July 2013




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Oct. 6th, 2012


005: benjamin suspects the present process.

a thing to remember when you're marching off to the polls today:

to paraphrase mr. eliot: an election is here. universal peace has been declared, and the foxes have a sincere interest in prolonging the lives of the poultry. (with all due respect to those running, of course. to each their own, &c.)

Aug. 27th, 2012


004: benjamin is the messenger.

FILTERED TO: Team Swan )

FILTERED TO: Daisy Hughes )

Verlassen sind wir doch wie verirrte Kinder im Walde. Wenn Du vor mir stehst und mich ansiehst, was weißt Du von den Schmerzen, die in mir sind und was weiß ich von den Deinen. Und wenn ich mich vor Dir niederwerfen würde und weinen und erzählen, was wüßtest Du von mir mehr als von der Hölle, wenn Dir jemand erzählt, sie ist heiß und fürchterlich. Schon darum sollten wir Menschen vor einander so ehrfürchtig, so nachdenklich, so liebend stehn wie vor dem Eingang zur Hölle.

one day will be able to read this without a damned dictionary and piles of textbooks. maybe.

Aug. 17th, 2012


003: benjamin er dansk.

suddenly adopted by new motherland. involves beautiful people and good pastry. do not send help.

Jul. 28th, 2012


002: erhmahgerd benjamin dek about erhlympeycks.


Jul. 15th, 2012


15 July: tl;dr -- ben wants to start a lending library with you.

For your sakes, this is under a cut -- but it wouldn't be on the journaling network. )

now that i have everyone's attention w/r/t requisite bitching, need to weed through the masses with this:


allow me, before i get tits deep in the one good idea i've had since letting some asshole punch me in the face and eventually place me in the charming lottery that is getting a ticket to this place, to give you a definition: by "book nerd," i mean "a person who actively reads, loves, and curates a healthy collection of classical and contemporary literature that makes your professor at ~university~ get a boner because they're in the 'canon,'" wtfever that means. all of you with your twilights, your 50 shades, your weird-ass young adult yearning to be free -- i mean, whatever floats your goddamn boat, but it's not this. this is not the fucking boat for you, this idea. have a nice day or whatever.

now that we've narrowed that shithole down: hi. you love books. i love books. the other asshole who is saying "yeah, i'm a book nerd!" also loves books. frankly, we'd probably be pissed off if somebody treated our books like a bunch of jerks, so presumably we're already a group bonded by trust and the knowledge that if you were to loan out one of your books and it was returned with bev stains and pages torn out that we'd find you (and we know where you sleep!) and shank you with something real prison block style. so since we have the knowledge that we'll probably not screw each other over, here it is: why not start an informal lending library?

"but dude i don't know," you're thinking, "we have a library." probably, but interlibrary loan is balls to wait for when you're in a place that isn't in the actual definition of the middle of nowhere. and who knows, way this place works and we'll have to shell out fucking $25 AUD per book and yeah no. so think of it as a library supplement, i guess. if anyone even says hell yeah, i'll get you an e-list or w/e. i mean, not like i'm going to have anything better to do for the next five months!!!!11

EDITED TO ADD: anton brought up a good point -- you don't have to have books to participate. i know what it's like to not have a lot and libraries aren't about privilege. comment if you want to read "smart shit," pretty much. similarly, if you're not stoked about sharing all your books, you just share what you want.