July 2013




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Feb. 4th, 2013


if you're having girl problems, i feel bad for you son...i think we all need to take a moment to remember that beyonce's world tour starts soon so nothing else matters


Jan. 3rd, 2013


hey guys i'm just going to get philosophical with you for a minute

we don't know what would happen if we stopped being vols. like would we be different people? some of our powers might suck but i think we were supposed to have them, for some reason. so you can't just get rid of something that was always a part of you.

now i'm going to leave you with some wise words from kelly clarkson, winner of american idol season 1: what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Nov. 21st, 2012


tomorrow is understanding's bday but he is being very understanding about it (ha hahahah haaaaa)so we need to do something for him

because birthdays are tHe ShIt (ha i just learned how to do that typing thing and now i can't stop)

i am going to make him a special extended remix of ambient earthscape sounds called "understanding love jones", for example.

FILTER: Mike Fitzgerald
ola! i noticed that you and understanding have been chatting a lot??? his birthday is tomorrow so i just thought i would let you know :)

there is always room for one more in the circle

Oct. 16th, 2012


oh shit

what day of the week is it

Oct. 12th, 2012


I am stuck. Sorry Mimir / Mimir's Abs. For those of you who do not know, my name is Lidia. Filipe is hiding somewhere. :)

Sep. 30th, 2012


FILTERED TO: richie ducharme
so we are just going to pretend that never happened. unless you are into that kind of thing

soooo ha ha ha last night was interesting

has anybody seen my banana hammock? i miss it :/

Sep. 21st, 2012


ladies and gentlemen, if you were not by the pool today you really missed out on something special

abrigado to my favorite ladies, bad girl lo and mariana! you are my inspiration ♥ let's just keep this egg thing going on forever

Aug. 16th, 2012



what lovely lady out there does not REALLY want this red top anymore? i will trade you for anything. ever want to be a drag king? come raid my closet! i have everything you might ever want!

oh yeah and whoever has my clothes, you can keep them! just let me know if you wear them out so that we don't get caught wearing the same outfit to the same place HOW EMBARRASSING THAT WOULD BE right? :)

Jul. 28th, 2012


hey where are all of my STYLISH LADIES? i need to borrow something. it has to be yellow green or blue because i am only wearing brazil colours until the olympics are over. :)

Jul. 13th, 2012


OI, AMIGOS! I am missing a shoe. It is a light blue sandal with a chunky wooden heel. It is the left one. If you have it LET ME KNOW PLEASE. You are all special people ♥