July 2013




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May. 1st, 2013


For Rashida and Libby, a story with no girls in it.

When I first left home and moved to Japan I had one night in Tokyo before I got a connection to Hokkaido. I dumped my stuff and went exploring and as a 16 year old I was quickly led astray by the beer vending machines. When I eventually got back to my hostel it was late, I was drunk and I was surprised to find my hostel had a curfew so I couldn't get back in.

After a lot of knocking I was finally let in, only to find that it wasn't my hostel.

Apr. 11th, 2013


The Phillipines are cool. I met a part Filipino girl once who still had family back in the Phillipines and her immediate family always sent over a portion of their wages to help them out and often went to visit and she kept talking about how much she liked hanging out with her family there and helping them harvest coconuts for a few days. She invited me to meet stay with her family if I was ever over there, I went without her and it was a really cool experience. Hard work, almost took a few coconuts to the head but worh it. Sure everyone going will enjoy being out of IVI despite the disaster.

Feb. 20th, 2013


I avoided tsetse fly bites in Africa only to end up with this?

Nov. 29th, 2012


Give me travel suggestions for the break.

Nov. 14th, 2012


I thought this place didn't have housekeeping.

Oct. 21st, 2012


This place is practically a hotel.