July 2013




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Jul. 10th, 2013


A couple of hours after the bombing because Larissa is the worst

so matty is i saw someone needs to

i was going to filter this to 95/96 because it's what we do usually but i guess we're going to need to make a fucking list before this is over so i might as well leave it open and fill the first slot.

matty died earlier. i recognised his shirt.

i don't remember where he is but if you find him again –

actually, do we even have somewhere to bring the people ivi has murdered so far? i guess bring him there. wherever that is.

Jul. 2nd, 2013


Undernet: Posted by Kitten

[Regular network post]

Happy birthday to me. I'm expecting eighteen drinks on Saturday, one for each year, so start collecting them, yeah? And get Matty a bunch too, his birthday is on Friday. We're going to drink ourselves stupid together.

(You're welcome Matty)

[Undernet post]

Filter: Echo (Juli), Sadie (Fire Ferret), Davi (Atticus)
i know they probably mean well and all but idk, is it just me or do the people here think we're all babies? i don't mind power training, i would've done it on my own otherwise but ugh, special rules for us is dumb.

Jun. 17th, 2013


i'm finding one really fucking giant mistake in this plan of yours, ivi. you're putting us in solitary, where we can't use our powers... for refusing to use our powers. that's no way to build an army, guys. do you really need me to tell you that shit?

ps. here are four highly exciting filters to entertain you with. get the popcorn. enjoy the show. or just piss off, go and watch the students you locked up through those creepy fucking cameras in their cells. desperate scared kids with no way out? perfect wanking material for you sick fucks, isn't it?

oh and to whoever is monitoring this post for ivf? "i just do what i'm told" is not a fucking excuse.

mine and juli's birthdays are going to be the best.

we're not fighting anymore. no arguments. i can't deal with this shit if i don't have you, sadie and libby, so cut it out.

he left me a fucking note.

i need to talk to you.

May. 27th, 2013


during class

[filtered to 95/96]

hey children,

what are we going to do in class today? i've thought long and hard about it and these are my ideas...

1. sleep
2. text each other
3. fight (any willing participants?)
4. call each other ~immature~
5. contemplate running into the forcefield
6. crawl into o.b.'s tunnels and see if chang follows
7. be dicks to each other
8. something else that sounds good

i'm voting for all of the above. except #4, but lbr, that one always happens.

May. 15th, 2013


i'm starting to think that if they don't let us out soon we'll all lose it from boredom alone and go all hunger games on each other.

leave predictions on who'll make it to the bitter end below. my money is on sadie, and not only because we're forming a not-so-secret allegiance. you've been warned.

May. 7th, 2013


late Tuesday night

95/6 minus Sadie, Parakeets minus Sadie, Sam, Omar, Yael, Valya, Jack, IF I FORGOT SOMEONE ELSE WHO IS FRIENDS WITH SADIE LMK AND I WILL ADD THEM
Just so people know, it's Sadie's birthday tomorrow. I know birthdays are hard for some people to remember, so I thought the reminder might be good.

If you're wondering what to get her, the things she likes that they have at the C-store are: red vines, oreos, gummy worms, birch beer (sometimes they have it? if they're out, root beer can work too), neco wafers, and ranch doritos. Also, if you're 18, drinks this Saturday, okay?

Also, how are people at baking? We kind of forgot The cake plans fell through, so can anyone make one for tomorrow night? We're going to have a little thing in the lounge on our floor (girls 4th) at 7 tomorrow night, in case anyone wants to come.

Rashida, Libby, Seth, Sam
You're helping me set up the thing tomorrow, right? As her friends, pseudo-boyfriend or whatever, and brother?

May. 3rd, 2013


because I don't post enough about sports apparently

lol this own goal is the best thing ever

barcelona lost the semis 0-7 on aggregate

brb laughing forever

Apr. 22nd, 2013


Rashida is in class! She's not happy about it!

She would've posted these all through the day but I'm putting them all in one post as to not be too annoying. Jump in where you feel like.

not cut IC since it was 8 separate posts )

Apr. 21st, 2013


small survey:

are you going back to class tomorrow?

Apr. 19th, 2013


10 pm

well that was fun.

Filter: Juli, Sadie, Vanessa (separately)
you okay?

Apr. 3rd, 2013


i'm going to be a matron. AWESOME.

Mar. 30th, 2013


Filtered to 95/96 (later edited to 95/96 minus Jessica BECAUSE SHE SUCKS)
i'm bored. entertain me.

Mar. 20th, 2013


filtered to 95/96

children, pick a topic and share your thoughts with the entire group:

- yes or no or maybe?
- tampons or pads or cups? and why?
- boxers, briefs, knickers or none of the above?
- black or blue or GOLD?
- spit or swallow or "i've already eaten today, thank you"
- what does "eating anything" really mean? (this one is for you, davi)
- are we like the study group in community? or BETTER?
- tarantulas or kittens?
- my power is better than your power because your power is not my power but whose power am i really talking about?
- also, jamie, do that light thing again
- no, not that one
- or that one
- the other one

there. the floor is open. do your worst.

Feb. 27th, 2013


mutant breakfast club (aka the 95/96)

what should we overshare about today?

ps. sorry libby.

the list of things of interest, as written by the 95/96 kids. )

Feb. 22nd, 2013



why do people masturbate in the morning anyway?

Feb. 20th, 2013



i'd like to get better now, thanks.

edited to add
sadie says i have to ask where o.b. is because i don't know she's delerious or something so i'm saying this only once because this is weird:


ughhhh there sadie, i did it.

Feb. 12th, 2013


OOC: Both Rashida and Pad are sporting pretty awesome black eyes today. They got a bit carried away during a midnight sparring session. YES, PAD HIT A GIRL. It was awesome.

i hope this bruise lasts until friday. it'll match my dress.

ps. vanessa, make it bruise coloured, will you?

Feb. 6th, 2013


(Halfway through the day, during some class or another, too lazy to check the schedule)

anyone have a sharpie? i think petr would look great with a haiku on his arse.

Jan. 30th, 2013




i do hope you enjoyed the show

i need a cave

thanks for being less of a fucking asshole than the rest of them

Jan. 19th, 2013


nearly four hours of sleep two nights in a row. not bad, romeo, not bad at all.

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