July 2013




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Jul. 11th, 2013



I'm going back to our room.

Jun. 6th, 2013


Y'all planning on telling the rest of us what the heck is going on out there?

May. 13th, 2013



Ugh. The girl who wrote this just e-mailed it to me.

I don't care, really. I mean, it's whatever, I guess. I just figured I'd rather send it to y'all first, since I'm assuming it's on social media or whatever already.

May. 7th, 2013


I can't believe that True Blood starts again next month. We were watching it when we got here. Ugh. If I have to sit in Australia through another football season, I will probably die.


I'm gonna tell IVI that we need to be out by November, because you and I have a date. They'll probably listen, right?

Carter still isn't I think maybe [...] I saw that Vic talked to Mason. That's great. Right?

May. 1st, 2013



Carter said he "needed space."

Apr. 20th, 2013


I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry about what happened at the protest. I don't even totally understand how it happened, or why, but I am really sorry that so many people got hurt because of it. It wasn't right for them to lock us all up like that. I hope everyone's alright.

Also, I know that some people are saying that like, somebody's powers are what made everyone get violent, and like, I don't know, maybe they did? But I also know that riots happen all the time outside, right? Because people just lose control sometimes. And I think it would suck for us to turn on each other and blame somebody's powers, because like, that's what the IVF wants us to do, you know? If they hadn't acted the way they had, none of it would have happened in the first place. If we're gonna blame somebody, it should be them.

Apr. 15th, 2013


[Posted Monday night.]

Hey y'all. So Valya, Understanding, and I were talking about how like, it seems wrong that we shouldn't do something to support the Vols in Russia. Like, if that kind of thing was happening to us, wouldn't we want people to stand up for us? I don't mean that we need to be radical or violent or whatever, but I also don't think that stuff like a vigil really would mean anything, at this point, you know?

So we were thinking about maybe doing another peaceful protest -- like a walkout, kind of. With the idea that we're asking the IVF to do something about the situation in Russia, to help the Vols there. A real investigation, or pressure on Russia to release the Vols, or both, maybe? Something to show that we're willing to stand up for them. I think it kind of has to be a walkout, because otherwise if we just do it at night, it's not really very meaningful because it's not really like we're even sacrificing anything or standing up to anyone.

But to be reasonable about it, we figured maybe we could do it on Wednesday, to give the IVF a chance to do something about it first.

Anyway, I hope that people will come. Even if you don't think that it was a good idea or whatever for them to support the VR, you still have to have sympathy for what they're going through. Nobody deserves that. And it sounds like they're not going to be able to speak for themselves, so somebody has to speak up instead. I mean, that's how I feel, anyway.

Apr. 10th, 2013


Be safe, y'all.


Apparently the Roosters who aren't on the Vol Squad are going to be training with y'all for the rest of the week. So have fun hanging out with Jodi. :) LOL, are there even going to be any other members of your team left, or is it just like, you and Coralie?


How are you feeling about everything?


I heard about what happened. Just wanted to say that I hope you're feeling better.

Apr. 2nd, 2013


Let's say that tomorrow, they told us that we could leave if we wanted. But they also gave us all the option of like, signing up to work for the IVF full time, as like, a part of joining our own country's military. Would you do it, or would you just leave?


So you're both doing this IVF thing, right?


I can't believe how many people are actually disappointed that they didn't make this stupid team. Ugh.


Thanks for organizing the Easter dinner. It was really nice. :)


How are things going?

Mar. 20th, 2013



Happy birthday. :) Want me to mess with the phone of someone you hate or something?


Don't forget, it's Omar's birthday today too, not just Javier's.


Hey, are you still getting those headaches?


How's it going?

Mar. 16th, 2013


Hey, I was wondering if maybe people on Student Council could like, put together some kind of petition to IVI, to like, ask some questions about what their plans are? Like, after what happened in December, do they have any idea when we'll get to leave again? Is there a plan, or are they just going to wait until somebody feels like it's safe or whatever? They haven't even talked about anything little, like those weekend trips we had before. Like, if this is supposed to be a school, do we get the summer off? And who's making that decision? And is anyone going to decide when we're like, deemed old enough or good enough with our powers or whatever to just like, rejoin society?

