July 2013




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Sep. 5th, 2012


Wake up feeling like today is no better than yesterday. I sort of wish counseling was today. I really just want to go home.

Aug. 30th, 2012


Filter to Beth and Tess
So I had the intentions of texting you two but then I promptly realised that does not work for the whole group dynamic of corresponding. So then I thought e-mail but I was lazy so here this is.

CAKE! WE have two days till Aksel's birthday. we should get started on this epic cake. When is good for you guys?

Filtered Private
Annoying the blood guy, probably not smartest thing I have done.

Aug. 28th, 2012


Sometimes I wish I could have a different power. If nature decided I was meant to be Vol, then so be it, but I wish I got to choose the power I had. Which often makes me wonder why I got the power I did. It also makes me think what sort of powers are out there, and if powers would ever repeat. Like is everyone going to be completely original, or does someone else do what I do?

On more lighter note, though fitting.
Comic Strip Tea saved from internet )

Aug. 24th, 2012


Well done Blackbirds you put up a definite fight and made us Barn Swallows work for our victory.

And way to go team!!!! Proud of you.

And Aksel, a bet is a bet :).

Filtered to Sunny Puri
Hi I was wondering if you could help me with something. Are you good at cooking spicy curries?

Aug. 22nd, 2012


I like Wednesdays. Soccer and Comic book club.

Make today even better managed to talk to dad on the phone. So far today is pretty good.

Aug. 16th, 2012


I really wish that there was some other way to practice my power. Or if I didn't have to at all. I am sick of watching animals die. And what is worse I don't think the are getting much from it. Not to mention I am keeping them alive for longer. This is just ridiculous. At least it isn't humans.

I really wish it was the weekend.

Aug. 12th, 2012


I don't even know!

Filter to Aksel & Han
So Tess just told me that Brandon and her did some stuff last night. Like not much they didn't do besides sex sort of stuff. And she wasn't expecting to do that. I am sort of freaked out that he might have taken advantage of the fact she had been drinking. Like she said she liked it, but still it just seems like a GIANT leap for someone like Tess. And I am just sort of concerned. And is it okay? And I like holy fuck I don't even know.

Just panic stations here.

Aug. 2nd, 2012


I am exceptionally tired this morning. But I had fun last night so thanks inviting me Hailey.

Filtered to Aksel
Still on tonight?

Filtered to Han

Jul. 26th, 2012


Who knew nail polish was so complex? Not me.

By the way, if anyone in math classes needs help I could try and help.

Filter: Team Barn Swallow
I'm sorry if I make training uncomfortable for any of you. The squeaking from the rats was bad today, so I am really sorry if it troubles any of you.
Filter: Aksel, Eun Joo, Audra, Brian, Han
Training is getting brutal. I don't know if I can do this anymore.

Jul. 22nd, 2012


school begins again

Classes start tomorrow, and I am curious to see how they will go. I am wondering if I would have done better picking up some Independent Study. Anyway, I am looking forward to seeing what it is like. And this weekend has been fun. Though wish I could go home.

Did everyone have fun at the events, if they went?

Jul. 19th, 2012


Skyping Saves the Day!

I got to Skype with my little sister today and my dad! They were both crazy tired looking, got up special for it. I think it was like 430 their time, it was crazy. Love them to bits for getting up for me. I only talked to them for 15 mins. I miss them. Dad had just got home I think, he runs a bar so he is lucky to get out at 3:30am after closing down cleaning things up and tallying things up. Not that anyone needs to know that.

For those interested I have attached some photos of my baby sister (some include me though).

Cut for Photos )

Jul. 17th, 2012


For Aksel

Filtered to Aksel
I hate to do this, but you're the only one who didn't react negatively to my power right out the bat. And treated me like normal. I just had to talk to someone. Today is date my sister passed away in the Car Crash but it is also the day I made her come back to life in so much pain and I just feel guilty still. And upset, because I miss her. But what is the use of my power if I couldn't save her?

Sorry. Gosh you don't need to answer.

Jul. 16th, 2012


Tests and Trivia

So I guess today is all about stretching those brains of ours. From placements test to trivia. Kind of glad to get the placement tests over and done with, though the math one was kind of fun.

Filtered Private
So it's tomorrow. The first time I am not home for the anniversary. I hope it doesn't make it feel worse. I just feel like I am farther away from Dylan, which is ridiculous. I just hope I can keep it together tomorrow. Though my counseling session is tomorrow. Maybe it is good timing? At least I have been to freaked about being here and settling in that I have not had the crash dream this year. But hope I have not spoke too soon.

Jul. 14th, 2012


Won my Heart with Batman

Are you kidding me! We get to see Dark Knight Rises on WEDNESDAY! Had I not been here I would have been seeing it at the Thursday Midnight at the Cineplex theatre in my town. THIS IS AMAZING. I have seen all the others at midnight preview and I was kind of bummed I wouldn't get to see it for like ages. IVI has come in and changed that. So comic nerd me is pretty stoked.

Mario Kart! Tonight, right up my alley. I already miss my video games (is that sad?)

Not looking forward to the placement tests, of course I want the classes that have them. Oh well.

Filtered Private
Still not sure if I will ever get use to people replying to my blog like journal entries. I am comfortable writing my thoughts but nobody used to read (or I knew that they read). Still talking to people via this is so much easier than face to face. I just never know what to say then. Can life be conducted over internet?

Jul. 13th, 2012


And Welcome to the Outback.

Umm, I miss the temperature of home.

This is weird. No stranger to blogging, but people actually reading it is weird.

My rooms okay, and Audra (did I spell that right) seems nice.