July 2013




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Apr. 19th, 2013


Daisy, Hunter, Sonia, Valya, Cati, Understanding, and Nelly.
i am out. and i have showered. are we all accounted for?

shannon gave me your message. I am glad you were not in solitary as well. [...] i considered punching a guard and making him forget but i did not want to risk it.

i do not want to be alone tonight can we watch something? stephen can come too i don't care.


how are you bbs?

i am out.

Apr. 4th, 2013


at least this way we will never be separated from one another :*

Mar. 23rd, 2013


did shin seriously think we all just let sadie go to solitary.

i already have a disapproving asian father. this is too much.

enjoy your booze tonight, planty. don't miss us too much.

Feb. 7th, 2013


Vietnamese is a really hard language AND I THINK I WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND IT. EVER.

filter: class of 1994

Hello, who still does not yet have a date???

filter: choir class

Does anyone here have a date???

filter: team parakeet

How many of you are going to the Valentine's Day dance with a date????

filter: evie/max/betty/ishak/moa

Are you going with someone to the dance??

filter: taki/miyu, japanese

So... do you two have dates yet to the dance? Is it proper for a married woman to go with a friend??? Can I go with a female friend????

Jan. 15th, 2013


Does anyone need anything? I do not know what to do with all this free time.

I am thinking this is a good time to try a new recipe. If you are missing a taste from home, tell me?

Lindinha may I ask a favor?

Dec. 30th, 2012


It's past midnight where you are, which means it's your birthday. I couldn't keep my promise to come home in time for it but I hope you won't hold this against me. Happy birthday.
Today was the worst. I hope yours was better than mine.

Oct. 11th, 2012


I am thinking of asking the chaplain for an extra service this week, would anyone else be interested?

Perhaps we can do something fun together? To take our minds off the recent news and happenings.

It seems people are upset with you
You were very strange the other day
Are you feeling more like your normal self now? You have not been plagued by more urges to remove clothing in public?

Sep. 25th, 2012


backdated slightly to monday afternoon

Although it would be nice to see an Australian beach, perhaps it is better that I will not go. I do not know if I could leave the ocean again after being away for so long, even if it is not the right ocean. And it is so dry here And nothing can compare with the beaches at home, não?

I am sorry that we did not win. Perhaps next time we will do better.

In times of sadness I think good food can be very comforting. I am thinking of making something for the team if you will be kind enough to help me, lindinha.

Sep. 23rd, 2012


It did my heart good to see so many of you embracing the noble stylings of my ancestors, even in the form of loosely wrapped bedsheets of painfully low thread count. The toga is an oft underappreciated fashion choice, though many of you proved that it can be most flattering indeed.

Particularly you, Venus of my Heart. You know who you are.

[Locked to Parakeets]

I fear that the distant shores of victory are not to be tread by upon by we Parakeets, despite my own victory last night over the warring tribe of the Eagle. I destroyed their egg and made a powerful enemy, all in the name of Lottie the Fair and you, my kinsmen.