July 2013




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Jul. 10th, 2013


spoiler for Neve's post under here )

May. 27th, 2013


Filter: Toucans minus Noah

I just realised Noah's birthday is tomorrow. Should we make a cake or something? I'm really bad at planning birthday things so if someone else wants to put something more than that together, feel free. I wasn't sure if I should include his friends on this filter too or who they are really but maybe we can manage something on our own?

Maybe we can make Trask sing happy birthday with us. He would hate that.

May. 17th, 2013


it kind of feels like we're just waiting for the other shoe to drop

I just wrote two whole paragraphs about the weather and how I won't get to experience the first days of no snow this year but it's not very interesting so I won't make you read that. I do miss living where the seasons are distinct though. I hope I will Maybe next spring we'll be home and get to experience it. And if not maybe by next year we'll be used to the seasons being all backwards here.

[...] This was still pretty boring. Sorry.

May. 12th, 2013


OOC: Pictured below is an image of most of the Toucans (not sure which ones, but probably most of them!) group hugging Ivan, on Jade and Noah's initiative. Trask is probably forcibly involved as well because his team is the worst.


Our all day training is really only half day because we have counseling in the afternoons but we're using our time wisely...

Apr. 25th, 2013


The worst thing with this more limited internet is that you actually have to talk to people on the phone sometimes. And actually check your messages and not ignore them for a week, especially not after your brother FINDS OUT YOU WERE IN SOLITARY NEVE.

That was a fun conversation.

Filter: Leigh, Mette, Rose
Be really careful! This sounds really scary, but I'm sure you can do it and worrying won't actually help you so I'll try not to. Good luck and such.

Filter: Jace
So what are your theories on this last bombing? I know you probably have a list and talking about people dying apparently makes me feel better. I don't know what that says about me because it's too weird to think about for all that long but if you do have a minute to tell me how you think we'll die this time that'd be great.

Apr. 20th, 2013


Filter: most of Moa's Close Friends (Leigh, Mette, Rose, Shannon), most of the Nice Toucans (Anke, Leigh, Noah, Priscilla, Taki)
hi. i'm back now. and i'm sorry really i don't know why i thought that was a good idea.

Filter: Jace, Jade, Jimmy
can we maybe agree to not do that again?

Filter: Sigge [in Swedish, ofc]
i don't usually do this. just so you know.

Apr. 16th, 2013


Things are never not going to be dramatic around here, are they?

Filter: Anke
Hi. I know we haven't talked much in training because believe it or not but I'm better with words when they're written down but I just wanted to say sorry that your first week/s at IVI is this weird. It's actually like this a lot, but you'll get used to it. I hope.

I mean, nobody has set fire to Sam before but they did stuff a girl in a bag and people punch each other a lot. Anyway I'm really bad at being all welcomey and stuff but at least you're not sleeping in Erik's bed so I'm trying. But there's some non-crazy people here, I promise. We're just not quite as loud.

Filter: Nice Toucans (filter includes: Anke, Jace, Jade, Leigh, Priscilla, Taki)
What do you think about this whole Russian school thing? And are you going to this protest thing that Daisy is talking about? It would mean missing training I think and it would be awkward a little weird if it was just like one or two of us but I don't think we can count on any of the others to actually do it. Or even contemplate doing it.

So um, just asking for your opinion I guess.

Apr. 5th, 2013


Posted at 3:42 am

is there any sleep remedy that isn’t warm milk or hitting your head against the wall really hard? and also, is insomnia contagious because i think 90% of us has it or it seems like it anyway.

sigge. [in swedish]
so do i need to ask for a list of people you’ve threatened/punched/insulted in the last week or have you learned a lesson calmed down?

hi. i know i wasn’t too happy about you sneaking up on me with your power but i’ve been thinking about it and now i’m kind of curious about how it would feel if i turned my power off first and stuff. it would be pretty much the perfect way to check if i’m doing it right since i’d feel you if i didn’t so... i guess i’m asking if you’d like to play with that a bit. sorry if that’s a stupid suggestion but it might be interesting i think.

1. what do you think of the vol squad thing?
2. i kind of want to know that.
3. but mostly i can’t sleep.
4. sorry.
5. again.

what did you think of doctor who? and sorry about the lack of cute boys, it’s really not that kind of show.

erik. [in swedish]
i need you to come back now. i don’t have room for more letters in the box in my closet and it’s not the same anyway and the new swedish boy is all wrong and just wants to hit people and it makes me miss you even more. i should delete this and pretend i never wrote it but i’m just going to post it anyway because you were here and now you’re not and i’m thinking about turning into a toddler for a day to see if it makes things hurt less and that’s the stupidest thing ever but that’s the level i’m at right now and it's all your fault.

