July 2013




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Jun. 10th, 2013


you all know this whole "safety" reasoning they're giving us is bullshit, right? that they just needed an excuse and figured that it would do?

i mean if it's really because they think VR is watching us, why don't we get live tv anymore? why did they take away all our newspapers? yeah this isn't just about not wanting information to get out, this is about not wanting information to get IN.

sad thing is i bet it'd be super easy to get all this back if like the US and one or two other prominent countries were like "you've gone too far IVI." but they won't

May. 31st, 2013


jfc i love politics. what a perfect way for our countries to give the IVF complete control over us while still looking sympathetic to the rest of the world. place the blame on the ivf official in the secret meeting so all the heads of state and bigwigs can deny involvement. i mean honestly. if they really disagreed with all this, they'd be talking about pulling from the IVF. has anyone heard a word of that? no. why do you think the letters you write to senators and shit never get you anywhere?

guess what guys, YOUR COUNTRIES SUPPORT THIS. America doesn't want you. Israel doesn't want you. Austria and the UK and Norway don't want you. They would rather us be here forever than come home.

(oh and tbh if you're upset and on vol squad, you should quit. don't be a hypocrite and be good PR for these people. have some self respect.)

May. 13th, 2013


hey. want to hang out tonight?

hey lets do lunch sometime

anyone know if IVI proctors exams? not that a GED will make up for all the senior pictures and graduation parties and senior all night parties and powderpuff football and stuff i missed but idk maybe it'd be something. one less regret on the list of things i never got to do

May. 1st, 2013


so after mette's post i'm super curious: how have your powers improved since you first got them? since you first got here?

for me i used to just see everything all the time, but now i can sort of focus it on just x-rays or just gamma rays or just regular light. which is oh my god so useful because being in a room with too many NORMs used to give me a headache. i'm not really sure where else i can go with them though

I heard your
sorry I'm such a freak. do you want to do my makeup?

Apr. 29th, 2013


Sooooo I have a roommate now. And I may or may not have already offended her, I'm not sure.


No single anymore for me.

Apr. 26th, 2013


so first vol squad gets extra drinks (i mean that's whatever) but now they get free time or something in sydney and the IVF hasn't even said when the rest of us get to go home and see our families?

i mean i still wouldn't have done it but it must really suck for everyone who applied and got turned down.

Apr. 11th, 2013


So I got a box I clothes in the mail from my parents, a lot of my old stuff but some new, and if you think moms can't pick out clothes you like, try not seeing them in five years. Some of it's great but there are some things I'll never wear so I'm going to sell whatever Kelly doesn't want. lmk if you're interested

So what was that all about? i never assumed you were a badass.

Bets on which member of the Vol Squad gets hurt first? And who cries first. Yael, we're counting on you to let us know when you get back.

[Added later...]
I know I don't know you but w/e I don't know anyone and I have a question. This guy was trying to get into your brain or something?

Apr. 4th, 2013


Filters for Hunter, Fin, Kelly, Wilford and Cati )

can the westboro baptist church be any more creative with godhatesvols.com? and really, the "vol agenda"? at least come up with a new slogan jesus fucking christ fox news. it's like these people don't want to spend ten minutes to think of a new headline. the national enquirer does better than this and i think they're claiming that it was North Korean who killed that IVF guy by poisoning him over the internet.

Apr. 1st, 2013


congrats everyone who made the Stockholm Squad.

Mar. 31st, 2013


It's pop.

Mar. 22nd, 2013


I'm sure you've been over this before but can we have some sort of dialog here about solitary confinement, given that there are three two people in there right now?

what the actual fuck. this is messed up.

i mean look at what a quick google search brings up about this. half of us are still teens here. this is inhumane

Mar. 15th, 2013


i would fucking kill for a drink.

yep. yesterday fucking sucked and today is just as bad.

Mar. 13th, 2013


(pre-news breaking)

So Fred is a liar and Rudd is as charming as a drunk bum. Anything else I should know?

By the way, please don't like touch me or tap me on the shoulder or any shit like that. I'm not used to it and I will flip and it's not fucking funny.

Mar. 12th, 2013


Well hi. I'm Kimmy Ansell, though I'm sure my sister Kelly has told you all about me. Right?

So I ran away before they could register me. That was in 2008. Been on the run for five years until one mistake. One tiny fucking mistake and I'm still here. Like it didn't even matter. Actually that's a lie, I'm still good at getting away from them. So that will come in handy later.

I see Ionizing Radiation. So ultraviolet rays, X-rays and gamma rays. Radiation and the like. I've met two Vols before arriving here, one of them my sister, so I'm actually really curious what everyone else can do.

Also, on a note completely unrelated to anything else, how many people have escaped from here?