July 2013




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Jul. 3rd, 2013


011 → tuesday night.

It sounds like some of our fellow Vols had a party and did not invite us.

What do you all make of this group in solitary now?

May. 3rd, 2013


010 → friday evening.

You are caught on camera kissing one girl and suddenly you are a "lesbian icon."

Apr. 2nd, 2013


009 → tuesday afternoon.

I am excited for this opportunity. I suggest that we have a dinner tonight, of our own, to get to know each other better in positive ways. We have common interest with this squad, it would benefit us all to learn more about each other and put aside old differences if there are any.

You're welcome.

I recommended you, so you know. I am glad you made it on the squadron.

One day, you and I will have the chance to work together. And on that day, many people will

Mar. 24th, 2013


008 → sunday afternoon.

Tomorrow is the first day of Passover. There will be a Seder, which is a dinner and ceremony to commemorate the Jews freeing themselves from slavery lead by Moses out of Egypt. The food is good and there is always singing and drink. Anyone is welcome to join us if they are respectful and willing to participate. It is a mitzvah to have others be welcome at our table.

I am going to speak to Moshe about seeing if any of the Jewish staff members would like to join us, and if there is a chance we can get wine. I haven't had juice at Pesach since I was thirteen.

The cafeteria should be providing us with matzoh for the duration of Passover too, for those of you who will refrain from leavened bread with me.

Mar. 17th, 2013


007 → sunday night.

It is one thing for the IVF to make a public statement about this little terrorist organization. Clearly, they are not in favor of their public voices. But it is now far past the time for us to make our own public statement, individually as Vols, denouncing the actions of these insane people. I do not support or condone this Vols Rising group. I do not want to be represented by them or freed by them or included in any of their general claims about the future. They are going to drive us all to war and increase the dangers in any country against our brother and sister Vols still living at home, or anyone suspected wrongfully of being a Vol. Mass murder for the sake of vengeance does not an uprising make, only more blood and more violence and more hatred will come of this.

Like the terrorists, I will make a video of my own. And anyone who wishes to participate is welcome, if you have something constructive and pro-IVF to say. Anyone who is wrong-headed enough to reach out to these terrorists, know that you are just as guilty of their crimes for your collusion and support. The time will come when you will see their mistakes and understand the consequences, even if you are too blind to see them now.

Dec. 27th, 2012


006 → thursday afternoon.

you people must find anthony. the fucking kidnappers gave me a concussion and i have to have stitches in my hand. so they are not letting me help murder these sons of bitches with you all. also i have not slept. because of the concussion. it is annoying. being confined here is annoying. when you find anthony i will be out of bed and i will make up for my uselessness, ani mavti'kha, so it is not just sam who is murdering sons of bitches, ok.

so we are missing padraig and elsa

is there anyone else injured? report.

Nov. 25th, 2012


005 → sunday afternoon.

In case anyone had forgotten the real reason why we keep Sam around:

photos from the beach )

Enjoy, boys and girls of IVI.

Oct. 21st, 2012


004 → sunday afternoon.

I will be volunteering. I will see anyone else who is willing to undergo the procedure on the beach.

If not, I can always sunbathe topless by myself, hmm?

Oct. 2nd, 2012


003 → tuesday morning.

This is actually an announcement for the public service. Because of my accident last weekend, there is something wrong with my power, I cannot turn them off. The staff has not figured out why yet and I have not been able to control them.

So: if you do not want to experience sudden and intense pain, do not touch me. I will cover up my arms and legs whenever I can but be prepared to keep your distance.

I should probably sit out for now. Sorry.

Sep. 24th, 2012


002 → monday afternoon.

well. that trip to the infirmary was not planned.

Sep. 16th, 2012


001 → sunday night.

Le'shana tova tikoteiv vetichoteim, le'alter lechaim tovim u'leshalom! And happy Rosh Hashanah 5773. It is a shame that we live so far in the future, us Jews, and yet we haven't yet made a hovercar. Or meals in pill form. Or telepathic keyboards. Not even a cure for cancer. What have we been doing all this time, I ask?

In other news, a fair warning to you all. It may be the high holy holidays for some of us, but attack a Peacock teammate and we will not let it go without a response. We protect our own. And for those of you who whine louder than your little siblings, you would do well to remember that those on your team are your brothers in arms. Whether or not you care about this assignment, letting them down is dishonorable and cowardly.