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Nov. 13th, 2012


.009 -- Easing back into the network with slight feels.

How was everyone while I was stuck with Lo? All in one piece? Smoking is bad for your health in more than one way.

Do not worry about me suggesting some sort of team building exercise at this point, especially since I am certain we will all be having extra mandatory counseling sessions together. Mainly - jokes aside - I am wanting to make sure everyone is as okay as possible.
I know posts and texts have already addressed that at this point everyone is at least healed or healing, but I felt it necessary to make this one as well to say, in earnest, thank you to each of you. I hate to think of where I would be now were your various expertises not available.

That and if anyone needs anything, I will be more than glad to help as it is the least I can do.

[OOC: When I get back from going out to dinner, there will also be a chain of individualized texts sent out, so...]

Nov. 9th, 2012



Hell. Anyone who is able to read this should probably check in here and then also help figure out a place we should all meet up. There is some information that needs to be discussed, but it seems like it might be the kind of thing to address in person in dream... person?.

[added later]
As of now we are outside in the back, but need to find a more secure location if anyone has anything to suggest.

Oct. 26th, 2012



I was wondering if we could talk. Which by that I mostly mean we have not talked in nearly two weeks and potentially should as I both feel like a rövhål and am very confused.
I am mostly trying to avoid the subject as a whole but am conflicted. [...] Okay. Well, honestly, I am not sure if I am asking for advice or not. Are either of you going to be chipped? What started out as a list of pros and a list of cons has turned into what might be a novel outlining the prelude to my existentialist crisis. You both have your own internal conflicts, I know, so I do not take coming to either of you with this lightly. Knowing that does does not change the fact that with everything from this, that and the other? Making any sort of decision at this point seems laughable, especially with so much weight on this one.

That was definitely darker a joke than I would usually make, I will admit.
Would anyone happen to have any suggestions for some music that would be good for running to? I am growing bored of what I currently have and it usually fell to my younger sister to randomly scruntinise my taste in music and suggest new songs. As Kasja is not here, perhaps someone else would like to fill the position; feel free to be less harsh in your judgments than she would be.

As I am primarily asking for faster tempo songs, really the only thing I request is that any suggestions have nothing to do with the words 'melodic', 'Swedish' or 'metal' as I think I wore that out by listening to Soilwork's entire discography the past few weeks while running. Read: one of my sister's suggestions.

Oct. 12th, 2012



Everyone make it through the drill fine? I personally nearly pissed on my pants when that alarm started going off.

And good to see you again, Lidia. Any idea how long you will be with us this time?

Sep. 19th, 2012



I do not like to be the bear of bad news but we had another egg broken today. It only happened outside of the library recently. Let us just say that before today I did not know that Chris from Blackbird could freeze time, then she used it to break said egg. Sorry, peacocks. At least this is over soon.
At this time I think Peacock is very close to negative points, so no need go about trying to intimidate, kamrat.
I feel very fortunate to have not been teleported again today. Not only that but when the egg I was carrying broke it did not involve blocks of blood, tackling or blinding. I will admit that there was a close call with the earth mysteriously deciding to trip me earlier that I could have done without, but ending with a handful of egg was definitely not the worst that could have happened.

Now how long was it until things resume to the "relatively" normal ways around here, again?

Sep. 15th, 2012



  • Push for mural as first project at tonight's meeting - figure out how we work collaboratively will definitely be needed for any further/bigger projects and paints/paintbrushes are far less lethal than other potential mediums.
  • At least open up the floor to ideas for future projects - self-portraits, collages, sculptures, etc. Hold off on voting/figuring out order to go in with them?
  • Focus on inclusion/encompassing everyone as both a theme/interpretation and guideline.
  • Figure out exactly where mural will go (if indeed chosen) from areas approved by administration.
  • Bring up Mo's idea for something along the lines of a "yearbook" to gauge interest and, past that, make sure to send message to those who took it upon themselves to head other clubs seeing if they would be interested in helping. Perhaps hold off approaching the administration about this until after the student representatives are in place and go through them?
  • Mette's idea for self-portraiture → School-wide art show showcasing them? → Would open an opportunity to bring in new art club members while simultaneously harbouring a sense of pride in those whose work is shown → Later down the drive, potentially even showcase some/all of them on the school's blog → Humanising us here to those who might think otherwise while letting people here know they are not invisible entities because they are in this forcefield → Could lead to other projects on this scale that might include more than the art club alone? → Assurance our presence is not only through politicians, the people in charge here and the Mimir's Abs fiasco Karim made.
  • Think more on the last point to decide if it is ridiculous or not. Potentially ask for outside input?
  • Look further into offering any help possible with the anti-bullying club and make sure to re-enforce to Moa her that it is a worthwhile idea.
  • The egg thing. Do not forget who has the egg and keep an eye on them, when possible.
  • Did we figure out what night Peacock Poker is happening? Double check with Harlow or Cheska.
  • Sep. 12th, 2012



    I know so far we have primarily been working on whatever smaller individual projects we would like, yet was wondering if you all would have interest in attempting a larger installation piece or perhaps even a mural? It is not up to me to say what we can or can not do as far as creating, obviously, simply that in the proposal for this club to the administration both of these examples were approved. Depending on what exactly (if any) we decide on, we may have to look into further and more specific approval, however.
    How about another team get-together of some sort soon?
    Going to pub night this week?
    I can break any bone in my body only to have it mend or replace itself almost instantly, then I take a single misstep while walking up the stairs to my room and sprain my ankle.

    Aug. 17th, 2012



    Regardless of the final outcome, we can all more than agree that there were impressive displays from both teams today. I did not think I would find myself so caught up in the competitiveness of the afternoon, but will say it was a pleasure to paintball against you, Condor. Honestly it was Lo and Vi who seemed to cause me the most trouble...

    Still thanks to those who wore Max and Filipe's festive shirts and supported us in general; you can count on me to return the favour if needed be, though, I do not think I will be looking that good in glitter.

    Jul. 20th, 2012



    I am not entirely sure how it has now been a full week since we first started. It has proven very easy to become caught up in trying to acclimate oneself to this sort of-- "culture" shock does not seem to be a proper description, but feel as if you have all taken notice of this. I have no reason for trying to find an excuse for not doing this earlier, so shall offer up what appears to be the standard introduction between us all.

    My name is Oden Bbjornstrand. I am twenty-two years of age and hail from Sweden. Prior to coming here because of my ability that has been dubbed bone manipulation, I was on track to becoming a children's art teacher after studying via the University of Uppsala. Now I am trying to figure out how people dare even try to survive this heat. And before you have to ask: yes, all Swedes cook & eat like Niclas Lundberg and his band of merry frossare gluttons do on Regular Ordinary Swedish Meal Time.

    It was not my intention to come off as trying to jump into a position of authority earlier today, for the record.