July 2013




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Jul. 10th, 2013


I'm sorry to do this this way, but I don't know of any better way given the circumstances.

Mike Fitzgerald and I may not have always seen eye to eye but he was an upstanding person and I am honored to have known him. Lydie Pletschette was one of the most beautiful people I knew both inside and out.

Jul. 1st, 2013


about an hour after this

listen, it's really not cool to intrude upon someone's body while they're sleeping. it's also not cool to ruin years worth of love and passion manifested into part of my physical body.

Jun. 29th, 2013



I have my phone back now because I started consenting to food again and while it was nice to get away from technology I'm glad I have it back so I could thank everyone. I went to heard about the solidarity thing last Monday and I really want to thank everyone who did the strike even for just a day.

peace b/w/u

P.S. since I did come back to one text about it, yes, the musical is officially cancelled.

I'm coming home tonight. Do you mind if Muhammad sleeps over if he's out too?

I'm sorry this didn't turn out better.

Jun. 14th, 2013


Sometimes I wish they'd shut off the lights around campus so we could see the stars better. i mean it's still a monumental improvement from socal but even as far away as I can get it's hard to ignore the lights and see just the infinite beyond

May. 20th, 2013


In the wake of more deaths I have been turning to the words of the wise Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., and I want to share them with you all tonight. I'm sure many of you have heard them before, but I hope you'll really listen.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”

peace b/w/u

May. 14th, 2013



Now that everyone's suspensions are over we need to get our musical rehearsals back into full swing. I'll be finding each and every one of you today to deliver the personalized schedules I've made. Please take good care of them because I also made hand-drawn pictures of each of you.

Lastly, if you no longer wish to participate please tell me now so I don't waste any more of my time with you like I did with M

peace b/w/u

May. 6th, 2013



I just want to take a minute to appreciate some of the people in my life, especially my teammates. I had a really amazing weekend camping with the Magpies, and though we all weren't on the same level about camping and how we wanted to be and what we wanted out of it, I think in the end we all ended up a little bit closer both emotionally and spiritually. There's just something about being under the wide open sky with people you've shared your sweat and tears with that is beyond satisfying. One of my favorite things to do is to sleep under the stars, and though I don't do it often because of the toll it takes on my body, I was happy to get to do it this weekend.

I also want to point out that tomorrow marks the start of International Clitoris Week and I hope that link loads for you because I think it's a really great cause.

peace b/w/u

Apr. 19th, 2013


good fucking job keeping things non-violent, friends

For those of you just getting out of solitary, we've been having a sit in since Thursday.

Apr. 15th, 2013



I've been deeply troubled by this video from Russia, and I'm sure so many others have questions like I have. Are these Vols at the Russian school, or are they another rogue group? The line about guards at the bedroom doors is disturbing, especially if they are at the Russian school. I'm going to meditate tomorrow and try to send all those Vols some positive energies.

In more self-centered news, I think I wish more than ever I could be home in California right now, and not for Coachella (though this is the first time I've missed in over five years) — I'm an uncle!

Clarence Oliver Prescott
Born April 13th, 2013, 2:06pm
7lbs 14 oz, 21 inches long

I'd love to share my joy with all of you, so if anyone wants some vegan brownies, I'll be baking them in the kitchen

peace b/w/u

Apr. 10th, 2013



I've been doing a lot of meditating lately about the Vol Squad and I think I need to share some honesty right now. I can't say enough how much it thrills me that we are able to help those in need and that, while we may be separated from the rest of our brothers and sisters in this world what makes us extraordinary can do extraordinary things for them. I'll be focusing all my positive energies at the group in the Philippines, asking Gaia to give them understanding and love and compassion for the situation at hand, and as it is all I can give, I hope all those on the Squad will take this with them.

I wish I could use my own hands to help and heal, but once again I am humbled by the weights this life has put upon me and I must do my best in the coming days to come to terms with it. It is a never-ending process, and I admit I sometimes worry if the sting of each setback and lost opportunity will never fade. My burden, too, is often invisible, easy to forget when it's not immediately making itself known. Easy to think I am free of it, until it returns. So I am here and while I have troubles over it, I wish our friends out there safety and positivity and foresight to help in their greatest capacities.

In other news, my brother-in-law keeps sending me pictures of my sister's stomach and it's really making me homesick. Still, my heart is there, and that's the important part.