Mar. 29th, 2013


i know you say that i don't need to but i still want to apologise that siggur was such a jerk last night because that's not cool at all and i hope he starts behaving soon or i guess i'll have to kick him and i don't want to do that. :(

easter in sweden is really witchy and i'm kind of sad that i'm missing all that. hundreds of years ago people believed that the thursday before easter (i don't know what you call it, we call it "pink thursday" except i don't know why) was the day when all the witches in the land flew to blåkulla where they had a feast (and then some) with the devil. these days it means kids dress up as witches and do your halloween thing and end up with tons and tons of candy and fall asleep from a sugar crash at like 7 pm. my brother just emailed me pictures of the kids when they went out and did that last night and it's emil's first easter and i'm not there and it was super cute.

but we do that on the thursday before easter and then the friday (we call it long friday) is the religious bit of the holiday and i guess that shows that we're really good at mixing up paganism and christianity and folklore in a big pot and call it tradition. i don't know if it's just us or just scandinavia or what but it's one of my favourite holidays either way.

Mar. 22nd, 2013


Filter: Moa's friends (Harlow, Jace, Leigh, Lottie, Mette, Neve, Rose, Shannon) + the Nice Toucans (a legit filter of hers and yes some people are listed twice, dwi) (Jace, Jade, Leigh, Mae, Priscilla, Taki)

So I read the Swedish news just now and apparently they found a vol who just turned seventeen. He's insensitive to pain or something and should be here soon. I was just getting used to being alone What if I hate him? I should be happy about this, right?

Mar. 16th, 2013


we don't really believe the people in those videos, do we?

i realised my kindle was broken today and that alone was enough to make me burst into tears. i think it's probably a good idea it's the weekend because i need some sleep and also maybe a drink (or three) tomorrow.

it's been a very weird week.

Mar. 9th, 2013


Moa is slower than Miyu BUT AT LEAST SHE FILTERS

Filter: Moa's close friends (Harlow, Jace, Leigh, Mette, Rose, Shannon)
what if they come here next? and please don't talk about the forcefield, it's just false security or it feels like it right now anyway. i hate this.

Filter: Jace and Leigh
i guess it didn't matter if i got that chip out or not in the end.

Filter: Anthony
do you think we've learned enough yet? if something happens?

Mar. 5th, 2013


Powerly PSA time

[OOC: This was posted literally minutes after the comments started coming in on her last post, if I hadn't been asleep it would've been posted sooner.]

Hi everyone.

I know it's not everyone's business or anything but I thought I'd just let you know too. Writing Dante's name in a post like that wasn't very funny but it was meant as an example of sorts. I feel it every time you say or think my name and I always have so if you feel bad for him because I did that when he accidentally had my power for a few hours you probably shouldn't do it to me either. It used to hurt. Now it's mostly uncomfortable because sometimes I can turn it off and get a break.

And for those of you who think that sort of thing is really funny, I guess I just gave you more ammunition. But I should probably also tell you that most of the time these days I get clues about who's doing it. So if you don't care that I know, go ahead, keep it up. But if it's supposed to be a sneaky thing, I might know you did it so you should probably find another hobby.

Filtered to Dante
I'm sorry for writing that post. I probably shouldn't have because you've never been mean about my power or anything like some other people. I didn't go around and say it all day long if you must know (you probably felt that actually), I just wrote that post and then I was done. Just like the post said. But I won't do it again.

And I'm sorry I couldn't help you turn it off either but I've had this power since I was sixteen and only learned to turn it off a few months ago. So it's not something you can learn in five minutes.

Mar. 4th, 2013


After this.

Note: This post was deleted (or privated if network posts aren't deletable) shortly after Neve and Jace's comments.

I have learned this today:

Dante Cavalli is in my history class.
Dante Cavalli sits behind me in history.
Dante Cavalli has a weird power.
Dante Cavalli borrows powers as a power.
Dante Cavalli did that in class today.
Dante Cavalli borrowed my power.
Dante Cavalli can sense what I'm typing.
Dante Cavalli probably doesn't think this is a whole lot of fun.
Dante Cavalli shouldn't worry. I will stop now. I'm not that mean.

I just wanted to show you, Dante Cavalli, how it feels to be Moa Enquist. I kind of wish I could do that with everyone, but I guess this will have to do.


My room is still way too clean. I can't find anything. And he touched my books.

Feb. 26th, 2013


Filtered to Lottie
Please please please don't.

Feb. 23rd, 2013


I feel like it says something about me that I spent the first three hours in this body cleaning up Moa and Neve's room. I'm just not sure what. I'm not sure which part that was most annoying either. It's a tie between alphabetising all those books or trying to figure out what clothes went where.

They better fucking appreciate it when they return.

Feb. 20th, 2013


tea has never tasted better. i don't know who brought it but um thanks. these corridors are really long when sick. but then there was tea so. thank you? also can i ask for mariekex please? i think the c store has them. i'll pay you back.

i hope we get better soon because this took forever to type.

Feb. 12th, 2013


filtered to jace

i don't know who else to talk to
i don't know what to think about this
you always so logical

do you have time?

Feb. 6th, 2013


So should we actually write something for this stupid assignment or do you want to just type each other's names 200 times and turn it in? Because if you want to do that I need your last name so if you want to give me that it'd be great.

How are things with your power? Still doing weird things?

I don't know if you're supposed to but I guess I should say thanks? For last week? It was nice.

I'm sorry I kept you up again. You can borrow some of my sleeping pills if you want, I try not to use them so often anymore.

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