July 2013




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Jun. 10th, 2013


Sigge is looking for answers


was there someone else on condor
before i arrived i mean

[The Indestructive Man Ashton]

ja hello i am sorry to disturb but this is sigge
i have a question

May. 6th, 2013


Sigge is savvy to you femme fatales! (There may be wishful thinking involved in this)


this is a dangerous place
these older women, they try to seduce me with their powers
fortunately i am immune to their charms

Apr. 26th, 2013


Sigge is bored


we should do something dangerous and manly without the girls
normally i would say shoot things
or get drunk
or gamble
but they do not let us do any of those things here
the only other thing is sex and we need the girls for that
i have no more ideas

[MOA - Swedish]

people here dont know how to have fun

Apr. 17th, 2013


(posted just before the protest. lol i had to)


why do people think we are lame
when we are not lame at all
we have some really good powers on our team
and ok one crazy man
and our bird is lame and funny looking
and not cool like an eagle
why do a bunch of girls get a cool bird
but we have people on the stupid squad and some teams have only one or not any
and maybe we would have more if we were not so young
so i do not understand
this place is stupid

Apr. 6th, 2013


Sigge has figured out filters


you all write too much
also why were you in a tunnel together
and why can we not be in the squad
when we can be here
and we are legally all minors

also hallo can you let me know if i have annoyed you for moa please and tack


how red exactly does rathbornes face go

[Eli, Sadie, Karim]

thank you for being friendly
and sadie for your suggestion of the skeet shooting
i will ask our team leader about it

Mar. 29th, 2013


sigge is too cool for english (ooc translation in comments)

vafan varför är det här stället så jävla långt ut åt helvete och vafan är condor, eagle skulle varit mycket bättre, örnar är mycket manligare. skriver på svenska för jag orkar inte bry mig sorry

dom sa att det var nån mer från Sverige här? hej svenska tjejen fan, hoppas du inte är från stockholm jag har med mig choklad hemifrån

[ooc: After X amount of time, Siggur did actually do the first smart thing he's done all day, pay attention to Moa's and Eli's advice, and went to bed. I can still respond though!]