July 2013




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Jun. 8th, 2013


I can't say I'm surprised they kept the serums.

It's funny. After everyone got so angry at me when I said I'd take, how many of you would change your mind if it meant you could go back home?

I mean who knows. Maybe they have a permanent cure now, if they've been working on it for all these months.

May. 24th, 2013


It's a shame they didn't allow 17-year-olds to volunteer for the Vol Squad. My power would be beyond useful in a wildfire.

Well, at least it gives me a goal to work to.

Apr. 25th, 2013


I need a new book to read so I can keep ignoring my classmates. Any suggestions?

Has Karim been spending his time pouring over a crystal ball or is this drama actually all happening without him?

I hear you're leaving soon. Today? I'd wish you luck but I'm not sure you really need it. You'll make your own luck. So stay safe then, and win.

Mar. 4th, 2013


Well, this explains a lot. I didn't realize Toby was also a girl's name.

I did not mean to offend you, Toby. I also would have thought Jamie was a girl if he hadn't mentioned he was rooming with OB.

Are you busy tonight?

Mar. 1st, 2013


Avery's question has been making me think. Where would you be if there was no IVI? Not if you weren't a Vol, but just if we hadn't had to come here.

I honestly don't know my answer.

Feb. 25th, 2013


So if that email we received was accurate, what do you think it means for us now that they know certain chemicals can enhance powers?

And do we know if anything affected the non-Vols?

Feb. 24th, 2013


Let's take over one of the lounges and do something while everyone's at pub night. Unless you're having sex of course. Girl Zach.

Maybe something normal that doesn't include talking about jerking off.

Are y Thank Hugo for the pants for me?

Jan. 29th, 2013


Was that really necessary?

Jan. 26th, 2013


Let's do something tonight.

This is serious if it's me suggesting, since I'm normally the one who would rather sit in my room and read.

Jan. 22nd, 2013


Has any one of us been able to successfully switch out of a class into an independent study?

How do you train?

So everything is still weird.

I realized today that I don't feel new here anymore. I'm not sure when that happened.

Jan. 3rd, 2013


After we get everyone back and justice is served, what do you think they'll do with that cure?

I mean, if it can be proven safe...

Dec. 27th, 2012


I wonder if it's a coincidence that they didn't take any of us. They didn't even go after any of us, did they? I'm not saying there's a reason for it, but I only now noticed it because I don't really know too many people outside of you and the people on my team. I wonder if there's any correlation between years. I'd look if I have time, but they're keeping me pretty busy here already.

So who is where? I'm doing things on the computer I can't talk about. I thought about seeing if they'd take me for rescue but I don't think I'm in control enough. I don't know if I'm glad or not.

Well, this is frustrating.

Dec. 16th, 2012


I'm sorry again that we can't just share the bed. I know how much easier it would be. I'm even worried about just being in the room with you in case I I can take the floor every night if you'd like.

Your parents' home is very nice. Your parents are too. Especially to me, with everything that's happened. Please let me know if we're overstaying our welcome though. We can always get a hostel.

What do you have in mind for Tanja's birthday? It's a Friday, which is good. If you all want to go out to a club or something I can stay behind. I don't mind.

I thought the chapel of full of bones was creepy, but perhaps not that creepy.

Dec. 12th, 2012


Would someone mind bringing me dinner?

How much do you think they'll care that I missed some exams today? Because I don't really care.

Nov. 29th, 2012


I honestly thought I'd have been told we have some secret purpose here by now. Army of Vols or something of the sort. I'd probably be a good asset.

My counselor said I need to start asking you any questions I have instead of her. So here goes:
  • Is Powers Training us just standing around trying to use our powers a lot? Has it actually made any sort of difference for anyone?
  • Can the school provide essentials if I need them? I know I get a monthly allowance, but shipping is expensive and that won't go too far for clothes. I only have a week's worth of underwear.
  • What's that tiny building to the east?

Nov. 24th, 2012


I am not cut out for physical activity like this. I didn't even know I had some of these muscles.

Nov. 20th, 2012


Well hiya.

honestly this isn't entirely like me to just introduce myself like this, but I guess it's necessary given the circumstances. my name is Enely Must (that's pronounced a bit like your English name Emily but with an "n") and I just got off the plane from Tallinn about an hour ago. I've been in this room they say is mine now for 30 minutes, though 15 of those were spent lying on the bed.

anyhow, I'm addressing you here so that I don't have to tell everyone I meet separately: don't touch me. I'll burn you. I can't help it. I can't stop it. It's probably best not to get too close either, since I can burn you without touching. I'm better at controlling that one now.

that's really all I have to tell you. I guess I'll see some of you tomorrow.

oh. One last question, since I can. How do you all live with it?