July 2013




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May. 17th, 2013



May. 1st, 2013


mette skoglund; 13.

Shitty realisations: Did you know that being able to tell lies through video means I cannot watch movies or TV? I guess this gives me even more reason to learn how the fuck to turn my powers off. Like, it's great that I've gotten stronger and all (I have gotten stronger, BTW) but LOL way to be the opposite of a silver lining.

On the bright side, I have been doing wayyyyy more reading than I have ever done before.

Does anyone have any advice? For how to turn yours off. Like, if there is some sort of meditating trick, or whatever.

Remind me, what do people even do for fun?? [...] And not that.

I'm sorry we argued about
How are y
Are we okay? I

Nice going on the mission, Sammy. :)

Jesus christ I feel weird about team training with Mason. Do you think it's ever going to not be awkward?

Mar. 26th, 2013


mette skoglund; 12.

So I came across this totally cool tech video recently: http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/02/27/scientists-uncover-invisible-motion-in-video/

If anyone is interested in what my power is like, part of it is sooooort of like that. I do not actually see people's pulses like that, visually, but I can sense it -- like, I know that your heartrate is increasing, that you are sweating, that you are lying. It's very hard to describe but I just... know. Even when those things are missing. I find it funny that some of the first comments on this article are all about lie detection and how terrified people are that it might become more accurate. LOL. Welcome to my fucking life.

I need to ask for, like, a favour. Can all of you guys record and send me short videos of yourselves saying 2 lies and 1 truth, in random order? And then I will tell you which one is true. Because I think I can do that now. Maybe. Probably.

Dinner tomorrow? It's been a while ♥

So you decided to sign up, right?

Welcome back, you fucking idiot. What was that all about?


Attitydinkontinens is me, I think.

Heisann! It has been [...] a while since our last group hangout, but I think we could probably do with another night? Especially now that we have Odd Bjarne, Silje, and maybe a new boy soon. And with Easter coming soon, I realise that I miss påskekrim -- so a fun crime movie could be a good idea? Olsenbanden, maybe. Or Poirot, if we don't care about it being, like, from our actual countries.

It's been weird trying to get back to normal.

Feb. 23rd, 2013


mette skoglund; 11.

Hearing the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God -- and now you all know what it's like to be me, sort of. "How do you like them apples", I think the Americans say.

And because so many people have been forwarding me this link and asking about it: jepp, Norwegian state television totally broadcasted 10 hours of firewood coverage and a live feed of burning logs. I watched some of the stream last week, it was fucking hilarious. I miss ho

And from my favourite webcomic, here is your little bit of Scandinavian info for the day: Mette did not cut this. )

We are supposed to be an international school, yes? You should share with me some fun, cute traditions from your home countries or hometowns, if you like. :*

Feb. 11th, 2013


mette skoglund; 10.


Poetic justice would be if they used vols at his trial. Bring out me, Shannon, and Allegra, get him convicted beyond a reasonable doubt. Hell, you could even get Jada and the Lancasters and Ethan in on the fun and probably others I don't even know about. It would be honest, it would be true.

Too bad we are not there yet, vols in criminal justice. Even after so many years. Guess we are too fucking young still.

Happy belated birthday ♥

[After the post explodes:] And now my message seems weird, above all this. Sorry.

How are you all?

Sorry, again.

Jan. 30th, 2013


mette skoglund; 09.

Heisan :*

Hi, you.

Jan. 27th, 2013


mette skoglund; 08.

The list, as promised at lunch. Feel free to make notes on the dares -- I greyed out the ones that we, like, cannot even do at IVI. Obviously loads of them are inappropriate, or hard to do because of the alcohol limit.

We should brainstorm how the hell to do this, though -- help me! We are in 1990, 1992, and 1993, but our years together would make like 90 people and that is way too much. If we did just our four teams, I think it's more like 50 people? LOL I do not know what the right number is. It is more fun when you have more people together, but you do not want to make it so broad that people are, like, unsurprised by the weirdness. Some people did

And who even knows who would be interested in my dumb Norwegian shit. Maybe we limit it to our friends? I don't know, but I just want to make people laugh and have fun and take their minds off things. It was so much easier when we were all in a high school class together, christ.

Hi. Sorry I've been weird.

[...] You are seventeen, yes?

Have you ever heard of 'russ'? Does Sweden have this?

Seen any good movies lately?

Hi -- I meant to thank you, for organising the memorial.

Jan. 14th, 2013


[filter: ladies of the fifth floor (kelly, shannon, camela, leigh, whitney, lydie, lena, sunny, qamar) & mette's friends]
We know that Mette isn't one for big centre of attention things, but we get so few things to celebrate that I don't want this to pass. Since we don't have class, I'm going to suggest Thursday late afternoon that we do a little get together. What she does want to do is keep testing her power - so I'm suggesting we get together for snacks, drinks and a bunch of lying based games for a couple of hours. Less of a giant focus on her and she still gets to have fun.

