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Oct. 21st, 2012


I am the heir of the Royal House of Oranje-Nassau. Nobody is placing any microchips within me without risking a diplomatic incident.

Apologies if this sounds entitled, or archaic, but I have weathered much these past days. I have had my family and my way of life mocked, and my appearance discussed in a manner I would not wish on anyone. I am not of a mood to be polite or reasonable. If anyone attempts to force this chip on me or deviate from the terms and conditions that my -and I assume all of your- government agreed upon when I came here, there will develop an unpleasant atmosphere.

Aug. 30th, 2012


[Filtered: Private to Kody]
Come on up, kiddo. Any friend of Karim is an asset friend of mine! :) Those big boys picking on someone little like you, it is just not correct: I shall keep you under my auspices until they cool their fucking heels.

I have some Jolly Ranchers up here, if that will shut you up sweeten the deal.

Hello, everybody! I would just like to make an announcement, sorry to disturb your days. Just to say that, for the time being and until further notice, little Kody Cruz is under my protection. You are all such lovely people, and I would like to think that this is simply a precautionary measure to stop anybody doing anything they regret in the heat of the moment!

I am sorry to say that I will look very sadly on any attempts to harm a hair on that boy's head, and I know that nobody here wishes to hurt my feelings! So let us keep everything :) and less >:[ okay? Okay.

Aug. 8th, 2012


I have been watching the television today with a...a strange kind of feeling. On the one hand, of course I am horrified at the scenes we have seen: it defies understanding, the mindset of a terrorist. To be so dedicated to a cause or a belief that any action appears justified in the service of it? That is a style of thinking that I cannot understand, and I would hope that most or all of you feel the same way.

There is another sensation I am feeling however, and it is one that I am not entirely proud of. My father, Crown Prince Valentijn, is a familiar face at the Games. He has visited many of the athletes and watched numerous matches with his family -- with my family. I am a little concerned about their safety, but only a little: it is a terrible thing to take comfort in, but I know that if they were hurt -or worse- then it would have made the headlines.

But then I am learning so much here. I think that admitting these things as true will only serve to infuriate some of my classmates. It is a troublesome road to walk :(

Aug. 4th, 2012


Oh, but this is so very awful! The very worst! I have just remembered that this weekend is the date of Amsterdam Pride, and I am missing it. Oh, they will be doing the Canal Parade even as I am typing this! Always so very colorful.

And of course, some of those drag queens made for prettier girls than me. They have always been fond of dressing up as my oma, but I think secretly she very much enjoys it. We have always been strong supporters of gay and lesbian rights, of course. Especially the particular right of pretty gay men being allowed to sail the canals wearing sparkling pink braces, luckily(!)

I am so sad to be missing it! I wonder if there is a stream somewhere online...or if it will even work here.

Aug. 3rd, 2012


Good afternoon. You will have to forgive me in being quiet so far: although I realize that there is a noble goal behind this institution, I am afraid that my feelings of homesickness have been strong. This place is so very different from home, and whilst I am used to being surrounded by people in my life back at the palace, it is a very different story when there is somebody in your bedroom with you (not like that, gracious!) There is so many people here, but comparatively little life - people are compressed, wound in on themselves. I can understand why, but I would implore you to remember that we are pioneers, beginning down a very long road: a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and if we use that step to tread on our fellow travelers' feet, the rest of the journey will feel long indeed.

I am reaching out now because of the Olympics. I saw my father during the Parade of Nations, cheering on the Netherlands team. He looked so...happy. His life has not stopped simply because I am here, and so neither should mine. My name is Mirijam Orange-Nassau, and I am ready and willing to enjoy everything that the IVI has to offer. Please feel free to call me Miri!

My friends on Team Eagle, we must do something together this weekend. We will be together for a long time, so I feel like we had might as well be friends.