July 2013




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Jul. 14th, 2013


It's been an experience everyone. Insert some terrible joke about our paths crossing again here (oh don't give me that look, I'm allowed) because it's definitely bound to happen.

And with that , I'm out. To the great Canadian wilds I go!

Jul. 11th, 2013


if you can't find someone, let me know and i'll work it out. if they're alive or were recently i can find them.

this is me, offering my services. it's the least i can do.

Jun. 10th, 2013


Ah, yes because isolating a group from the rest of the world and expecting positive results has always worked out well. That is what history has taught us, yeah?

Can't even practice my powers cause I've got training for now until the end of eternity.

Has anyone baked anything today? I could use something sweet right now.

May. 19th, 2013


Sunday during Internet hours

Figures that I'd log on for Internet time looking to get lost in a shame spiral via google/wikipedia/everything and stumble upon real news.

Who wants to start running the numbers on who stole it, what exactly they want, and how long before it comes back to haunt our asses? Anyone?

May. 4th, 2013


Speaking of 4 May, has it ever been decided who IVI's Yoda is?

Less of the 'ultimate badarse/old man' type and more the 'awkwardly phrased words of supposed wisdom' type. Inquiring minds want to know.

I think the best part of that daft People set was the bit where your name was in quotes. Props for adding to the ~mystery~ of us Kiwis.

Apr. 17th, 2013


At some point the higher ups will learn that there is so bloody point to solitary if you're just going to lock everyone up in it. Especially when those folks are just trying to calm shit down. Unless they're aiming to have all of us in our own little cells, then I suppose they should just keep on trudging along. Soon we'll all be in there and they won't even have to pretend they're running a school.


Apr. 7th, 2013


Claiming the next 2hrz as my extended birthday cause Friday was a snooze. Come give me wishes, dolls.

Apr. 1st, 2013


I feel like I won some sort of prize by not being chosen for the Vol Squad. Go us Non-Chosen Ones!

Mar. 21st, 2013


Made a pair of lolly cakes which people should definitely come and eat otherwise I might be forced to make more and use them as tools of torment or something. Lolly cakes taking over the dorms. Just imagine.

I'm sorry one of my asshat countrymen nabbed you. Also sorry that I didn't get a chance to help find you. If you want it, a massive piece of lolly cake is totally yours.

NEW ZEALANDERS - minus Devon
I seriously think we need some Kiwi bonding. Anyone with me? I don't m low what we'd do but we could figure something out.

Feb. 19th, 2013


I have survived way to much shit to be taken down by a bloody bunch of flies.

fucking hell I'm dying.

Feb. 5th, 2013


The little cartoon people on the posters are a nice touch. Classy.

Though I've got to say if the teammate you're trying to date/feel up/what have you happens to be both a Vol AND a child, then there are bigger fish to fry. Seriously.

Jan. 6th, 2013


I'm pretty certain I just slept for most of the past three days. I can barely tell what time zone I'm in anymore.

Any takers for a random hour distraction?

Dec. 29th, 2012


Survived. Hope no one was too worried (except those I know who were, Dusty).

And I guess now I am Coming to America. Now that song is going to be stuck in my head the entire flight. Brilliant.

Dec. 19th, 2012


The way that all my mates keep buying me shots, you'd think that I'd just gotten out of prison.

Popped down to the South Island for a few days. Having a blast and it looks like I'm not the only one. Anyone know how to call for a temporary shot ban without coming off like a total downer?

Dec. 14th, 2012



Have been for a couple of hours, but you know. Naps to be had, hobbits to be watched and all that before I even got to the cinema! Har har har

Kipped out back in old bedroom (or will be when I stumble home later) until all the Christmas crackers are cracked. Then it's ~adventure time~. got to make the most of the time i have, etc etc. Hope everyone's travelling well. Can't say I envy those of you have to travel far.

Don't let me forget to dig up a particularly horrendous pic of Dusty dressed as Elrond from LOTR now that I'm home. You've all got to get a load of this mess. It's epic.

Dec. 4th, 2012


Still think the whole 'tracking device on the tracker' is a bit redundant but oh well. Looks like an anklet it is for me!

More pressing issue is that the hols can't start right now. I'm a bit gutted that I'm going to be missing out on The Hobbit premiere. Nerdy, I know. But that's just how we roll in the Shire, Hobbit support, etc. etc.

But one doesn't just walk out of IVI and into Mordor or whatever they're calling the outside world these days. OR DO THEY?

Nov. 14th, 2012


Since I can't really sleep, I'm going to use this newfound time making a list of things that have been ruined for me by this weekend.

Like the films of Ridley Scott, James Cameron, and anything with Sigourney Weaver. Ugh.

Oct. 30th, 2012


I need a carton of glitter and enough hair spray to poke another hole in the ozone. Pronto.

Oct. 24th, 2012


Predators are a natural part of any ecosystem. I don't think that being Vols would exempt us from that. I'm not saying that this bloke is innocent or misunderstood or any of that nonsense, but I just thought I'd point that out. Creepy, eh?

Just got to hope that he doesn't have a power that prevents tracking. Fingers crossed.

Oct. 21st, 2012


Not that I'm about to get all wobbly, but this seems like a stupid idea. Choice, my arse.

No chip for me until they can prove it's not going to muck up my power beyond repair. I'll just keep pissing around here in the middle of Oz until something else comes along.

What use is a power if it's going to get munted by a chip that does the exact same thing?

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