I just think that this whole VR thing is like, totally taking up everyone's attention, but I don't want them to just react to some group that we aren't even a part of. It's not fair to just keep us here forever because some Vols in some other country are making threats.


Jodi and Ethan are going camping all weekend, so we've got the room to ourselves. It was their 6 month anniversary this week.

[...] Do you ever think about like, the future? Like, about what happens after we leave here?


Hey, are you okay? I'm worried about you. I heard what happened.

Mar. 13th, 2013


I'm glad they weren't really kidnapped, at least.

Mar. 10th, 2013



Rianne says that her powers are telling her that something bad is going to happen. I'm kind of officially starting to get freaked out.


Eagle has like, a buddy system or whatever. Is that stupid?


Don't go off by yourself at all this week, okay? You probably don't need to hear that from me, but just to make me feel better, promise me that you won't?

Feb. 25th, 2013


Sorry if I've been crabby with anyone who asked about my arm today. It's just sprained, and I got tired of answering questions about it. And I'm also sorry if I like, growled at you yesterday. Communicating as a dog is not the easiest thing in the world. Although I am not sorry that I bit Sam, just for the record.

In other news, I spent all of class time today digging around on the network, reading the stuff that was posted on Saturday. Let me just say this: oh my God.

Did Ethan fix you at training? And if so, did he explain what happened? It totally wasn't Hunter's fault.
Hey boys. Sorry I couldn't answer the texts last night. I was a dog, and then like, honestly, typing on these phones with your hands is really hard.
Oh my God, our boy selves are horrible.

Feb. 24th, 2013



I'm back in my stupid body. For now. I hate typing. I HATE THIS WEEKEND. UGHHHH.

I'll try to find somewhere else to sleep tonight so that you don't have to hear my thoughts all night. Hunter HYPNOTIZED CARTER.


Hi. I'm me again. How do you feel about me sleeping over? Is that like, dangerous for me?


Made it back to my room without shifting back. If Carter is still hypnotized, you need to fix him.


Your powers SUCK. Thanks for giving Hunter the power advice. It helped.

[Added later]

hey, can I ask you a weird favor?

Feb. 23rd, 2013



Dude, a 17 year old chick just posted a picture of her boobs. Am I going to prison for looking at that shit?

P.S. My girlfriend cries too much and girl Hunter is a major bitch.

Feb. 17th, 2013


Check your phone and email. I think my powers got a little out of control last night. If I did anything to yours, I swear to God I didn't mean to, please please please don't hate me. [...] You should probably check Vic's, too. But don't tell him, please?
Hey. I'm really sorry about the thing at the dance. It's just Carter was :(
Oh my God, seriously, never let me drink again.

Feb. 12th, 2013


Y'all are so sweet, thank you so much to everyone who came on Sunday. ♥ I have the best friends a girl could ask for. And as of today, I'm officially 20. Good thing those stupid American drinking laws don't apply here. ;)

You're amazing, and you totally didn't have to. Thank you.

Feb. 2nd, 2013


Hey y'all. Just wanted to let everyone know that the plans are all set for a Super Bowl watch party on Monday night after Team Training. It actually airs here sometime in the middle of the day on Monday, but like, we won't have time to watch the entire thing between classes, so I figured it was better if we could all just head over to watch it all at once, after training is done. There'll be lots of food, so you don't have to worry about missing dinner or anything. And we'll get the American broadcast, so all of the commercials will be there, too. :)

It's going to be in Warehouse #3, and we'll have chairs and couches and stuff all set up in there by 7pm. And thanks to Brad for helping me plan it!

Since Pub Night's out, any ideas for what we should do tonight?
You want my drink tickets tonight?
You okay?
Hey sweetie. How is everything?
Hey Clara. Weird week at training, right?

Jan. 24th, 2013


[Posted during morning classes.]

Does Mariana know about what happened with Harlow?
Hey. How are you?
Why do my friends all end up hitting each other?
Nobody deserves to get cheated on, but you're an asshole.
Well, he's not avoiding me, so that's good? Was Ethan weird, or did he let it go? Also, I'm worried about Jack. I can't believe he punched Carter.
Hey sweetie. ♥
How's the face?

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