Peace b/w/u

How are you doing, my dear friend?

Mar. 11th, 2013


After all-clear


Please be careful. There's a giant puddle of candy syrup outside one of the supply closets near the cafeteria and it's really sticky. It seems like there's also some pretty sticky footprints near it too.

I'm really glad that nothing bad happened during this lockdown. Rather the opposite, actually. It's inspiring to see that good things such as moments of passion can happen even in the most dire of situations.

peace b/w/u

Mar. 4th, 2013



I think we all need a little more peace right now. There is so much going on that's troubling in this world, to see troubling things here, among us, is just no good. Let's stop with the harsh feelings, stop with the threats. Let's just love.

peace b/w/u

Feb. 26th, 2013



A lot has happened in the past few days to all of us, and the days before that probably seem like a lifetime ago, but I need to apologize for my actions in the few days preceding. Last Wednesday afternoon during training I was subject to a vicious crime of bodily theft as a deceased Floridian man took my body without consent and would not return it to me. It was not a very pleasant experience and I had to watch as he hurt people and betrayed the trust of many people I consider dear friends.

I've apologized to some people already and I'm going to do more apologizing in person, but I really hope you can forgive me. I'm really glad for the many people who knew that the douchebag attitude I had was not characteristic of me and those who did not let the ghost get away with his crap.

Filters to Magpies, Edwin, Mo, Filipe, Max, Benjie, Davi, Bryn, Astrid, Cheska, Coralie, Daisy, Fin, Isla, Jodi, Jordana, Lo, Lottie, Lydie, Mette, Sadie and Sonia, lmk I'm missing anyone he offended )

Also it's still really amazing how awful my body feels after having eaten dairy. Luckily he had enough sense not to eat meat.

Feb. 18th, 2013


An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

Feb. 10th, 2013



So I had a really great conversation today with my sister, whose fetus is due in April. It'll be a boy, and it's breaking my heart a bit that I don't even know when I'll be able to meet him, but I am really grateful for the technology we have in this day and age that I'll still be able to see pictures and things all the time. Still, I've been thinking a lot about this little human that I don't even know yet but love so much, and about his future, which is leading me to a question. You don't have to answer it if you don't want to, of course.

How many of you have family members who are Vols? I know the ones here, of course, but I'm sure there are others. It's definitely new to think of whether babies being born are going to be Vols or not.

So there's a dance coming up, right? I really dislike the consumerism and emphasis on monogamy that Valentine's Day has, so do you want to go with me?

[MEN OF 1990]
So I think that none of us should probably sleep with Lottie. But I think we should try to support her.

Feb. 5th, 2013


after the game

Well that's that.

Jan. 28th, 2013



I want to ask all of you, for a minute, to think about the food you eat. A lot of people are surprised when they hear that food is political, but when you really think about it, food is almost more political than just about anything else. Every human animal and non-human animal on this planet eats, and the amount food that passes over roads and skies and borders is more than you can imagine.

So I was really horrified when I read this: Reporting Factory Farming Abuses Could Be Considered 'Act of Terrorism' If New Laws Pass. Factory farming isn't the reason that I went vegan, but it's definitely one reason that makes me really glad I did. And for the sake of full disclosure, this article is about the United States and my knowledge on the subject is United States-specific, but the problems I find with it are something that could be universal.

Beyond the ethical dilemmas factory farming has, I think every person should be concerned about this sort of law — it could make investigating food safety illegal. Does that bother you? It should. Not only does it let corporate greed go unchecked, but it at YOUR expense. And it stomps on some of proudest American achievements — think the impact The Jungle had on the American meatpacking industry during the turn of the twentieth century. That helped lead to the creation of the FDA.

It's worrisome. It's making me think more about my food choices here, and the food choices we have at IVI. Is our meat from factory farms? What are the conditions like here in Australia? How much of our food is locally sourced?

Can we talk?

Can we talk?

Why is it so hard for people to be mature about sex?

Hi Brad. I have a favor to ask you, if you don't mind.

Jan. 25th, 2013


Listen, it's really not cool to invade someone's privacy and send text messages from their phone while they're sleeping.

Jan. 21st, 2013


ty australian timezones, the game was at like 4:30 in the morning

Listen, this is San Francisco's year.

Jan. 13th, 2013


Listen, humans are built as sexual beings. It's only natural to celebrate that any time we can.

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