[filter: mette]
Keep Thursday afternoon free.
[filter: leigh]
Shenanigans reminded me that I found the funniest thing online. Your type of underwear?

Jan. 12th, 2013


mette skoglund; 07.

Good news. :)

So I do not know how to say this and I don't want, like, a whole wave of congratulations or anything because I didn't do shit, but my powers are back. I thought it was important everyone know immediately, so you do not have to be afraid/hopeful of this so-called terrorist "cure" because it's bullshit and they are bullshit.

You can stop tiptoeing around me now.

Jan. 8th, 2013


mette skoglund; 06.

[OOC: Pretend this was posted earlier today, doot doot.]

My deepest thanks to everyone who participated in the rescue operations, no matter what sort of task you were doing. It all helped.

[...] Norway does not do the death penalty, not even for the Utøya terrorist. I can't decide if I would want to make an exception for whoever did this.

And you especially. Thank you so fucking much. Javier, Ari, Juli, I hope your injuries are healing okay.

Can we watch a movie or something this afternoon?

Hi. I heard you were on interrogation. :)


Sorry I missed your message, I wasn't reading the network much then. I'm about as okay as can be I guess. You? Ready for tomorrow?

You can't use your power on others, can you?

[LOTTIE, unposted]
I'm so
He told me to


So I should probably mention that I don't know if I'll see you guys after the 21st. Considering.

Dec. 22nd, 2012


mette skoglund; 05.

:) Everyone and their mum is posting pictures from their vacations but I am going to jump on this bandwagon anyway, because it's not every day I get to run around taking pictures in Norway. I just looked up the weather and apparently the temperature ~feels like~ -12C (9F for the Americans), so it's very fucking different from the Australian summer we just came from. I like it, though -- you cannot have Christmas without snow.

pictures! )

Iiiii am bored as fuck out here, though. When are we going to Switzerland? And Lorelei, are you coming? xoxo

All your travels/various homes going OK? Tell me exciting tales of what the fuck you've been up to! Something to thrill me while I sit here freezing my ass off. We don't like leaving the house much, for semi-obvious reasons.

Nov. 8th, 2012


mette skoglund; 04. she's posting about it late bc her player is a fail!!

Topic change from all the doom and gloom!! It took me a little while but I finally got Halloween pictures off of Rose's little bug! They are all of me though, sorry not sorry. :*

Looking good today, darling! Also, I have a question.

So, have you heard of anything fun happening this weekend that is NOT the beach?

I'm not going to the

Oct. 31st, 2012


My plans today are to take over the kitchen to make a bunch of halloween treats. If anyone wants to come along and watch/help with chocolate eyeballs, bloody hot chocolate, spiderweb cookies, etc then come down to the kitchens after dinner.

I'm also going to mock up some edible fake blood for people who want to go vampire or dead person or zombie or whatever. It'll be there for the people helping with costumes for the party etc.

[filter: mette & conner]
    What are you guys going as?

[filter: momo]
    Still want to go gangster?

Oct. 11th, 2012


mette skoglund; 03.

Please please please let's have a fun laidback movie night, like, this weekend or something? The news is all murder and kidnapping and it fucking sucks. We should each suggest a comedy and then we can go through some sort of complicated voting process~ on the night of. As for me I am thinking Gamle mænd i nye biler orrr Kong curling. Kopps would be acceptable too. Just NO DRAMA, NO HORROR, NO SLASHERS.

I just realized I already suggested three instead of one of my own. Oops. Whatever.

Uhhhhh hey Swedes. Any idea what's going on with Erik? I wanted to ask him myself but then I thought you two might know, so that I wouldn't have to pester him.

Oct. 7th, 2012


mette skoglund; 02.

[Pretend this was posted this morning-ish!]

I would vote for whoever will increase our spending accounts, but sadly I think that magical person doesn't exist! Moa inspired me and got me homesick for candy, I want to buy more Freia chocolate and have it sent out here but I cannot :(

Good luck to both Allegra and Mason tonight! Hoping you both win. :) Can we have a celebration party if you do?

Hey I know you're probably really busy, but then again you can't really do any more campaigning while people are voting today and counting up the votes and stuff. Do you have a sec to talk? Or are you, like, crazy busy with this stuff?

Sep. 18th, 2012


mette skoglund; 01.

[Immediately after this.]

Broke the fucking egg. Sorry. You would've fucking done so too, though. I am never ever ever going to shower ever again, I'm going to become a shit-nasty cavewoman living in the wilderness, this is what this competition has done to me. Please don't give it to me again. xoxo


Can we have another get-together when all this madness is over and we can start trusting each other again? Tusen takk, much obliged. Bonus points if it can involve food from home.

Hello :*