July 2013




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Dec. 20th, 2012


VIII. Escher breaks his silence.

Not to be be late, but--Christ it is good to be out. No announcements about a graduation age yet, I don't suppose.

Vi )
Oden )

Oct. 28th, 2012


VII. unintentional insomniac.

[Per Enver's earsplitting nightmare-shriek as described in this post. This was posted immediately afterwards, in the neighborhood of 3AM, a rare return to the network.]

Well, it's not as though I'd made use of a pharmaceutical sleep-aid, or anything. At this rate Anyone else awake?

Sep. 18th, 2012


VI. intact.

Well, theory proven. The library is the most uneventful spot on campus.

Aug. 22nd, 2012


v. team toucan's unexpected training exercise. [Tuesday afternoon]

This place really is the complete program. Classmates to involuntarily attack us, trainers to force us to deal with it on our own bodily dime, and a hospital to manage our dislocated shoulders.

Now, which one of you can modify memories? Speak up, now. This week won't delete itself.

Aug. 15th, 2012


[Filtered to Marius Escher]


i'm bored

would you like to come over and talk about cinema and/or fuck me

plz rsvp, much obliged

Jul. 23rd, 2012


iv. academic theory.

Arguable positions:

If you can't gain satisfactory educational insight via independent study (given state-of-the-art materials and extensive resources) you have only yourself to blame: discuss.

If you can't gain a satisfactory education when forced to contend with 15 hrs/week light paramilitary training, you have only the IVF to blame: discuss.

Jul. 21st, 2012



Here's a plea for the future, particularly in light of recent events: if you can't be trusted not to post to this network while inebriated, have someone take your device from you. A flood of drunk entries tonight will be a perfect opportunity to make the first "pub night" the last.

I'd add something about trying not to get drunk in the first place, but perhaps that's too much to ask.

In other news, I hope I'll be allowed to have books or writing material in my inevitable solitary confinement.

Jul. 14th, 2012



The word "Draconian" comes to mind. Along with a few others. Will there be urine tests as well? But there's something rather more sinister about compound buildings labeled verboten without explanation and the explicit threat of solitary confinement. And something more sinister still about a student body instantly placated by screenings of broad-spectrum "superhero" films. Not to get too Orwellian, but.

At this rate, the supplies at "pub night" will be non-alcoholic or w. The age restriction (and independent study) keeps hope alive(!)

Jul. 13th, 2012



Two beds a room. I can only imagine the delicate scheduling gymnastics about to take place. Or perhaps not, judging by all the scandal re: prophylactics during processing.

Is there some degree of sorting for course levels? Or will the curriculum just be something of a free-for-all? In which case: trepidation on behalf of the teaching staff.