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December 16th, 2012

[info]understander in [info]invol_journals

Greetings from SoCal, friends. I made Filipe meals today with my bare hands, with organic produce and real California avocados. I don't get to do it enough, to express my love through food.

Understanding did not cut these pictures )

My brothers and sisters, are any of you allergic to anything?

peace b/w/u

[info]persuasively in [info]invol_journals

sunday afternoon.

Thanks to all who've been sharing photos of home, family and friends. It's really lovely to get a glimpse of your worlds outside of IVI. Keep it all coming. As for me, I've been seeing some sorely missed faces and enjoying much needed r&r, even if it comes with the company of an annoying younger brother.

[info]frattastic in [info]invol_journals

Posted late Sunday night.


check out the facebook pics, bitches. i know you're all jealous as fuck.


how's brad's?

BROS added after this

yo what the fuck should i get clara for christmas?

OOC Note: Pretend that the link is to a Facebook album! And that a good 2/3 of those photos are Instagrammed. Also that Mike's hair isn't as wildly inconsistent as it seems to be.

[info]fulfills in [info]invol_journals

libby misses ivi.

lol. so. home is actually about 100% lamer than ivi. well done, guys.

[info]truthstold in [info]invol_journals

Good things about being away from IVI:

I no longer smell like sunscreen and I'm not worried about getting sunburnt.
And there's the obvious: No longer being at IVI

Anyone got anything to add?


Keeping out of trouble without me around?


Still on for New Years? And how are things going with Jonas and Mike?

[info]tangible in [info]invol_journals

My heart goes out to all Americans, especially those in Newtown and Sandy Hook.

Chanukkah is over, but at least I was home in time to get this. This is Hannah, my brother's first born.

[ source ]

I hope everyone who celebrated had a Happy Chanukkah, and that you have a Merry Christmas, Kwanzaa, or any other holiday happening over break.

[ Nawal ]
How is Toronto? Is there snow? None here yet, just lots of rain. Is it Are you happy to see your sister again?

[ Edwin ]
No snow here! Any miracles there?

[ Javier ]
How's New York?

[ British Columbia Vols + Nawal ]
[ after this conversation ]
Anyone want to come to Whistler with Nawal and I? She'll be here in time for New Years, I thought it might be fun to do something besides stand around at a party and think about how people we'd like to kiss are thousands of miles away. Tubing and cocoa and sleigh rides and sporty stuff if you must show us up like that?

[info]enely in [info]invol_journals

I'm sorry again that we can't just share the bed. I know how much easier it would be. I'm even worried about just being in the room with you in case I I can take the floor every night if you'd like.

Your parents' home is very nice. Your parents are too. Especially to me, with everything that's happened. Please let me know if we're overstaying our welcome though. We can always get a hostel.

What do you have in mind for Tanja's birthday? It's a Friday, which is good. If you all want to go out to a club or something I can stay behind. I don't mind.

I thought the chapel of full of bones was creepy, but perhaps not that creepy.

[info]rollicking in [info]invol_journals

I do not have dazzling pictures of back home (you can all wait till I go into nyc next week, if people wanna hang out there, let me know) but you know what I do bring? Family shot. Haters to the left, because my nephew is adorbs.

Uncut in reality! )

[info]digletts in [info]invol_journals

001 → sunday night.

Hei, I'm new? The Dean said most of you went home for the holidays, but there's still some people around I guess?

My name is Odd Bjarne Nielsen and I'm from Kristiansand in Norway. It was about 2°C when I left so it kind of sucks to suddenly have it be 36°C. I forgot it was summer here.

I'm supposed to be on a team called the Eagles, is that for sports? I hope not.

This is really awkward.

[info]rascal in [info]invol_journals

[Embedded is a grainy cell phone video of Kody's tween self, facing the camera up close. What you can see of the background is dark and smoky, and the audio is dominated by loud, pulsating reggaeton. He grins without speaking and tosses back a shot, then, trying desperately not to grimace at the taste, takes a long hit from a bong proffered by a body off-screen. He coughs the smoke into the camera, and when it clears, he can be seen cheerfully extending both medial digits in a rather impolite gesture. It is, in a word, charming.]

haaaaaaaaaaay sup y'all. i'm in bed with my mom rn