July 2013




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Apr. 14th, 2013


Vol Squad
Did any of you guys see that YouTube video? Do you think it's because of us, like they saw an article about us helping with the mudslides and they're mad that were helping humans and not the VR? Like, helping our oppressors or whatever? Or am I overthinking it and it's totally unrelated?

Feb. 19th, 2013


[ culinary club ]
Do those of us that aren't sick want to do something tonight like instead of make regular food, make soup, plain rice, cut up apples, other benign food like that for sick people?

I'd just feel weird making fun stuff when there are so many people feeling so sick, you know?

Jan. 13th, 2013


[ culinary club ]
I know that classes and stuff won't start for another week, but does anyone want to meet this week anyways? I don't know - I just kind of feel like I need something to do, and I figured I'd be in the kitchen anyway, so I might as well be with other people?

Even if it's nothing official, anyone want to do something?

[ blackbirds ]

Jimmy brought up doing something for Myra a little bit ago - is anyone still interested? He thought planting something might be good which I agree with, and was wondering if anyone else had other ideas we could do also?

Also, maybe we should do something to welcome Betty (hi, Betty!) before we start training next week?

Dec. 6th, 2012


Hi everyone! The Culinary Club is holding a cookie bake-off this Sunday - people can sign up to bake their favourite cookie, or, if you're not a baker, you can come and just eat and vote for which one you like the best!

So far, the following people have signed up:

Gingerbread - Rose
Snowy Lemon Cookies - Nathan
Chocolate-shortbread checkers - Chris
Linzer cookies - Harlow
Snickerdoodles - Harlow
Baklava - Nawal
Maple Oatmeal - Errol

If you want to sign up, just comment here and I'll add you! We'll start baking around noon? And if you want to just come and help out, show up at noon too - so far, Anthony has volunteered for that. And if you're not into baking, but you ARE into eating, show up around 3!

Also, Rose is making peppermint hot chocolate! Even if it's super hot outside, hopefully this will help people get into the holiday spirit?

Hope to see you there?!

Dec. 3rd, 2012


[ culinary club ]
So since it feels nothing like the holiday season even though it technically is, I was wondering if people wanted to have some sort of bake off or competition or something? I was thinking we could do cookies, which are kind of holidayish, but also something that people would like even if you don't have a holiday coming up.

We could do it this weekend, and people make like 3 or 4 dozen cookies, and the people can vote on their favourites? Maybe Sunday?

Is anyone interested? Sorry if this is a stupid idea I

Oct. 11th, 2012


How do you think they decided which one to kidnap? Was it just whoever was closest, or were they trying for a specific power or something? I kind of wish I had a really lame power.

Sep. 26th, 2012


What the FUCK is going on at this school, and why does the hallway outside my room make me feel like I'm living a nightmare?

Aug. 15th, 2012


[ tess ]
Being in a long distance relationship sucks.

I've been the worst roommate ever this week. How are you since Sunday and people being morons?

Does anyone at this school talk to each other? When I asked the dorm heads earlier when the showers would be fixed and they didn't even know they were broken.

Aug. 9th, 2012


I can't stop thinking about that Russian Vol who lost her parents.

Jul. 18th, 2012


Starting to hate the fact that all of the evening activities are during internet time. It's stupid that I have to miss the first half hour of the movie if I want to talk to my boyfriend.

Jul. 16th, 2012


Uuuuuuuugh I'm completely out of minutes, even though I won/traded for some. Why are we only allowed that much time in a WEEK if I used it up just a few DAYS? And the limiting our internet thing is stupid, too.

Only 152 days until we go home for Christmas.

Edited in later: Oh, right. Hi, I'm Christina from Canada and I can freeze time.