July 2013




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Feb. 24th, 2013


Does anyone else not remember yesterday? Is this just me? What the fuck is going on? And how the fuck did I manage to break my phone by touching it?

What the fuck is going on??

Jan. 10th, 2013


Is it safe to come back to the network or is there still stupidity going on?

Dec. 5th, 2012


I still think tracking us at all is fucked up, but I'll save that rant for if I can be bothered another time.

Anyone else going to be in New York?

Dec. 1st, 2012


Looks like I'm adding that "documentary" to the list of things I wish I'd never paid any fucking attention to.

Nov. 21st, 2012


Laser tag? That could be fun.


I think this care package means you're officially spoiling me. Thanks.

Nov. 6th, 2012


Your weird question of the day:

Has anyone else been hearing things? Like voices from a room that turns out to be empty? I just want to check if I'm finally losing my fucking mind.

Oct. 31st, 2012


My plans today are to take over the kitchen to make a bunch of halloween treats. If anyone wants to come along and watch/help with chocolate eyeballs, bloody hot chocolate, spiderweb cookies, etc then come down to the kitchens after dinner.

I'm also going to mock up some edible fake blood for people who want to go vampire or dead person or zombie or whatever. It'll be there for the people helping with costumes for the party etc.

[filter: mette & conner]
    What are you guys going as?

[filter: momo]
    Still want to go gangster?

Oct. 24th, 2012


Yeah, this'll go well. I can't begin to imagine how this'll blow up in anyone's faces. For fuck sake.

Oct. 9th, 2012


That news is fucking awful. It's also state the obvious day.


I'm keeping Rose company during lunch while she makes a triple chocolate cake, she's letting me have some to bring to training. Don't worry, I didn't actually help make it so you're safe from food poisoning.

Oct. 8th, 2012


Whatever happened to due process?

At least the trips should be fun. I wonder if they'll let us go to a city at some point, I miss home like fucking crazy some days and being around another city would be better than here. Even if it's not as good as home.


You okay? I know that Anika hurt you, and I wouldn't mind punching her for it, but being locked up like that... I don't know. I just want to know if you're okay with it all. Or if there's anything you need.

You're going to call me sweet again, aren't you?

Oct. 6th, 2012


Voting. Civic Duty. Blah Blah. I'm just predicting the next ten entries you will see on the network.

PS. Vote Allegra for the sake of the coffee and Rose for the snacks.

[Filtered: Flamingos]

Speaking of coffee. Does anyone want to grab one at the café tomorrow? Bring friends, room-mates and anyone you want us to inform in the event of a Training Incident so at least we know who they are.

Yes, it means an enormous amount of Team Bonding this week, but bring other friends and have one coffee so I'm not sitting there alone getting slowly more and more wired on whatever caffeinated concoction I end up drinking.

Sep. 27th, 2012


I've managed to memorise every page of all of my texts books. Tests should now be incredibly easy, although I'm really fucking bored.

Aug. 19th, 2012


Is anyone else bored? Or is it just me?

Someone please tell me there's something going on that I've managed to miss by not checking in with my Thoughts On Everything once a day.

Aug. 8th, 2012



I need to stop watching the fucking television. These images, words and fucking feelings are going to be stuck with me forever. I need to do something else.


I'm going to get out of here and hit the gym if anyone wants to join me. Might go for a swim too.

Aug. 2nd, 2012


So this is what everyone's reading when they're constantly checking their phones?
