July 2013




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Jul. 14th, 2013


the morning after pub night.

Good byes are

We're all scattering to the winds now, and while I know some of us will stay in contact, I think it'd be helpful if we all did in some form. Staying in touch, supporting each other and all of the other vols out there, and making sure that organisations like the IVF and Vols Rising don't dictate what happens to us or how the world thinks of us.

I'm going to be starting at Melbourne University in a couple of weeks, continuing my studies in regards to sports education with a focus on Vol participation in sport. If you're ever in Melbourne, drop me an email or Facebook message, as I'd love to see you. And whatever couch / spare bed / etc I have will always be available.

If I don't see you again, take care of yourself and your loved ones. It's definitely been an experience.

Jun. 27th, 2013


jordana shares some news. fudging timezones because.

So I know this isn't the same as accessing the news yourself, but I thought I'd share some of the big news events that happened while we were gone.

Nelson Mandela has been admitted to hospital, and from what I could read is not doing very well.
The Texas legislature was prevented from passing an anti-abortion bill by a female Senator by staging a filibuster.
The US Supreme Court struck down DOMA and Prop 8.
Kevin Rudd is now the Prime Minister of Australia.
There's a lot of discussion in regards to Vols and the good the squad has been doing, and questions are being asked as to whether IVF and IVI are actually necessary, especially considering Vols don't have a voice in regards to the organisation. More countries have withdrawn from the IVF, though from what I could tell not any more countries with students here.

Jun. 7th, 2013


jordana is conflicted. (thursday evening)

Our presence was [...] quite the coincidence.

Apr. 20th, 2013


jordana is torn.

[ SAM, YAEL (separately) ]
You've been pretty quiet about recent events.

I'm beginning to think that was our first and last mission.

I'm glad it's the weekend.

Mar. 7th, 2013


posted not long after midnight wednesday.

Swim practice is cancelled tomorrow morning. Or this morning. I don't know, Thursday morning. And perhaps Friday morning.

Feb. 17th, 2013


jordana is in a good mood

Just wanted to extend my thanks to the Student Council for all their hard work on the dance last night. It really was a great evening.

And thank you to everyone who indulged me in a dance last night. I had a great time.

Jan. 25th, 2013


jordana is feeling australian.

edit: strikeouts deleted after Claudia's comments

Little late to be thinking about this, but considering it's Australia Day tomorrow, I was thinking we should do something to celebrate. BBQ, maybe a game of beach cricket or something along those lines? And then there's the women's finals on in the evening.

How would you feel about having a swim carnival of some kind soon? We could have some races, a few games, fun water events.

Is anyone else enjoying the fact that it has cooled down considerably? I almost wish classes weren't back in session, it's far more pleasant being outside than in. Though it is nice to have something to keep myself occupied with.

Just a head's up to everyone, I have plans to take over one of the lounges to watch the tennis for a large chunk of the weekend. In and around Australia Day celebrations.

Jan. 11th, 2013


jordana is concerned.

So, I've been watching a lot of news coverage in regards to the current weather situation, and I can't help but be worried. This heat wave has meant some of the hottest temperatures and averages on record, and the Bureau of Meterology even had to invent a new colour for the weather map predictions.

And of course, where hot weather is, bush fires follow. There are fires raging all around Australia, and I have to admit I'm finding it frustrating to just be sitting here, not being able to do anything.

I know we're limited into the stuff we've brought here, but if anyone has any clothes or anything they don't want any more, there's a lot of people who have lost everything. The Red Cross are accepting donations, and if we can get a bunch of stuff together I'll speak to the powers that be about getting it sent to them. In the absence of, you know, actually being able to help.

Jan. 2nd, 2013


jordana is clutching at straws.

Did anyone else see the news about the Bank of America hacking?

Do you guys think it could have been Daisy? She can do stuff like that, right?

Dec. 29th, 2012


jordana is sort of giddy.

