July 2013




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Feb. 24th, 2013


backdated to saturday evening before pub night

Anyone who's borrowed Oliver's clothes, please remember to return them tomorrow, preferably already washed. If you're the kind of guy who doesn't understand proper fabric care (and I suspect that's most of you), just try to return it undamaged.

Also, does anyone have mascara they're willing to share? I'll make Oliver buy you a new one if you're really worried.

Feb. 12th, 2013


So, the day quickly approaches and someone has to ask the difficult question:

who still hasn't found a date? Because apparently I'm available now

Feb. 3rd, 2013


I have no interest in convincing to go to this dance or not but if you do choose to go, let me say up front that I expect Blackbird to be the best-dressed team. Come see me if you have questions.

Can I ask a favor?

I have an idea I think you might find interesting.

Who are you taking?

Dec. 18th, 2012


Pro: Isla is a wonderfully amusing drunk. And she has quite the flair for drunk typing, doesn't she?
Con: She may kill me when she sobers up sometime in January. Then again, plenty of time to plan my escape...?

Alternately I will just blame Marty.

Nov. 18th, 2012


Even with dancing chairs to up the ante, Rolling In the Deep is still over played. Who knew?

And now, back to your regularly scheduled classes (or if you're like me, trying to make up tests that I missed due to a little thing called not dying in a bad horror movie.) If anyone has the patience to go over some Italian 101 with me, I would be much obliged.

At the risk of becoming Swan, should we consider a team dinner? An attempt at normalcy after [...] everything last week.