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Aug. 28th, 2012


wherein clea basically strongarms hedda to re-do meme week

since finishing my project in the art studio tonight seems out of the question, i took a spice girls quiz at clea's suggestion and discovered, lo, i am scary spice. idek. but this got me on a train of procrastinating this eight page paper (so short, but so fucking long) until i found the most amazing dating profile quiz ever on okcupid. and happily, i got an email from them a few minutes ago confirming my profile:
Your personality: Really great
How bad guys want you: So bad
so seriously, take this quiz for the confidence boost alone.

anyway, it turns out i'm a peach. accurate? inaccurate? weigh in. and you know, if we're compatible: let's do this.

next pub night.

you in?

Aug. 18th, 2012


if you don't feel like advertising your vagina and/or penis on here like the network was a kind of ebay listing (no judgement if you feel like it, tho, ftr) i think a lot of you (us) could benefit from the security, pleasure, fulfilment &c. of ballooning. so to all those sexually frustrated, disenchanted, desperate or curious: get blowing.

and have fun tonight. with the balloons or other rubber companions. stay safe, kids.

and you're welcome.

Aug. 13th, 2012


in the interest of being social and not studying for the rest of my life, i thought it'd be fun to host a little scandinavian get-together friday night. i was going to offer up my dorm, but that'd be shit. and small. so instead, i'm going to book us a room and bake up a veritable smorgasbord of danish treats. one of our own could do with a little cheering up, so no one tell clea.

might be nice to get to know one another. just in case it all goes to hell and we have to fight the rest of the world, or something.
friday night. you, me, a few friends and apple charlotte. what do you say?
i'm hosting a scandinavian party to cheer clea up. since you two aren't absolutely abhorrent, i thought you could be honourary vikings for the nights. this isn't an invitation so much as a demand. ballsy, i know. it's the new me.

Aug. 11th, 2012


this video adequately sums up what i did with my morning after i finished up a paper. on the bright side, looks like i know what i'm doing after pub night and/or spinning class. chat roulette partners, let's do this.

Jul. 21st, 2012


after pub night.

friends. friends.

now that alcohol has brought us sufficiently together, i say we capitalize (!!!) on our newly formed bonds and SHARE. so please, deep dark secrets. i know you have them.

here are mine: i love tongue tied by grouplove. i don't feel good about it and i never trust anything in an ipod commercial. i play it on blast when no one's around and dance around my dorm in my skivvies. it's shameful and i always regret it when it's over, but my god that song's catchy.

i also broke my sister's arm once and blamed it on my other sister. we're triplets. it totally worked.

Jul. 19th, 2012


in case anyone was wondering, the debate ceased long ago: cards against humanity forever trumps apples to apples. and for the record, i have two sets and the expansion pack. i'm pretty much your new best friend.

but you know. good luck if you're heading up on stage tonight.

Jul. 13th, 2012


so in an attempt to win one for team literature and humanity, and to prove my new roommate's copy of 50 shades of grey is actually ironic, we're holding a book-burning ceremony tonight. anyone able to help with the fire? there will be a ceremonial reading from http://50shadesofsuck.tumblr.com/ naturally, as we mourn the death of good writing.