyone want to do a miniature bonfire tonight? I have some Kierkegaard I need to burn. Really, I'll be doing this pretentious fool a favor.

I've never been more disappointed in my life. Honestly, Clement, you could do much better for yourself.

Feb. 20th, 2013


What I would give for some chicken soup.

Feb. 18th, 2013


For those interested in stress-eating, I did a little stress-cooking. There are soft pretzels and a fig and honey gallette on the fifth floor lounge in the men's tower.

Because of the recent events, human intentionality has become especially interesting and has put a whole new dimension on the research I have been working on these past few months. Considering that for the majority of us Hume's death either conflicts or assists with our individual beliefs and hopes as Vols, I think I may have a new direction in which to focus.

filter: laurel

I imagine you might be pleased.

filter: lucy

'A penny for your thoughts'? That is the idiom, correct?

filter: german-speakers

Do any of you keep up with German news?

Feb. 11th, 2013


I am interested to see what sort of defense Hume's legal team will supply; I cannot think of anything on my own. Suffice to say, I would not have made a good lawyer.

And what perfect timing to have the trial three days after the Valentine's Day dance. Someone break out the bratwurst, I've the feeling this will be quite the show of bullshit.

If only I could know

Feb. 7th, 2013


So what kind of food will they be serving at this dance?

filter: laurel

Is your sister going with anyone?

Jan. 30th, 2013


Is chicken salad really even a salad?

filter: lucy lancaster/jodi duncan

So I am thinking of starting a band. Would you ladies be interested? We could hold auditions to fill in the remaining holes. Personally, I think Lucy would make an excellent lead vocalist, and I'd like to claim bass for myself.

Jan. 15th, 2013


Does anyone have a G string I could take? Somehow managed to break mine while doing my routine tune-up this morning. I will exchange for baked goods [...] a food item of your choice.

That being said, I found a really nice apple streusel recipe.

Dec. 23rd, 2012


[various pictures of an empty ivi: the pond, clem's burned hand (bandaged) and a grilled cheese, a pile of books, a selfie taken in the elevator, a music practice room, some christmas cards.]

Pictures from my holiday.

Dec. 19th, 2012


My holiday here at IVI has been going very well. I have recently discovered that within the next six months, I will burn my hand making a grilled cheese sandwich. Very exciting.

Whatever gifts I thought to buy, they have been sent out. Check your post. Frohe Weihnachten.

Dec. 3rd, 2012


I feel inspired to write a song. It's going to be called, "Vols are The Harbingers of Civilisation's Inevitable Demise," so I think it's going to be a fucking hit. Excuse me for being facetious.

Also, does anyone know a good recipe for fudge?

Nov. 16th, 2012


There are no really good songs about food that I can think of off the top of my head.

[added later]

I stand pleasantly corrected.

Nov. 6th, 2012


Was it just me or did anyone see an ass during I hate losing my appetite. What's a quick and easy snack?

[added private to dani]

I heard you have toffee apples.