July 2013




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Mar. 8th, 2013


8 MARCH 2013.

i know this isn't like, news to anyone but rathborne? officially the fucking worst. not only was condors v. while complete with his paintball fun like WAY TOO MUCH, we're now scrubbing the toilets.

ugh why are we not allowed to switch teams? why can't this even try to be a normal place instead of whatever low rent militia bs they're trying to pull with rathborne?

Feb. 3rd, 2013


3 FEBRUARY 2013.

i am now accepting applications for the lucky lady and/or gent who wants to be my valentine. applicants must be fit, outgoing, fans of dancing and karaoke, and maybe willing to hook up after the dance (i'm jking! but rly th). please submit applications + cover letter in person or via e-mail. xoxo. also fill out this okcupid quiz and post the responses here, ty. :*

Jan. 21st, 2013


23 JANUARY 2013.

someone on toucan needs to give the rest of us deets about what happened to your team leader. i heard she got fired for sleeping with a student? like i'm really pressed it wasn't me, i'm just saying.

Dec. 31st, 2012


31 DECEMBER 2012.

how are you are you ok hey.

Dec. 23rd, 2012


002. 23 DECEMBER 2012.

quiiiiick q for the you all: have any of your exes tried to get in contact with you? if so, did you let them? i mean i KNOW it all depends on the break up and everything but like indulge my curiosity here. bc my ex has been blowing up my phone since i've been back. not sure if i want to deal with that if i'm only going to be around for a couple more weeks.

ps. switzerland is amazing, jonas is the best, and i am SO excited to be here. i will be gramming pix shortly xoxo.

Dec. 12th, 2012



one of my fave things about december = the end of the year lists. like, i love stalking people's best/worst of 2012 lists, even if i so don't agree. (for those of you that like knowing what the ~albums of the year~ were, they're all neatly compiled on this website.) but the best list so far has to be 22 terrible things that must end in 2013. i didn't know twee mustaches were like, a thing. and who takes pix with their ipad, that's ridic. i am soooo guilty of some of these though, especially instagramming food. and like... everything.

they should've included vol hate on this list but that's probably not gonna die out for a while :(

Dec. 1st, 2012


001. 2 DECEMBER 2012.

helloooo i have a question for the masses! :* so our first semester at IVI is thankfully almost over and i was thinking about extracurricular stuff we can do to you know, have some fun before we have examinations/scatter across the globe for break. what do you guys think about like, another talent show? because there was one in the beginning of the year after orientation but lol no one knew each other and i think most people skipped out to play strip poker. even i ditched it and i love performing! soooo if people are interested, i think we should make it happen. clearly the school could use a little lighthearted fun after the whole vols gone wild documentary.

let me know what you guys think! :D

EDIT: there will be a special x-rated after party as well! i know you're all enticed now xx