July 2013




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Jun. 10th, 2013


[after this announcement!]

I assume everyone else has been given the same 'announcement' set?

[filter: blackbird]
    If anyone has the urge to sleep through training because they're utterly bored, ask away. It's one of those times I wish my power would work on myself.

[filter: hailey, fin, shannon, red, rashida]
    I hope you all took my advice about calling home last week.

    I imagine this is at least partially to knock out the information getting out about the silver girl.

May. 31st, 2013


after this

Another little bit of control goes to the IVF. I wonder if that means activation will now automatically involve coming here and that people with younger siblings may be about to see them, unless they get their own special place.

"Protective custody" makes it sound so pleasant, almost as if it wasn't a decision made in secret by people far away from here.

May. 20th, 2013


Engineers. Interesting choice of kills. Guards come with the territory but I wouldn't have expected such a direct reference if they won't tell the authorities what the files contained.

Mar. 13th, 2013


Note-taking [thursday morning, whoops]

All 20 or older (limiting the option to be called children)
Gender balanced
All tame or non-lethal powers (likely those 'protected' were more heavy duty)
Human interest (shown to be victimised, families in danger, forced use instead of forced not to, mentioning imprisonment in schools though not prisons)
Then going supremacist (naming targets, clearly aiming to show themselves a threat)
Ending on a note to families again, though using "liberation" and "vengeance" in the same video is an interesting choice.

IVF Response
Non-Vols making statements for vols
Not representative of all vols - true.
Coexist peacefully with non-vols - might be true but also not an option given.
Ending with "protect" and "educate" are also interesting choices, given the communal age being generall above those who are required to be in education and that protection includes being pulled away from their lives.

Both aimed at both vols and non-vols, though VR did a more sympathetic job and IVF, while level headed, is unlikely to reassure to the extent they want to.VR seems to want to note they're only starting. IVF is dismissive. Things will, one way or another, be sure to heat up and I'm sure it will happen quickly.

Mar. 7th, 2013


"the school has admitted that this kidnapping appears to have gone unnoticed for several hours, as the students weren’t discovered to be missing until lunch" in Russia vs "a very aggressive kidnapping attempt" where guards were killed at the South American school. I wonder what all that's about.

Feb. 23rd, 2013


There are INK STAINS where I didn't know there could be. I'm going to end up in the shower for half the whole damn day! Seriously, not cool.

Jan. 26th, 2013


Hyperrealism in the early hours is not a good idea. I can't imagine why I thought it was.

[filter: lydie]
Are you planning anything for Saturday?
[filter: shannon]
Pub tonight? You can have my tickets if you promise there'll be singing again.

Jan. 11th, 2013


My particularly impressive foot-in-mouth syndrome aside, if people are still experiencing insomnia and (depending on their proximity) need a hand, text/filter/whatever. Be aware that if you're completely exhausted, you will oversleep.

[filter: savannah]
Are you human again?

Dec. 5th, 2012


Acceptable, if not ideal.

So - coming?


Nov. 30th, 2012


Don't get me wrong, anything to break up the monotony of day to day training, but I had no idea how little control some people had when they were starting out. The term 'o burn' has never been more appropriate.

Nov. 27th, 2012


Oh, for fuck's sake.

Mouth, insert foot.

So much for it being quiet.

Nov. 14th, 2012


Oh look, a non-depressing post from him.

Since I appear to have entered art withdrawal, here's a question for the artistic types: What medium do you prefer to work with, especially here? We're five months in, how have you kept from feeling stale?

Nov. 10th, 2012


Late Friday.

Questions  (or thought dump of what's keeping me awake)
  • What does he actually want? Sadistic, he could have done anything, but this was planned so why? What was the purpose?
  • What was the reason they were taken? Is it a personal reason (Shannon noted family background)?
  • Was it simply that he was testing his limits or was it that he could only grab people that were in REM sleep and already dreaming?
  • If people start dying, can he bring people in as there's a space or can he bring people in anyway?
  • Is he conscious or unconscious while it works? Adrenalin or sedatives may do the job? Or fire for that matter.
  • Are people with sleeping based abilities asleep (no idea who has them) and if so, are their powers viable in the dream?
  • If he is in fact controlling multiple dreams with multiple people, he has to be distracted so is this some kind of hostage tactic? Can or will he end up communicating? 
  • Assuming he is controlling multiple scenario's, none are actually his dreams so does he have an avatar in every dream? If so, will that be the communication tool?  Or can his dreams be entered and used?
  • Wouldn't this be an awkward time for a kidnapping? Of course it could be a perfect distraction but that's mostly a joke.
  • Do you have to be asleep for this to happen? Is it safe to sleep? Would it be better not to enter REM sleep until then?
  • Why can Shannon kick my ass at Call of Duty even in a sleep deprived state? 

Nov. 5th, 2012


While I'm not looking to poll or asking for a pro/con argument here, call me curious: if it becomes mandatory to be 'chipped' to return home, who's still planning on abstaining from it? Lock it to a filter if you'd rather, but I'm sure there are people who feel that way.

Oct. 23rd, 2012


One down, two to go.

If this sadist is so crazy about brutally killing people, that's targets #1 and #2 right there and leave the civilians alone.

Oct. 20th, 2012


Cut for size! )

Gotta love textbook portrayals. Maybe someone looked at it and said, "Not Canadian enough. Needs more maple syrup."

Oct. 8th, 2012


So if is for Vols who are too dangerous for the student body, how many are in there? It did say Vols, so unless the implication was that another of us will end up there (which I will admit is a strong possibility), is that an indicator that there are others already there? Were there people put there instead of being mixed in with the populace when we arrived, but were deemed unsuitable for the student body to handle?

Sep. 25th, 2012


Now I understand why people fill eggs with powdered paint and throw them at canvases. The childlike glee of destroying the damn things is much more therapeutic than "counseling" and they manage to teach it to five year old's.

Insert complaints about mandatory activities at a mandatory school here.

Sep. 21st, 2012


Another one bites the dust. I would apologise, but it would be completely insincere.

    Blackbird +1

Sep. 4th, 2012



Apparently, talking to people on social networks is a sign of a healthy social life and means you're less likely to be psychotic, lose your shit and kill everyone. Consider this my obligatory 'I'm not a whacko' post to the general populace, at least no more whacko than anyone else.

I'm just another one of the amusingly large number of art/design students at a non-design school. I particularly feel for photographers - what the hell can you even use as subjects when you're stuck in a militarised compound for prolonged periods? I guess that's where the creativity comes in.

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