July 2013




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Oct. 23rd, 2012


why r we still giving karim this ~person~ writing the vilf lists the time of day

obviously he they just want attention and like knowing what our reactions are so maybe if we just ignored them instead it would go away

obviously this administration here doesnt care about stopping it, nbd its cool that their students are insulted and embarrassed all the time lets just pretend it isnt happening ha ha what a funny joke


Oct. 11th, 2012


i do not want to go to counseling, they will only ask why i cant do anything with my powers after since
hi :)
thx to talking to tanja about me even if it was weird

this isnt sarcastic, rly. thx

Oct. 2nd, 2012


i cant believe its october already

feels like just yesterday we were all arriving here

weird. sometimes i forget it hasnt been longer. sometimes it feels like we've been here 4ever.

filtered to tanja:
all this talk about halloween makes me worried, i do not have a costume, help me think of something?

Sep. 25th, 2012


Filtered AWAY from Graham: [immediately after this]
is anyone good with computers and electronics and video games and stuff like that

like with fixing them??? plz help its an emergency

Aug. 17th, 2012


GOOD JOB PEACOCK u all were amazing

well most of u anyway but it was still fun

and good job condor, thx for playing with us

AND THX EVERY1 WHO CHEERED FOR US! now i have 2 go lay down, everything hurts.

Aug. 6th, 2012


who needs soap operas when u have ivi? or maybe someone should film a reality tv show here. it would be better than anything else on tv probably. more sex and drama than jersey shore but w/o the oompa loompa skin. or survivor: ivi! i'd watch that too.

Jul. 29th, 2012


eliminated in table tennis

:( :( :(

why are u breaking my heart, o latvija.

worst part of the olympics is: knowing there are ppl ur age who are olympians and feeling rly lame next to them.