July 2013




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Jul. 14th, 2013


over and out

Jul. 10th, 2013



Jul. 9th, 2013


my arm is broken

where is anthony

Jun. 18th, 2013


fellow students

i am going on a sex strike

i will lysistrata our way to freedom


well, i must say

i never gave occupy vol street enough credit

idiots, to be sure

but idiots with follow-through

Jun. 7th, 2013



my aunt is dead

i suppose she's not really an aunt, technically, she's my father's cousin


so a second cousin? or a first cousin once removed, i don't remember how it works

i didn't even like her, especially, but there you have it

in case we need to put some faces and names to the statistics of this utterly avoidable scenario:

her name was dr. paulina harper

she was forty-seven

she taught women's studies at the university

once for my birthday she bought me a hat

i would very much like to know what sort of research the IVF felt was so terribly vital

i'm exceedingly curious

May. 30th, 2013


the most shocking thing about this is that some of you lot are actually surprised

moving on, as i've been operating under the assumption this was coming all year:

at the suggestion of one of our 'classmates' (read: fellow prisoners here serving an indefinite sentence for a genetic crime, in case this hadn't been driven home for anyone yet)

i am going to write a sex column

as i am so very, very bored, and all i do is dole out sex advice anyway

please submit your questions about sex to the small box i have placed outside the room i share with harlow hart (2C)

your anonymity shall be preserved, unless it's especially hilarious

Apr. 19th, 2013



it's not the ritz, i'll say that much

Mar. 17th, 2013


well then

Feb. 24th, 2013


for the record, the incredibly sexy asian fellow your better half is snogging in the pictures on your phone from last night is me

and you're welcome

Feb. 18th, 2013


comforting as the idea might be that a free coalition of vols has somehow made itself into a guerilla army, i think it's mental to believe this is anything other than hume's people using another one of his vol pets -- like that teleporter we killed -- to make him an immortal symbol and put us all up shit creek without an oar

call me a cynic

Jan. 3rd, 2013


eventually left unposted

there's no way the 'cure' is real

they would have used it on marine

i'd know if marine had lost her powers

because she's still in my dreams

she's still there, so therefore it follows that she must be using her powers

case closed

no need to thank me

Dec. 31st, 2012


[Filtered to Marine]

if you're dead

i am going to be so fucking mad at you

you've never seen me mad before

let's avoid it

Dec. 30th, 2012


[European Safehouse]

apparently if you're not unduly kind to these terrorists, you get benched

even when you've done a bang-up job getting critical intel out of them so far


then they nixed me for rescue ops

so i'm going to be tracking

someone who's learned how to do this shit catch me up. i'm a quick study

Dec. 23rd, 2012


we really ought to have the student government petition ivi for 'drug night'

it can be right after pub night

[Filtered to Marius]

all this club beef is less than inspiring in the sack these days. i suppose when one can use his superhuman powers to absorb the kama sutra, mere mortals become desperately tedious by comparison

[Filtered to Lottie]

how are things with erik? are you having a good time?

[Filtered to Peacock Bitch Squad + Silas]

i do hope you're all having a lovely time. see, i'm not heartless

[Filtered to Marine]


i miss you.

Dec. 17th, 2012


never has a cigarette tasted so very, very good

Dec. 14th, 2012


i didn't get anyone presents

if i've slept with you, that was your present retroactively

if i haven't, better luck next year

cheers, my fellow freaks


you're a jewel

Dec. 5th, 2012


[Filtered to Marine]

the big party is this weekend, yeah?

let me know if i can help

don't be a stranger

Dec. 1st, 2012


if it's sharing hour, i spent several months using my powers to seduce a married member of parliament

i wanted presents

he was fit for an older fellow


we've all done things, on purpose or by accident. we're only human.

well. evolved human, but you follow me

and most of us were little more than children when this all happened to us

you can't make children into gods and expect sainthood

let's have fun tonight, yes?

Oct. 21st, 2012


attention students, this is the colonel or the dean or whatever speaking

at this time due to security concerns we would like to offer you a COMPLETELY voluntary choice -- if you would like to continue using our state-of-the-art lavatory facilities, please make an appointment to have a fibre-optic camera installed in your fanny.

you are also welcome to choose to piss in the woods like an animal.

warmest regards,

p.s. CHOICE!!!

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