[ YAEL ]
Is it normal to feel [...] giddy after being in a fight? Though giddy isn't really the right word for it. Or fight. Mission might be better? And adrenaline rush is probably more accurate.

For those of you in the safehouse in... Europe somewhere? They're letting some of us join up with your rescue volunteers, so I'll be seeing you soon.

Also my deepest condolences to anyone having to deal with Rathborne at the moment. We tried our best to get rid of him.

Dec. 24th, 2012


jordana is festive.

My family always spends Christmas Eve together watching Carols by Candlelight - whether it's at home on TV or actually going to the event - and this year it's just as gorgeous as ever. I took advantage of the situation and took an aerial photo to share it with you all.

Jordana wouldn't cut this )

So to everyone - whether you celebrate Christmas, or Hanukkah, or any other holiday at this time - I know this year hasn't been easy for anyone, and life isn't likely to be easy for any of us, but I do wish all of you for the best for this season and the new year.

Dec. 22nd, 2012


jordana is glowing.

The view from where I stayed last night am staying at the moment -

Jordana wouldn't cut this )

I seriously love Melbourne.

So I owe you all an apology. And an explanation. Obviously you guys all noticed i was acting pretty strangely for a week or so there - without going into too much detail, basically I was involved in a dare week. It was pretty stupid and I acted like an idiot, obviously. So I'm sorry for everything I did that week.

Dec. 11th, 2012


jordana is five.



Nov. 29th, 2012


jordana is doing that impulsive thing again

Water soccer. It's a thing. It's going to happen.

[ JACK ]
Got any other dance moves you can teach a girl?

Anyone else having issues being outside in the dark?

Nov. 22nd, 2012


jordana is curious

So, I know this question has been asked in some form before, but I don't remember by who or when, so I thought I would ask it again.

Who isn't going to the beach? I have plans to do absolutely no homework or study all weekend and treat it as a break, so I'd like to know who I can bother when I inevitably have no idea what to do with myself come 10am Saturday morning.

Nov. 19th, 2012


jordana is concerned

Hey. How's the hangover

[ JACK ]
Thanks for the dance last night. I had fun.

Thanks for the dance! You weren't that terrible, really.

[ NOAH ]
That was pretty funny last night. What happened to you afterwards?

Nov. 17th, 2012


jordana is being thoughtful

Going to the memorial today really reinforced for me how glad I am to be alive. And how much time I've wasted. I focused so much time on training and my school work, I didn't actually do anything else. And then after I had to stop competing, I wasted so much time feeling sorry for myself.

We survived. All of us here, we did. An awful, terrifying experience but we made it through. I can't help but be grateful for that, that I'm still here, that I have the chance to do all of the things that I missed out on doing. Trying new things, meeting new people. Traveling, learning, falling in love, truly experiencing life.

Nov. 13th, 2012


jordana is a survivor.

So, is it weird that despite just experiencing the worst frat party in the history of frat parties, I would love a pub night right about now?

Status report How are you guys?

[ ODEN ]
Okay, I know how you were, but I hope you got yourself patched up. Anything you need, I'm your girl.

Congratulations on not dying. I'd buy you all a drink if that were even remotely possible.

Nov. 7th, 2012


jordana is surprised.

And then sometimes America goes and surprises you. Congratulations on the re-election of Obama.

I've noticed people mentioning a lot of strange things happening around the place, along with the stream of nightmares that seems to be happening. It might just be a co-incidence, but did it start before or after George Cooper was brought here?

Nov. 5th, 2012


jordana is irate

It has come to my attention that "I" made a certain amount of inappropriate comments at Pub Night on Saturday. And by "I", I mean someone who was impersonating me.

I'm not going to apologise as it wasn't me, but I did want to let people know they may have had an encounter with me that I have no idea about. I'm happy to confirm or deny for anyone if they want.

I probably don't really need to mention how incredibly rude it is to misrepresent a person in such a manner.

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