July 2013




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Jul. 14th, 2013


I guess I should apologize before this thing is shut down forever. I know a lot of you think I was a bad guy through all of this, and I can't really deny that I made some of the wrong choices. I can't take any of it back, but I would if I could. I'm sorry to everyone who lost someone because if what IVI did. I like to think we at least did some good out there with the Vol Squad, and I'm proud of all of you who really worked to make that possible. Everyone stay out of trouble out there.

I guess I should reactivate my Facebook account...

Jul. 9th, 2013


Everyone get to cover, stay out of the open. Stay in your rooms if you can. The guards aren't out for you, but it's hard to tell who's who in this shitstorm. Don't give them an opportunity.

[Vol Squad]

You all got the alert, this is our time. Form on me, we'll take these fuckers down.

Jul. 6th, 2013


As Lilja said, we lost one of our own yesterday. Chris Barbary lost her life in service to the betterment of all Vols, and I will always remember her for her devotion to this cause. She was a great soldier person who's life was cut far too short, and I for one will honour her memory by always standing against those who think their cause is so righteous that they can take so many lives, so easily.

Vols Rising took one of ours. Now they're going to fall, and I'll be holding the fucking axe.

Jul. 4th, 2013


Happy Fourth of July, everyone.

I'm going to try to get another BBQ together this afternoon, if anyone's interested. And Eli has the right idea, it's just not a proper Fourth without fireworks. Does anyone out there have that power?

Jun. 12th, 2013



Tokyo is something else.

Jun. 8th, 2013


[Filter to Vol Squad]

Hey guys, I'm up. Thanks to Anthony.

I know a lot of you guys are confused about what happened in Melbourne, and you deserve an explanation. There was a group of us acting on information suggesting there would be a Vols Rising attack in the area. A few of us with specific skill sets were chosen to address the issue in the hopes of heading it off. Unfortunately our intel was off on timing, and the rest you know.

I'm sorry that some of you were kept in the dark on this, but it was a military operation and thus need to know. Please don't think this was a matter of trust. You're all trusted, otherwise you wouldn't be a part of this. But sometimes operations call for expediency, misdirection and plausible deniability.

I'm sorry that some of you got pulled into a situation you were uncomfortable with, and that you had to see such horrible things. Vol Squad is a humanitarian organization, but we want to stop atrocities like this just as much as natural disasters.

We'll get these assholes yet.

May. 27th, 2013


I'm sure a lot of you are going to roll your eyes at this, but I'm going to get all 'American' for a minute here.

Today is Memorial Day in the United States, which is a day for us to remember those who have given given their lives in military service. I know some of you aren't very big fans of the military, but without them we'd never have been able to combat evils like the Nazis or Stalin. The men and women who have laid down their lives for a cause they believe in deserve to be remembered for their sacrifice, and that's what this day is about.

Some of you already know this but among those being remembered today is Sadie and my Father, who we lost seven years ago in Iraq. I don't think we're the only ones here who have lost a loved one to service, and I don't think this day is just about respecting those from the US military. To anyone who is interested, I'll be holding a minute of silence at the flagpole in the Quad at noon to remember those who have fallen to protect the ideals and countries in which they believe.

May. 13th, 2013


Can't say I ever expected those Leaves to make it to Game Seven, but tonight's when Boston stops playing around. Sorry Canada!

May. 4th, 2013


Just for the record, I was only at that club shirtless because someone who will 'remain nameless' teleported me there while I was getting ready for bed. I don't actually make a point of walking around in public like that.

[Vol Squad]

Is anyone else having trouble with a million strangers trying to add them on Facebook? And to that end, does anyone know how to deactivate a Facebook account? I never really use it anyway.

Apr. 26th, 2013



I just want to say you guys did amazing out there yesterday. We managed to get every single convict back in lockup, plus a few of the ones who orchestrated the break. I'm so impressed with how well everyone worked together.

And personally I don't think I'll ever forget the looks on the bad guys' faces when Mimir and Ashton just waded right through the gunfire.

Apr. 17th, 2013


[Private to Vol Squad]

Hey guys, I know a lot of you are wondering about if you're allowed to go to the protest tomorrow. I talked to Wolfe about it and he said that attendance would not have any consequence on your involvement with the Squad, though it might still incur other standard punishments. I really hope things are smooth and peaceful, but if any idiot gets it in their head to shake things up, I trust you all to react responsibly.

I'm personally not a big fan of the idea of civil disobedience to get a point across, but I do understand the importance of the point being made. My heart goes out to those Vols in Russia and I hope that what we're doing with the Squad can help everyone work towards a world where Vols are treated with respect.

Apr. 15th, 2013


What the h

My nose isn't that big.

Apr. 13th, 2013


[Private to Vol Squad]

I just wanted to say that I was really impressed with what I saw out there, guys. It was great to see everyone working together like that, I think we really did a lot of good. You should all be proud.

Now I'm going to try to wash off all these layers of mud, and I'll hopefully see everyone at pub night for a much deserved drink. [Edit] Wolfe said he's buying us a round tonight, so everyone gets an extra ticket!

[Private to Roosters]

Hey guys, we're back! Hope Li didn't run you too ragged. Catch up at pub night?

[Private to Sadie]

Not back in solitary, are you?

Apr. 10th, 2013


Looks like we're off to the races.

[Private to Roosters]

Hey guys, the Squad is heading to the Philippines to help with the landslide situation there. Sounds like we may be gone for a couple days. Sounds like you guys are going to be working with Li in the meantime.

Apr. 1st, 2013


I'm really impressed by the response to the new initiative, and I'm sorry everyone couldn't be involved. But congrats to those chosen, I'm looking forward to working with everyone on this project.

Mar. 22nd, 2013


[Private to Roosters]

Goddammit Did any of you know Devon was going to pull something like this? I know I always knew she was a loose cannon, but this is crazy. Crap, we should probably talk to the Swans and let them know this wasn't a Rooster thing.

And while I'm writing, some of you may have heard that I'm working with Wolfe to put together a group of vols who can do outreach and field ops for the IVF. I've talked to some of you about it individually and know that if you're interested I'd be happy to discuss your involvement. It does require a chip and being over 18 though.

[Filtered to Sel]

Hey, got a second?

[Filtered to Mariana]

Hey, I'm sorry about what Devon did to your teammate. I had no idea, and it wasn't cool.

Mar. 5th, 2013


We should be out there, stopping these assholes.

Feb. 28th, 2013


So I've sort of been on a break from the network after Sunday, but I just want to apologize for some of the comments I made during the course of that day. I clearly didn't have a very good handle on technopathy and I'm sorry to anyone I may have accidentally offended.

Feb. 18th, 2013


I know a lot of you expect me to be in support of what happened to Hume, but I'm not. Yes I believe he deserved to die, but it should have been after he was tried and found guilty. This was nothing short of terrorism, and given the innocent people that got taken down in the strike, hardly better than what Hume was doing himself.

If it is Vols that were responsible, they're just making things worse for all of us. This is what IVI was formed to prevent.


Happy Presidents Day

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