July 2013




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Apr. 18th, 2013


So, anybody up for staging a peaceful protest against the treatment of our classmates?

Apr. 16th, 2013


First thing: I went out for some flying last night and, for the first time, hit the force field. You know, guys, I like it here, and some of you have been really nice and welcoming, and my roommate is pretty badass, but suddenly it feels like my wings are clipped, so to speak. Anyone else ever get kind of claustrophobic? I guess at least we aren't Russia - clipped and also mistreated, you know? I shudder to think of it. It's nice here... that's a comfort.

[Filtered to everyone except Dagmar]
Second thing: I'm building a cat jungle-gym for my roommate. It needs to involve tunnels and stuff to bat at. I don't really know if she'll like it because she isn't actually a cat but whatever. I need to do it next time she's out for a while. If anyone has spare... whatever... wood, or piping or carpet bits or a glue-gun or something... well, I have no idea where you'd get that shit but I totally would like some. If anyone wants to like, help or give ideas, I'm game for that too. Just drop me a line.

...Or maybe I should do a smaller-scale one so it's more fun... I could make hamster-sized slides.

Apr. 7th, 2013


I think my roommate's a threat to the local bird population, just saying. Those assholes deserve it if you ask me.

Uh, I just moved here from Dresden. I guess hi? The name's Anke.

Anybody from the mother country? We've got the start of a German crew going on here on floor 5.